#' Create figures
#' @param r Raw data
#' @export
figures <- function(r) {
app <- shiny::shinyApp(ui = shiny::fluidPage(mod_UI_figures("standalone")),
server = function(input, output, session) {
shiny::callModule(mod_figures, "standalone", r = r)
shiny::runApp(app, display.mode = "normal")
## Get figures
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
mod_UI_figures <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
radioButtons(ns("data"), label = "Data type", choices = c("Raw RFID Reads", "Visits", "Feeding Bouts", "Movements"), selected = "Visits"),
radioButtons(ns("plot_type"), label = "Type of plot", choices = c("Scatterplot", "Boxplot", "Barplot")),
actionButton(ns("figure_update"), "Update Figure"),
actionButton(ns("pause"), "Pause")
plotOutput(ns("figure"), height = 400)
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
#' @import ggplot2
mod_figures <- function(input, output, session, r, v, p, m) {
ns <- session$ns
observeEvent(input$pause, {
data <- reactive({
if(input$data == "Raw RFID Reads") {
d <- r
} else {
d <- visits(r)
if(input$data == "Visits") d <- dplyr::rename(d, time = start)
if(input$data == "Feeding Bouts") d <- presence(d) %>% dplyr::rename(d, time = start)
if(input$data == "Movements") d <- move(d)
# Which variables?
output$UI_var_y <- renderUI({
req(data(), input$data)
if(input$data == "Raw RDIF Reads") c <- c("Total Animals", "Total Reads", "Total Loggerss")
if(input$data == "Visits") c <- c("Avg. Visit Duration", "Total Animals", "Total Visits", "Total Loggers", "Total Visit Duration")
if(input$data == "Presence") c <- c("Avg. Presence Duration", "Total Animals", "Total # times Present", "Total Loggers", "Total Presence Duration")
if(input$data == "Movements") c <- c("Total Movements")
selectizeInput(ns("var_y"), label = "Plot:",
choices = c)
output$UI_var_x <- renderUI({
req(data(), input$data)
c <- c("Time" = "time", "Date" = "date", "Species" = "species", "Age" = "age", "Sex" = "sex", "Animal ID" = "animal_id", "Logger ID" = "logger_id")
if(input$data == "Movements") c <- c(c, "Path", "Path/Direction")
selectizeInput(ns("var_x"), label = "By:",
choices = c)
output$UI_var_fill <- renderUI({
c <- c("None" = "none", "Species" = "species", "Age" = "age", "Sex" = "sex", "Animal ID" = "animal_id", "Logger ID" = "logger_id")
selectizeInput(ns("var_fill"), label = "Colour by:",
choices = c)
# Which facet?
output$UI_var_facet <- renderUI({
c <- c("None" = "none", "Species" = "species", "Age" = "age", "Sex" = "sex", "Animal ID" = "animal_id", "Logger ID" = "logger_id")
radioButtons(ns("var_facet"), label = "Facet by:",
choices = c)
plot_data <- reactive({
req(data, input$plot_type, input$var_x, input$var_y)
d <- data() %>%
dplyr::mutate(date = as.Date(time)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_('x' = input$var_x) %>%
if(input$var_x == "time" & input$plot_type != "Scatterplot") d$x <- lubridate::floor_date(d$x, unit = "hour")
if(!is.null(input$var_fill) && input$var_fill != "none") {
d <- d %>%
dplyr::mutate_('fill' = input$var_fill) %>%
dplyr::group_by(fill, add = TRUE)
if(!is.null(input$var_facet) && input$var_facet != "none") {
d <- d %>%
dplyr::mutate_('facet' = input$var_facet) %>%
dplyr::group_by(facet, add = TRUE)
if(input$var_y == "Total Animals") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = length(unique(animal_id)))
if(input$var_y == "Total Loggers") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = length(unique(logger_id)))
if(input$var_y %in% c("Total Reads", "Total Visits", "Total Feeding Bouts")) d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = length(animal_id))
if(input$var_y == "Total Visit Duration") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = as.numeric(sum(difftime(end, time, units = "min"))))
if(input$var_y == "Total Feeding Duration") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = as.numeric(sum(difftime(end, time, units = "min"))))
if(input$var_y == "Avg. Visit Duration") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = as.numeric(mean(difftime(end, time, units = "min"))))
if(input$var_y == "Avg. Feeding Duration") d <- dplyr::summarize(d, y = as.numeric(mean(difftime(end, time, units = "min"))))
# Plot
figure <- eventReactive(input$figure_update , {
req(plot_data(), input$var_x, input$var_y, input$plot_type, input$var_facet, input$var_fill)
g <- ggplot(data = plot_data()) + theme_bw(base_size = 16)
if(input$plot_type == "Scatterplot"){
if(input$var_fill != "none") g <- g + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, colour = fill)) else g <- g + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y))
if(input$plot_type == "Boxplot") {
if(input$var_fill != "none") g <- g + geom_boxplot(aes(x = factor(x), y = y, fill = fill)) else g <- g + geom_boxplot(aes(x = factor(x), y = y))
if(input$plot_type == "Barplot") {
if(input$var_fill != "none") g <- g + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", aes(x = factor(x), y = y, fill = fill)) else g <- g + geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(x = factor(x), y = y))
if(input$var_facet != "none") g <- g + facet_wrap(~ facet)
g <- g + labs(x = input$var_x, y = input$var_y)
output$figure <- renderPlot({
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