
Defines functions harmonize_survey_variables

Documented in harmonize_survey_variables

#' @title Harmonize survey variables
#' @description Similar to \code{\link{subset_surveys}}, but will not only remove the 
#' variables that cannot be harmonized, but also renames the variables that are kept. 
#' @return A list of surveys or save individual rds files on the \code{export_path}.
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join filter select distinct_all
#' @importFrom tibble tibble 
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @inheritParams subset_surveys
#' @export
#' @examples{
#' examples_dir <- system.file("examples", package = "retroharmonize")
#' survey_list  <- dir(examples_dir)[grepl("\\.rds", dir(examples_dir))]
#' example_surveys <- read_surveys(
#'   file.path( examples_dir, survey_list), 
#'   export_path = NULL)
#' documented_surveys <- metadata_create(example_surveys)
#' documented_surveys <- documented_surveys[
#'    documented_surveys$var_name_orig %in% c( "rowid", "isocntry", "w1", "qd3_4",
#'    "qd3_8" , "qd7.4", "qd7.8", "qd6.4", "qd6.8"),
#'    ]
#' crosswalk_table    <- crosswalk_table_create ( metadata = documented_surveys )
#' freedom_table <- crosswalk_table[
#'                      which(crosswalk_table$var_name_target %in% c("rowid", "freedom")),
#'                      ]
#' harmonize_survey_variables(crosswalk_table = freedom_table,
#'                            subset_name     = 'freedom',
#'                            survey_list     = example_surveys )
#' }

harmonize_survey_variables <- function( crosswalk_table, 
                                        subset_name  = "subset",
                                        survey_list  = NULL,
                                        survey_paths = NULL,
                                        import_path  = NULL, 
                                        export_path  = NULL ) {
  ## This is a wrapper for subset_save_survey with strict validation of new variable names.
  is.crosswalk_table(crosswalk_table)  ## validates structure and unambiguous naming
  subsetted_surveys <-  subset_surveys(crosswalk_table = crosswalk_table, 
                                       subset_name = subset_name, 
                                       survey_list = survey_list,
                                       import_path = import_path,
                                       export_path = export_path )
  rename_survey_to_memory <- function(x) {
    if (is.survey(x)) { 
      this_survey <- x 
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
      this_survey <- read_rds(file.path(export_path, x))
    } else {
      stop (" rename_survey_file(x) x must be a filename or a survey.")
    survey_id <- gsub(paste0("_", subset_name), "", attr(this_survey, "id"))
    new_names <- tibble( var_name_orig = names(this_survey)) %>%
      left_join (
        crosswalk_table %>% 
          filter (id == survey_id) %>% 
          select ( var_name_orig, var_name_target ) %>%
        by = "var_name_orig",
      ) %>% 
      mutate ( var_name_target = ifelse (var_name_orig == "rowid", 
                                         yes = "rowid", 
                                         no = var_name_target)) %>% 
      select ( var_name_target ) %>% unlist() %>% as.character()
    rlang::set_names(this_survey, nm = new_names )
  rename_survey_to_file <- function(x) {
    if (is.survey(x)) { 
      this_survey <- x 
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
      #this_survey <- read_rds(file.path(export_path, x))
     this_survey <- readRDS(file.path(export_path, x))
    } else {
        stop (" rename_survey_file(x) x must be a filename or a survey.")
    survey_id <- gsub(paste0("_", subset_name), "", attr(this_survey, "id"))

    new_names <- tibble( var_name_orig = names(this_survey)) %>%
      left_join (
        crosswalk_table %>% 
          filter (id == survey_id) %>% 
          select ( var_name_orig, var_name_target ) %>%
        by = "var_name_orig",
      ) %>%
      mutate ( var_name_target = ifelse (var_name_orig == "rowid", 
                                         yes = "rowid", 
                                         no = var_name_target)) %>% 
      select ( var_name_target ) %>% unlist() %>% as.character()
    this_survey <- rlang::set_names(this_survey, nm = new_names )
    saveRDS(this_survey, file = file.path(export_path, x), version = 2 )
  if ( is.null(export_path) ) {
    # Results to memory  ---------------------------------
    lapply ( subsetted_surveys, rename_survey_to_memory )
  } else {
    # Results to file  -----------------------------------
    vapply ( subsetted_surveys, rename_survey_to_file, character(1) )
antaldaniel/retroharmonize documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 10:49 p.m.