
Defines functions has_weights get_dof get_vcov get_data get_family .marg marg

Documented in marg

#' Estimating predictive margins on a model
#' This function estimates the predictive effects and levels for variables within
#' a model using the delta method.
#' @param mod model object, currently only support those of class \code{\link[stats]{glm}}
#' or \code{\link[AER]{ivreg}}
#' @param var_interest name of the variable of interest, must correspond to a
#' covariate in the model
#' @param type either \code{'levels'} (predicted outcomes) or \code{'effects'} \eqn{dydx},
#' defaults to \code{'levels'}
#' @param vcov_mat the variance-covariance matrix,
#' defaults changes based on class-specific method
#' @param at list, should be in the format of \code{list('var_name' = c(values))},
#' defaults to \code{NULL}. This calculates the margins of the variable at these
#' particular variables. If all values are needed, suggested syntax is
#' \code{at = list('var' = unique(df$var))}.
#' @param base_rn numeric, if \code{type == 'effects'}, the base level (taken as the
#' index of one of the ordered unique values in \code{var_interest}). if
#' \code{type == 'levels'}, this parameter is ignored. Defaults to 1.
#' @param at_var_interest vector, if type == 'levels', the values for the
#' variable of interest at which levels should be calculated.
#' If \code{NULL}, indicates all levels for a factor variable, defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param dof integer, the degrees of freedom used for the T statistic in an
#' OLS model, defaults changes based on class-specific method
#' @param data data.frame that margins should run over, defaults changes based
#' on class-specific method
#' @param cofint numeric, confidence interval (must be less than 1), defaults to 0.95
#' @param weights numeric, vector of weights used to generate predicted levels,
#' defaults changes based on class-specific method. Must be equal to the number
#' of rows in \code{data}.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to class-specific methods
#' @return list of dataframes with predicted margins/effects, standard errors, p-values,
#' and confidence interval bounds
#' @details
#' The variable for the predictive margin is specified by \code{var_interest}. If
#' margins are only needed at particular values of \code{var_interest},
#' \code{at_var_interest} should be used. If margins of \code{var_interest} are
#' needed at across the levels of a \emph{different} variable in the model,
#' \code{at} should be used.
#' If higher-order polynomial terms (e.g. \eqn{y ~ x + x^2}) are added
#' using the R function \code{\link[stats]{poly}}, the \code{raw = TRUE}
#' argument should be used to include the basic polynomial terms
#' instead of orthogonal polynomial terms. If orthogonal polynomials are used,
#' \code{marg} will fail when the user specifies \code{at} for a small set
#' of values for the variable in question (e.g. \code{at = list(x = 10)}),
#' since \code{poly} needs more data to calculate orthogonal polynomials
#' (e.g. \code{poly(10, 2)} fails, but \code{poly(c(10, 8, 3), 2)} will run).
#' P values are calculated with T tests for gaussian families, and Z tests
#' otherwise. If a new variance-covariance matrix is provided (e.g. for
#' clustering standard errors), the degrees of freedom for the T test / p-value
#' calculation may need to be specified using \code{dof}.
#' This function currently only supports \code{\link[stats]{glm}} and
#' \code{\link[AER]{ivreg}} objects. If you would like to use \code{lm}
#' objects, consider running a \code{glm} with family \code{gaussian}.
#' When calculating predicted levels and effects for models built using weights,
#' \code{marg} returns weighted averages for levels and effects by default.
#' Users can remove this option by setting \code{weights = NULL}.
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases terms vcov
#' @export
marg <- function(mod, var_interest, data = NULL,
                 weights = NULL,
                 vcov_mat = NULL, dof = NULL,
                 type = 'levels', base_rn = 1,
                 at_var_interest = NULL,  at = NULL,
                 cofint = 0.95, ...){

  UseMethod("marg", mod)


.marg <- function(mod, var_interest, data = NULL,
                  weights = NULL,
                  vcov_mat = NULL, dof = NULL,
                  type = 'levels', base_rn = 1,
                  at_var_interest = NULL,  at = NULL,
                  cofint = 0.95, ...){

  # If mod$formula is a string, the error message is deeply uninformative
  if(! "formula" %in% class(mod$formula))
    stop("Estimate your model with a formula object, not a character string.")

  # Check arguments ---
  stopifnot(type %in% c('levels', 'effects'),
            cofint < 1, cofint > 0)

  # Warn if base_rn set but type != 'effects'
  if(base_rn != 1 & type != 'effects')
    warning("Setting base_rn when type == 'levels' is ignored.")

  if(is.null(dof) & !is.null(vcov_mat))
      "You provided a new variance-covariance matrix ",
      "but no degrees of freedom for the T test. P-value calculations ",
      "may be incorrect if the model is gaussian - ",
      "see ?modmarg::marg for details.")

  if(!is.null(weights) & length(weights) != nrow(data))
    stop('`weights` and `data` must be the same length.')

  # Get Clean Data (NOT UNIVERSAL) -----

  data_wgt <- get_data(model = mod, data = data, weights = weights)
  data <- data_wgt$data
  weights <- data_wgt$weights

  if(is.null(vcov_mat)) vcov_mat <- get_vcov(model = mod)
  if(is.null(dof)) dof <- get_dof(model = mod)

  # Check (transformed) inputs -----
  stopifnot(var_interest %in% names(data),
            all(names(at) %in% names(data)))

  # See if we're looking for continuous variables
  if(type == 'effects' & is.numeric(data[[var_interest]]) &
     ! all(unique(data[[var_interest]]) %in% c(0, 1)) &
     ! sprintf("as.character(%s)", var_interest) %in% names(mod$mod) &
     ! sprintf("as.factor(%s)", var_interest) %in% names(mod$mod))
    stop('We do not support effects for continuous variables at this time.')

  # Check if no weights when model was built was weights
  if(all(weights == 1) & has_weights(mod) == TRUE)
    warning('The model was built with weights, but you have not ',
            'provided weights. Your calculated margins may be odd. ',
            'See Details.')

  # Check for extrapolated values
  for(i in seq_along(at)){
      if(! all(at[[i]] <= max(data[[names(at)[i]]]) &
               at[[i]] >= min(data[[names(at)[i]]])))
        warning(sprintf("Not all values in 'at' are in the range of '%s'",
    } else {
      if(! all(at[[i]] %in% data[[names(at)[i]]]))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' is not a value in '%s'",
                     paste(at[[i]][! at[[i]] %in% data[[names(at)[i]]]],
                           collapse = ", "),

  # Transform Data  -----
    data <- at_transforms(data, at)
  } else {
    data <- list(data)

  # pred_se  -----
  res <- lapply(data, function(x){

    df_levels <- at_transforms(
      model_df = x,
      at_list = gen_at_list(df = x, var_interest = var_interest,
                            at_var_interest = at_var_interest))

    pred_se(df_levels = df_levels,
            model = mod, type = type, base_rn = base_rn,
            vcov_mat = vcov_mat, weights = weights,
            # these params are specified in the
            # class-specific version
            link_func = NULL, deriv_func = NULL)

  # format output  -----
  lapply(res, function(x) {
      margin_labels = x$labels,
      pred_margins = x$pred_margins,
      se = x$se,
      family = get_family(mod),
      dof = dof,
      cofint = c( (1 - cofint)/2, 1 - (1 - cofint)/2 )


get_family <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("get_family", model)

get_data <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("get_data", model)

get_vcov <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("get_vcov", model)

get_dof <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("get_dof", model)

has_weights <- function(model, ...){
  UseMethod("has_weights", model)
anniejw6/modmarg documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 10:38 p.m.