
Defines functions pairwise_indices as.data.frame.spectra as.matrix.spectra as_spectra.data.frame as_spectra.matrix as_spectra

Documented in as.data.frame.spectra as.matrix.spectra as_spectra as_spectra.data.frame as_spectra.matrix pairwise_indices

#' Convert matrix or data frame to spectra
#' @param x matrix or dataframe. Samples are in rows and bands in columns.
#'          Any data that are not the spectra themselves (labels or metadata)
#'          must have their column index included in `name_idx` or `meta_idxs`.
#' @param name_idx column index with sample names. Defaults to NULL. If NULL
#'                 or 0, rownames(x) or a sequence of integers will be assigned
#'                 as names.
#' @param meta_idxs column indices with metadata (not name and not value).
#'                  Defaults to NULL
#' @return spectra object
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(spectrolab)
#' as_spectra(spec_matrix_example, name_idx = 1)
as_spectra = function(x, name_idx = NULL, meta_idxs = NULL){
    UseMethod("as_spectra", x)

#' Convert matrix to spectra
#' @param x matrix
#' @param name_idx column index with sample names. Defaults to NULL
#' @param meta_idxs column indices with metadata (not name and not value).
#'                  Defaults to NULL
#' @return spectra object
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
as_spectra.matrix = function(x, name_idx = NULL, meta_idxs = NULL){

    if( is.null(name_idx) || name_idx == 0){
        name_idx = NULL
        s        = rownames(x)
            s = seq(nrow(x))
    } else {
        s = x[ , name_idx, drop = TRUE]

    m = x[ , meta_idxs, drop = FALSE]
    p = setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), c(name_idx, meta_idxs))
    r = x[ , p, drop = FALSE]
    w = colnames(r)

    spectra(r, w, s, m)

#' Convert data.frame to spectra
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param name_idx column index with sample names. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param meta_idxs column indices with metadata (not name and not value).
#'                  Defaults to NULL
#' @return spectra object
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
as_spectra.data.frame = function(x, name_idx = NULL, meta_idxs = NULL){
    as_spectra(as.matrix(x), name_idx = name_idx, meta_idxs = meta_idxs)

#' Convert spectra to matrix
#' @param x spectra object
#' @param fix_names Use make.names to normalize names?
#'                  Pick one: "none" "row" "col" "both".
#' @param ... does nothing. Here for compatibility with S3 generics
#' @return matrix of spectral value. columns are bands and rows are
#'         samples
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(spectrolab)
#' spec = as_spectra(spec_matrix_example, name_idx = 1)
#' mat  = as.matrix(spec)
as.matrix.spectra = function(x, fix_names = "none", ...) {
    r = value(x)
    s = names(x)
    w = bands(x)
    o = c("none", "row", "col", "both")

    if( length(intersect(fix_names, o)) != 1 ){
        stop("fix_names must be one of these options: ", o)

    if(fix_names %in% c("row", "both")){
        s = sapply(s, make.names, unique = TRUE)

    if(fix_names %in% c("col", "both")){
        w = sapply(w, make.names, unique = TRUE)

    dimnames(r) = list(s, w)

#' Convert spectra to data.frame
#' Returns a data.frame that includes sample names, metadata (if present) and
#' value data. One advantage over as.matrix, is that the metadata are
#' returned.
#' @param x spectra object
#' @param row.names does nothing. Here for compatibility with S3 generics
#' @param optional does nothing. Here for compatibility with S3 generics
#' @param fix_names Use make.names to normalize names?
#'                  Pick one: "none" "row" "col" "both".
#' @param metadata boolean. Include spectral metadata? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... extra parameters passed to the generic as_spectra
#' @return data.frame with: sample_name, metadata (if any) and value.
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(spectrolab)
#' spec = as_spectra(spec_matrix_example, name_idx = 1)
#' df   = as.data.frame(spec, fix_names = "none")
as.data.frame.spectra = function(x,
                                 row.names = NULL,
                                 optional  = FALSE,
                                 fix_names = "none",
                                 metadata  = TRUE,
                                 ...) {

    y = as.matrix(x, fix_names = fix_names)

        m = meta(x)
        return(data.frame(sample_name = rownames(y), m, y,
                          check.names = FALSE, row.names = NULL, ...))
    } else {
        return(data.frame(sample_name = rownames(y), y,
                          check.names = FALSE, row.names = NULL, ...))


#' Pairwise indices
#' \code{pairwise_indices} computes pairwise spectral indices.
#' Indices are computed as (a - b) / (a + b) where a is the lower band.
#' The column names of the resulting matrix are given as "a|b".
#' @param x spectra
#' @param max_out_elements maximum number of elements in the output object
#' @return list that includes the *indices* between bands a and b (column names a|b)
#'         and the pairwise *band_combinations*
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @author Jose Eduardo Meireles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(spectrolab)
#' spec  = as_spectra(spec_matrix_example, name_idx = 1)
#' # Resampling spectra since a spectral dataset with 2,001 bands
#' # results in 2,001,000 unique spectral indices per sample
#' spec  = resample(spec, seq(400, 2400, 2))
#' p_idx = pairwise_indices(spec)
pairwise_indices = function(x, max_out_elements = 5e8){

        stop("x must be a spectra object")
    b = bands(x)

        stop("match the sensor overlaps first")

    combinations  = utils::combn( as.character(b), 2L)
    rownames(combinations) = c("a", "b")

    nsamples      = nrow(x)
    n_element_out = nsamples * ncol(combinations)

    if(n_element_out > max_out_elements){
        message("There are ", ncol(combinations), " band combinations and ", nsamples,
                " samples. Resulting matrix would have ", n_element_out, " elements!")
        stop("Resulting matrix would be too large. Aborting")

    y = as.matrix(x)
    z = ( y[ , combinations[1, ] ] - y[ , combinations[2, ] ] ) / ( y[ , combinations[1, ] ] + y[ , combinations[2, ] ] )

    colnames(z) = apply(combinations, 2, paste, collapse = "|")

    list("indices" = z,
         "band_combinations" = combinations)
annakat/spectrolab documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 1:16 a.m.