Man pages for antonioggsousa/micrUBIfuns
Set of functions for microbiome analyses

beta_boxplotWithin beta-diversity boxplot
filter_feature_tableFilter phyloseq object based on samples and taxa.
get_physeq_tblsGet phyloseq tables
good_coverageGood's coverage index
melt_physeqMelt phyloseq object
plot_taxa_heatmapPlot heatmap
prevalencePrevalence of features (OTUs/ASVs)
profile_taxa_by_samplesProfile taxa by samples
rank_taxaRank taxa
uni_taxa_per_sampleUquiness of features (OTUs/ASVs) per sample
uni_taxa_rankUquiness of features (OTUs/ASVs)
antonioggsousa/micrUBIfuns documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 1:40 a.m.