get_counts <- function(c, filter = NULL, summarize_by = NULL) {
if("date" %in% names(c)) c$date <- as.Date(c$date)
if("species" %in% names(filter)) c <- dplyr::filter(c, species %in% filter$species)
if("date" %in% names(filter)) c <- dplyr::filter(c, date %within% interval(filter$date[1], filter$date[2]))
if("animal_id" %in% names(filter)) c <- dplyr::filter(c, animal_id %in% filter$animal_id)
if("logger_id" %in% names(filter)) c <- dplyr::filter(c, logger_id %in% filter$logger_id)
if(!is.null(summarize_by)) {
if(nrow(c) > 0) {
c <- c %>%
dplyr::group_by_(summarize_by) %>%
dplyr::summarize(sum = sum(count)) %>%
tidyr::complete_(summarize_by, fill = list('sum' = 0)) %>%
dplyr::arrange_(summarize_by) %>%
dplyr::mutate_(name = lazyeval::interp(~ paste0(var, " (", sum, ")"), var =,
variable = ~summarize_by) %>%
dplyr::rename_("choices" = summarize_by) %>%
dplyr::mutate(choices = as.character(choices))
} else c <- NULL
choices <- function(s, var){
c <- s$choices[s$variable == var]
names(c) <- s$name[s$variable == var]
selected <- function(s, var){
s <- s$choices[s$variable == var & s$sum > 0]
# Get list of values from i and make sure all have the same levels
# i = NULL means start from scratch
# i = input (or reactive) means dealing with ui input values
# i = anything else means dealing with selection values
values_list <- function(i = NULL, counts){
if(any(class(i) == "reactivevalues")){
# if(!is.null(i$plot_data_brush)) {
# dates <- c(as.Date(i$plot_data_brush$xmin, lubridate::origin),
# as.Date(i$plot_data_brush$xmax, lubridate::origin))
# if(dates[1] < min(counts$date)) dates[1] <- min(counts$date)
# if(dates[2] > max(counts$date)) dates[2] <- max(counts$date)
# } else {
dates <- i$data_date
d <- list(
'species' = i$data_species,
'date' = dates,
'animal_id' = i$data_animal_id,
'logger_id' = i$data_logger_id)
} else {
if(is.null(i)) {
i <- counts_sum
if("choices" %in% names(i)) {
d <- list(
'species' = selected(i, "species"),
'date' = c(min(as.Date(selected(i, "date"))), max(as.Date(selected(i, "date")))),
'animal_id' = selected(i, "animal_id"),
'logger_id' = selected(i, "logger_id"))
} else {
d <- list('species' = as.character(unique(i$species)),
'date' = c(min(i$date), max(i$date)),
'animal_id' = as.character(unique(i$animal_id)),
'logger_id' = as.character(unique(i$logger_id)))
d$species <- sort(as.character(d$species))
d$date <- as.Date(d$date)
d$animal_id <- sort(as.character(d$animal_id))
d$logger_id <- sort(as.character(d$logger_id))
## Get animal image
# database <- unique(finches[, c("animal_id", "species")])
# which = 1:6; size = 300; imgs = NULL; imgs_wiki = NULL
get_image <- function(database, which, size = 300, imgs = NULL, imgs_wiki = NULL){
if(!("species" %in% names(database))) database$species <- "XXXX"
if(is.null(imgs)) imgs <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata", "shiny-data", "img_index.csv", package = "feedrUI"), colClasses = "character")
if(is.null(imgs_wiki)) imgs_wiki <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata", "shiny-data", "wiki_index.csv", package = "feedrUI"), colClasses = "character")
## Get the animal_id (which is either ID or index in data base)
if(is.null(which) | is.null(database)) { # No ID
animal <- data.frame(animal_id = NA, species = "unknown", img = NA, citation = NA, author = NA)
} else if (is.numeric(which)) { # ID by database location
animal <- database[which, c("animal_id", "species")]
animal$animal_id[nchar(as.character(animal$animal_id)) == 0] <- NA
} else { # Actual ID
animal <- database[database$animal_id %in% which, c("animal_id", "species")]
## Get image if we have it
animal$id <- 1:nrow(animal) ## Preserve row order
## Get img from our pictures
animal <- dplyr::left_join(animal, imgs[, c("animal_id", "img", "citation", "author")], by = "animal_id")
animal$species <- as.character(animal$species)
## Get img of species from wikimedia if we don't have it
animal$species[!(animal$species %in% imgs_wiki$species)] <- "unknown"
animal[$img), c("img", "citation", "author")] <- imgs_wiki[match(animal$species[$img)], imgs_wiki$species), c("img", "citation", "author")]
## Create css to overlay image
animal$css <- NA
animal$css[!$citation)] <- paste0("<div class = \"wiki-watermark\">Wiki: <a href = \"", animal$citation[!$citation)],"\" target=\"blank\">", animal$author[!$citation)], "</a></div>")
animal$css[$citation)] <- paste0("<div class = \"wiki-watermark\">", animal$author[$citation)], "</div>")
## Create div for img
html <- paste0("<img src='", animal$img, "' style = 'max-height:", size, "'>\n", animal$css)
data_limits <- function() {
## If you have 0-7 day = 5min interval
## If you have > 7 days (1week) = 30min interval
## If you have > 14 days (2 weeks) = 1 hr
## If you have > 21 days (3 weeks) = 3 hr
## If you have > 28 days (1 month) = 6 hours
## If you have > 6 weeks (1.5 months) = 12 hours
## If you have > 8 weeks (2 months) = 24 hours
list(i = c("5 min" = 5, "15 min" = 15, "30 min" = 30, "1 hr" = 60, "3 hr" = 60*3, "6 hr" = 60*6, "12 hr" = 60 * 12, "24 hr" = 60 *24),
n = c(0, 7, 7, 14, 21, 28, 7*6, 7*8) * 60 * 24)
interval_selection <- function(data_range, i = NULL){
if(is.null(i)) i <- data_limits()
return(dplyr::last(i$i[i$n <= data_range]))
#' @import magrittr
data_tz <- function(data) {
# Fix time zone to local non-DST
cols <- which(sapply(data, lubridate::is.POSIXct))
tz <- feedr::tz_offset(attr(data[, cols[1]][[1]], "tzone"), tz_name = TRUE)
for(i in cols) data[, i] <- lubridate::with_tz(data[, i], tzone = tz)
ready <- function(r){
shiny::isTruthy(try(r, silent = TRUE))
# Check to see whether the database credentials exist on this system
check_db <- function(){
if(file.exists("/usr/local/share/feedr/db_code.txt")) {
db <- readLines("/usr/local/share/feedr/db_code.txt", n = 1)
} else db <- NULL
# Check class of imported settings (mod_settings)
check_class <- function(x, class) {
if(class == "Numeric") t <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
if(class == "Logical") t <- suppressWarnings(as.logical(x))
check_values <- function(x, y, unique = TRUE) {
if(unique) return(identical(sort(as.character(unique(x))), sort(as.character(unique(y)))))
if(!unique) return(identical(sort(as.character(x)), sort(as.character(y))))
dedupe <- function(r) {
# From Joe Cheng:
observe(val <<- r(), priority = 10)
round_6 <- function(time, by = "12") {
h <- lubridate::hour(time)
d <- lubridate::date(time)
tz <- lubridate::tz(time)
if(h >= 6){
time <- d + lubridate::hours(6)
if (by != 24 & h >= 18) {
time <- d + lubridate::hours(18)
} else if (h < 6) {
if(by == 12) time <- d - lubridate::days(1) + lubridate::hours(18)
if(by == 24) time <- d - lubridate::days(1) + lubridate::hours(6)
time <- lubridate::force_tz(as.POSIXct(time), tz = tz)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.