
Defines functions is.crosswalk_table crosswalk_table_create crosswalk crosswalk_surveys

Documented in crosswalk crosswalk_surveys crosswalk_table_create is.crosswalk_table

#' @title Crosswalk surveys
#' @description Harmonize surveys with crosswalk tables. 
#' @details Harmonize a survey or a list of surveys with the help of a crosswalk table.
#' You can create the crosswalk table with \code{\link{crosswalk_table_create}}, or manually 
#' create a crosswalk table as a data frame including at least the following columns: \code{id}
#' for identifying a survey, \code{var_name_orig} for the original variable name 
#' and \code{var_name_target} for the new (target) variable name. Optionally you can harmonize
#' the value labels, the numeric codes, and the special missing labels, too.
#' @inheritParams subset_surveys
#' @param crosswalk_table A table created with \code{crosswalk_table_create}, or a 
#' data frame with at least the following columns: \code{var_name_orig}, \code{var_name_target},
#' for harmonizing the variable names. If \code{val_label_orig}, \code{val_label_target} 
#' are present, the value labels will be harmonized, too. If 
#' \code{var_numeric_orig}, \code{var_numeric_target} are present, the numeric codes of the 
#' variable will be harmonized. If \code{class_target} is present, then the class of the variable 
#' will be harmonized to any of \code{factor}, \code{numeric} or \code{character} using 
#' \code{\link{as_factor}}, \code{\link{as_numeric}}, or \code{\link{as_character}}.
#' @param na_values A named vector of \code{na_values}, the 
#' observations that are defined to be treated as missing in 
#' the SPSS-style coding. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @return \code{crosswalk} will return a data frame, and \code{crosswalk_surveys} a list of
#' data frames, where the variable names, and optionally the variable labels, and the missing 
#' value range is harmonized (the same names, labels, codes are used.)
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select mutate distinct_all relocate across everything
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @family harmonization functions
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' examples_dir <- system.file("examples", package = "retroharmonize")
#' survey_list <- dir(examples_dir)[grepl("\\.rds", dir(examples_dir))]
#' example_surveys <- read_surveys(
#'   file.path( examples_dir, survey_list), 
#'   save_to_rds = FALSE)
#' ## Compare with documentation:
#' documented_surveys <- metadata_surveys_create(example_surveys)
#' documented_surveys <- documented_surveys[
#' documented_surveys$var_name_orig %in% c( "rowid", "isocntry", "w1", "qd3_4",
#'                                           "qd3_8" , "qd7.4", "qd7.8", "qd6.4", "qd6.8"),
#'                                           ]
#' crosswalk_table <- crosswalk_table_create ( metadata = documented_surveys )
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr relocate
#' @export

crosswalk_surveys <- function(crosswalk_table, 
                              survey_list  = NULL, 
                              survey_paths = NULL,
                              import_path  = NULL,
                              na_values    = NULL ) {
  # Check if the crosswalk_table can be used
  # Remove surveys that are not used in the crosswalk table ---------------------------------
  available_surveys <- unlist(lapply(survey_list, function(x) attr(x, "id")))
  surveys_to_harmonize <- unique(crosswalk_table$id)
  survey_list[! available_surveys %in% surveys_to_harmonize] <- NULL
  # See if the na_values are given in the crosswalk_table -----------------------------------
  if (! all(c("na_numeric_target", "na_label_target") %in% names(crosswalk_table))) {
    if (!is.null(na_values)) {
                  msg = "Parameter 'na_values' must be a named character or numeric string, it is not this type")
                  msg = "Parameter 'na_values' must be a named character or numeric string, but it has no names.")
    } else { set_na_values <- NULL }
  ## Harmonize the variable names and remove not harmonized vars -------------------
  harmonized_survey_vars <- harmonize_survey_variables( 
    survey_list = survey_list, 
    survey_paths = survey_paths, 
    import_path = import_path, 
    crosswalk_table = crosswalk_table)
  ## Relabel surveys -------------------------------------------------
  relabel_survey <- function(y, selection) {
    assert_that(inherits(selection, 'data.frame'), 
                msg = "selectin must be a data.frame")
                msg = "selection must have rows")
    select_to_harmonize <- selection %>%
      filter ( !is.na(val_label_orig) )
    vars_to_harmonize <- unique(select_to_harmonize$var_name_target) 
    if ( length(vars_to_harmonize) == 0 ) return (y)
    #this_var <- vars_to_harmonize[2]
    return_value <- y
    for ( this_var in vars_to_harmonize ) {
      correspondence_table <- select_to_harmonize %>%
        filter ( var_name_target == this_var ) 
                  msg = "Error in relabel_survey: 'val_numeric_target' must be a numeric vector")
      if ( all(c("na_numeric_target", "na_label_target") %in% names(correspondence_table))) {
        set_na_values <- correspondence_table$na_numeric_target[!is.na(correspondence_table$na_numeric_target)]
        names(set_na_values) <-correspondence_table$na_label_target[!is.na(correspondence_table$na_label_target)]
      if (length(set_na_values)==0) set_na_values <- NULL
      harmonize_these_labels <- function(z) {
        harmonize_labels = list ( 
          from = paste0("^", correspondence_table$val_label_orig, "$"), 
          to =   correspondence_table$val_label_target, 
          numeric_values = correspondence_table$val_numeric_target
        harmonize_values (x = z, 
                          harmonize_labels = harmonize_labels, 
                          na_values = set_na_values) 
      return_value <- return_value %>%
        mutate ( across(any_of(this_var), harmonize_these_labels ))
  subset_survey <- function(this_survey) {
    survey_id <- attr(this_survey, "id")
                msg = "Error in subset_survey(): survey_id has 0 length.")
    tmp <- this_survey %>% 
      mutate ( id = survey_id ) %>%
      relocate ( id, .before = everything())
    selection <- crosswalk_table %>% 
      filter ( id == survey_id ) %>%

    if (  # label harmonization is possible
      all ( c("val_label_orig", "val_label_target", "val_numeric_target") %in% names(selection) )
    ) {
      tmp <- relabel_survey( y = tmp, selection = selection )
    ## At last harmonnize class if possible-----------------------------
    if ( ! "class_target" %in% names(selection) ) return(tmp)
    factor_vars    <- selection$var_name_target[which(selection$class_target == "factor")]
    character_vars <- selection$var_name_target[which(selection$class_target == "character")]
    numeric_vars   <- selection$var_name_target[which(selection$class_target == "numeric")]
    return_df <-  tmp %>%
      mutate ( across (any_of(factor_vars), as_factor), 
               across (any_of(character_vars), as_character), 
               across (any_of(numeric_vars), as_numeric)
  x <- this_survey <- harmonized_survey_vars[[2]]
  subsetted <- lapply ( harmonized_survey_vars, function(x) purrr::safely(subset_survey)(x) )

  errors <- lapply ( subsetted, function(x) x$error)
  error_table <-  tibble ( 
    id = as.character(lapply ( survey_list, function(x) attr(x, "id"))), 
    error = as.character(lapply ( errors, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), "", x$message)))
  if ( ! all(error_table$error == "") ) {
    message ("The following surveys were could not be harmonized:")
    stop("This is an error from function crosswalk_surveys()")

  results <- lapply ( subsetted, function(x) x$result)
  results[vapply(results, is.null, logical(1))] <- NULL

#' @rdname crosswalk_surveys
#' @export
crosswalk <- function(survey_list, crosswalk_table, na_values = NULL) {
  crosswalked <-  crosswalk_surveys(
    survey_list = survey_list, 
    crosswalk_table = crosswalk_table, 
    na_values = na_values )
  if ( ! is.null(crosswalked) & length(crosswalked)>1 ) {
    suppressMessages(purrr::reduce ( crosswalked, full_join ))
  } else {

#' @title Create a crosswalk table
#' @description Create a crosswalk table with the source variable names and variable labels.
#' @details The table contains a \code{var_name_target} and \code{val_label_target} column, but 
#' these values need to be set by further manual or reproducible harmonization steps.
#' @param metadata A metadata table created by \code{\link{metadata_create}}.
#' @return A tibble with raw crosswalk table. It contains all harmonization tasks, but the 
#' target values need to be set by further manipulations. 
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom dplyr full_join
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @family harmonization functions
#' @export

crosswalk_table_create <- function(metadata) {
  assert_that(inherits(metadata, "data.frame"), 
              msg = "Parameter 'metadata' must be a data frame object.")
              msg = "The 'metadata' data frame must have at least one row.")
  compulsory_columns <- c("filename", "id", "var_name_orig", "labels")
  missing_columns <- compulsory_columns[! which(compulsory_columns %in% names(metadata))]
    msg = glue("The 'metadata' data frame has missing columns: {paste(missing_columns, collapse = ", "}")
  fn_labels <- function(x) {
    if ( is.na(x$labels) ) {
      # The variable is not labelled
      label_length <- 1
      tibble (
        id = rep(unique(x$id), label_length),
        filename = rep(unique(x$filename), label_length),
        var_name_orig = rep(x$var_name_orig, label_length),
        var_name_target = rep(x$var_name_orig, label_length),
        val_numeric_orig = NA_real_,
        val_numeric_target  = NA_real_,
        val_label_orig = NA_character_,
        val_label_target = NA_character_, 
        class_orig = rep(unique(x$class_orig), label_length),
        class_target = rep(unique(x$class_orig), label_length)
    } else {
      val_labels   <- names(unlist(x$labels))
      label_length <- length(unlist(x$labels))
      tmp <- tibble (
        id = rep(unique(x$id), label_length),
        filename = rep(unique(x$filename), label_length),
        var_name_orig = rep(x$var_name_orig, label_length),
        var_name_target = rep(x$var_name_orig, label_length),
        val_numeric_orig = as.numeric(unlist(x$labels)),
        val_numeric_target  = as.numeric(unlist(x$labels)),
        val_label_orig = as.character(vapply ( x$labels, names, character(label_length) )),
        val_label_target = as.character(vapply ( x$labels, names, character(label_length) ))
      if ( "na_labels" %in% names(x)) {
        na_labels <- names(unlist(x$na_labels))
        tmp$na_label_orig <- ifelse (tmp$val_label_orig %in% na_labels, 
                                        tmp$val_label_orig, NA_character_ )
        tmp$na_label_target <- tmp$na_label_orig 
        tmp$na_numeric_orig <- ifelse (tmp$val_label_orig %in% na_labels, 
                                          tmp$val_numeric_orig, NA_real_)
        tmp$na_numeric_target <- tmp$na_numeric_orig 
      } else {
        tmp$na_label_orig <- NA_character_
        tmp$na_label_target <- NA_character_
        tmp$na_numeric_orig <- NA_character_
        tmp$na_numeric_target <- NA_real_
      if ( "var_label_orig" %in% names(x)) {
        tmp$var_label_orig <- x$var_label_orig
        tmp$var_label_target <- tmp$var_label_orig
      } else {
        tmp$var_label_orig   <- NA_character_
        tmp$var_label_target <- NA_character_
      if ( "class_orig" %in% names(x) ) {
        tmp <- tmp %>%
          left_join ( x %>% select ( all_of(c("var_name_orig", "class_orig")) ), 
                      by = "var_name_orig")
        tmp$class_target <- case_when (
          tmp$class_orig %in% c("numeric", "character") ~ tmp$class_orig,
          TRUE ~ "factor"
      } else {
        tmp$class_orig <- NA_character_
        tmp$class_target <- NA_character_
  if (nrow(metadata)==1) {
  } else {
    ctable_list <- lapply (1:nrow(metadata), function(x) fn_labels(metadata[x,]))
    ctable <- suppressMessages(purrr::reduce(ctable_list, full_join))

#' @title Validate a crosswalk table
#' @rdname crosswalk_table_create 
#' @param ctable A table to validate if it is a crosswalk table.
#' @importFrom dplyr tally group_by across filter
#' @family metadata functions
#' @export

is.crosswalk_table <- function(ctable) {
  assert_that(inherits(ctable, "data.frame"), 
              msg = "The cross table should be a data frame object (data.frame, tibble, or similar.)")
      all( c("id", "var_name_orig", "var_name_target") %in% names(ctable)), 
      msg = "The crosstable must have at least an 'id' and a 'var_name_orig', 'var_name_target' columns."
  duplicates <- ctable %>% 
    select (all_of(c("id", "var_name_orig", "var_name_target"))) %>%
    distinct_all() %>%
    group_by ( across(c("var_name_target", "id"))) %>%
    tally() %>%
    filter ( n>1) %>%
    select (var_name_target ) %>%
  error_msg <- paste(unique(duplicates), collapse = ', ')
  if (length(duplicates) == 0) error_msg <- "" 
    length(duplicates) == 0,
    msg = glue("The crosstable '{deparse(substitute(ctable))}' has the following non-unique target variables: {error_msg}." )
antaldaniel/retroharmonize documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 10:49 p.m.