# Launch settings for testing
ui_settings <- function(verbose = FALSE){
ui_app(name = "settings", verbose = verbose)
settings_preamble <- function(){
settings_functions <- c("visits", "move", "presence", "disp", "activity", "daily")
feedr:::man %>%
dplyr::filter(f %in% settings_functions,
!(arg %in% c("missing", "pass"))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(f = factor(f, levels = settings_functions)) %>%
## Settings
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
#' @import feedr
mod_UI_settings <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
manual <- settings_preamble()
p(shinyjs::disabled(actionButton(ns("settings_get"), "Set Options"))),
p(downloadButton(ns("settings_save"), "Save Settings to disk")),
p(actionButton(ns("import_reveal"), "Import Settings from disk"),
shinyjs::hidden(fileInput(ns('import_settings'), 'Choose Settings File',
multiple = FALSE))),
p(actionButton(ns("reset"), "Reset to default", class = "btn-danger"))
h3("Settings for Transformations", actionButton(ns("help_settings"), "?", class = "help")),
lapply(1:length(unique(manual$f)), function(x) {
x <- manual[manual$f == unique(manual$f)[x], ]
tagList(h3(x$title[1], actionButton(ns(paste0("help_", x$f[1])), "?", class = "help")),
lapply(1:nrow(x), function(y) {
y <- x[y, ]
uiOutput(ns(paste0("UI_set_", y$f, "_", y$arg)))
#' @import shiny
#' @import magrittr
mod_settings <- function(input, output, session, verbose = FALSE) {
# Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------
ns <- session$ns
# Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
manual <- settings_preamble()
values <- reactiveValues(
settings = NULL,
settings_default = dplyr::select(manual, id, value, class)
# Start with defaults
req(is.null(values$settings), settings())
if(verbose) cat("Settings - Set starting values\n")
values$settings <- settings()
# Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Function to create or update UIs
settings_ui <- function(df, update = FALSE) {
lapply(1:nrow(df), FUN = function(row) {
x <- df[row, ]
if(x$class == "Numeric") updateNumericInput(session = session,
inputId = x$id,
value = as.numeric(x$value))
if(x$class == "Logical") updateRadioButtons(session = session,
inputId = x$id,
selected = as.logical(x$value))
} else {
if(x$class == "Numeric") ui <- numericInput(label = tagList(x$lab, code(x$arg)),
inputId = ns(x$id),
min = 1,
value = as.numeric(x$value))
if(x$class == "Logical") ui <- radioButtons(label = tagList(x$lab, code(x$arg)),
inputId = ns(x$id),
choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, "No" = FALSE),
selected = as.logical(x$value),
inline = TRUE)
return(output[[paste0("UI_", x$id)]] <- renderUI({ui}))
# Create UIs
# Render UIs even when hidden (or when Tab isn't in focus)
lapply(manual$id, function(x) outputOptions(output, paste0("UI_", x), suspendWhenHidden = FALSE))
# Reset ---------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$reset, {
req(stringr::str_detect(names(input), "set_"))
settings_ui(values$settings_default, update = TRUE)
# Import ---------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$import_reveal, {
# Update UIs - Import Data
observeEvent(input$import_settings, {
s <- utils::read.csv(input$import_settings$data, colClasses = "character") %>%
dplyr::left_join(manual[, c("id", "class")], by = "id")
# Require that coercible classes match colnames, ids, classes, and values
if(!check_values(names(s), names(values$settings_default)) || ## COLS
!check_values(s$id, manual$id) || ## IDs
!all(sapply(1:nrow(s), function(x) check_class(s$value[x], s$class[x]))) || ## CLASSES
!all(sapply(s$value[s$class == "Numeric"], function(x) as.numeric(x) > 0)) ## VALUES
) {
title = "Incorrect Settings",
"Settings file should be one created in animalnexus.
Try downloading a new settings file to get the correct format.
Note that 0 values for numbers are not permitted.",
easyClose = TRUE))
} else {
settings_ui(s, update = TRUE)
# Save to disk ---------------------------------------------------
output$settings_save <- downloadHandler(
filename = paste0("animalnexus_settings_", Sys.Date(), '.csv'),
content = function(file) {
utils::write.csv(req(settings()), file, row.names = FALSE)
settings <- reactive({
lapply(manual$id, function(x) req(!is.null(input[[x]])))
if(verbose) cat("Settings - Recalculate\n")
tibble::tibble(id = manual$id) %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(value = as.character(input[[id]]))
# Save to shiny ---------------------------------------
req(values$settings, settings())
shinyjs::toggleState("settings_get", condition = any(settings() != values$settings) & all(settings() != ""))
shinyjs::toggleCssClass("settings_get", class = "btn-success", condition = any(settings() != values$settings))
shinyjs::toggleCssClass("settings_get", class = "btn-default", condition = all(settings() == values$settings))
observeEvent(input$settings_get, {
if(ns("") == "standalone-") {
message("Settings tested")
stopApp(returnValue = settings())
} else {
values$settings = settings()
## Help dialogues ----------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$help_settings, {
showModal(modalDialog(size = "m",
title = "Settings for Transformations",
easyClose = TRUE,
tagList("Each settings corresponds to an argument for the relevant function from the feedr package (e.g., visits(), move(), etc.). The argument name from the feedr function is shown as", code("argument"), ".")))
help_settings_args <- function(df) {
lapply(unique(df$f), function(func) {
x <- dplyr::filter(df, f == func)
observeEvent(input[[paste0("help_", x$f[1])]], {
showModal(modalDialog(size = "m",
title = paste(x$title[1]),
easyClose = TRUE,
lapply(1:nrow(x), function(y) {
h4(x$lab[y], code(x$arg[y])),
# Return ----------------------------------------------------
return(reactive({if(is.null(values$settings)) values$settings else tidyr::spread(values$settings, id, value)}))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.