
Defines functions filter2

Documented in filter2

# 2D convolution-based linear filter for images and matrix data

# Copyright (c) 2007-2015, Andrzej OleÅ›, Gregoire Pau, Oleg Sklyar

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# LGPL license wording: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

filter2 = function(x, filter, boundary = c("circular", "replicate")) {
  if ( is.numeric(boundary) ) {
    val = boundary
    boundary = "linear"
    boundary = match.arg(boundary)
  d = dx = dim(x)
  df = dim(filter)
  dnames = dimnames(x)
  ## do not enforce odd filter dimensions in the special case when filter size
  ## equals image size
  if ( any(dx[1:2]!=df) || boundary!="circular" ) {
    if (any(df%%2==0)) stop("dimensions of 'filter' matrix must be odd")
    if (any(dx[1:2]<df)) stop("'filter' dimensions cannot exceed dimensions of 'x'")
  cf = df%/%2
  of = df%%2
  res = x
         ## default mode just wraps around edges
         circular = {
           x = imageData(x)
         ## pad with a given value
         linear = {
           dx[1:2] = dx[1:2] + cf[1:2]
           if ( length(dx)>2 && length(val)==prod(dx[-(1:2)]) ) {
             # Higher dim array with matching linear boundry values
             xpad = array(rep(val, each=prod(dx[1:2])), dim = dx)
           } else {
             if ( length(val)>1 ) {
               warning('The boundary value length does not match the number of frames, only the first element of boundary will be used')
             xpad = array(val[1], dx)
           # The do.call and arguments as a list of dimensions is to take are of arrays of unknown dimension
           x = do.call("[<-", c(quote(xpad), lapply(d, function(x) enquote(1:x)), quote(x)) )
         replicate = {
           x = imageData(x)
           dx[1:2] = dx[1:2] + df[1:2] - 1L
           rep.dim <- function(x, dim, index, times) {
             xs <- asub(x, idx=index, dims=dim, drop=FALSE)
             ds <- dim(xs)
             ds[dim] <- times
             if ( dim==2L ) {
               xs <- split(xs, ceiling(seq_along(xs)/ds[1L]))
               xs <- sapply(xs, FUN=rep, times=times)
             } else {
               xs <- rep(xs, each=times)
             array(xs, dim=ds)
           # Add left and right colums
           lc <- rep.dim(x, 2L, 1L, cf[2L])
           rc <- rep.dim(x, 2L, d[2L], cf[2L])
           x <- abind::abind(x, rc, lc, along=2L)
           # Add top and bottom rows
           tr <- rep.dim(x, 1L, 1L, cf[1L])
           br <- rep.dim(x, 1L, d[1L], cf[1L])
           x <- abind::abind(x, br, tr, along=1L)
  ## create fft filter matrix
  wf = matrix(0.0, nrow=dx[1L], ncol=dx[2L])
  wf[c(if (cf[1L]>0L) (dx[1L]-cf[1L]+1L):dx[1L] else NULL, 1L:(cf[1L]+of[1L])), 
     c(if (cf[2L]>0L) (dx[2L]-cf[2L]+1L):dx[2L] else NULL, 1L:(cf[2L]+of[2L]))] = filter
  wf = fftw2d(wf)
  pdx = prod(dx[1:2])
  .filter = function(xx) Re(fftw2d(fftw2d(xx)*wf, inverse=1)/pdx)
  ## convert to a frame-based 3D array
  if ( length(dx) > 2L ) {    
    y = apply(x, 3:length(dx), .filter)
    dim(y) = dx
  else {
    y = .filter(x)
  if ( boundary!="circular" ) {
    y = asub(y, list(1:d[1L], 1:d[2L]), 1:2)
  dimnames(y) = dnames
  imageData(res) <- y
aoles/EBImage documentation built on March 18, 2024, 4:44 a.m.