
Defines functions fast_color_of_wb fast_color_of_wl color colour_of color_of.source_mspct color_of.source_spct color_of.waveband color_of.list color_of.numeric color_of.default color_of

Documented in color color_of color_of.default color_of.list color_of.numeric color_of.source_mspct color_of.source_spct color_of.waveband colour_of fast_color_of_wb fast_color_of_wl

# color_of ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Color of an object
#' Equivalent RGB color of an object such as a spectrum, wavelength or waveband.
#' @param x an R object.
#' @param ... ignored (possibly used by derived methods).
#' @export
#' @return A color definition in hexadecimal format as a \code{character} string
#'   of 7 characters, "#" followed by the red, blue, and green values in
#'   hexadecimal (scaled to 0 ... 255). In the case of the specialization for
#'   \code{list}, a list of such definitions is returned. In the case of a
#'   collection of spectra, a \code{data.frame} with one column with such
#'   definitions and by default an additional column with names of the spectra
#'   as index. In case of missing input the returned value is \code{NA}.
#' @examples
#' wavelengths <- c(300, 420, 500, 600, NA) # nanometres
#' color_of(wavelengths)
#' color_of(waveband(c(300,400)))
#' color_of(list(blue = waveband(c(400,480)), red = waveband(c(600,700))))
#' color_of(numeric())
#' color_of(NA_real_)
#' color_of(sun.spct)
color_of <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("color_of")

#' @describeIn color_of Default method (returns always "black").
#' @export
color_of.default <- function(x, ...) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  } else if (is.vector(x)) {
    warning("'color_of()' not implemented for class \"", class(x)[1], "\".")
    rep(NA_character_, length(x))
  } else if (is.any_spct(x)) {
    warning("To obtain the colour of a filter or reflector, first multiply",
            " by spectral irradiance under which it is observed.")

#' @describeIn color_of Method that returns Color definitions corresponding to
#'   numeric values representing a wavelengths in nm.
#' @param type,chroma.type character telling whether "CMF", "CC", or "both" should be returned
#'   for human vision, or an object of class \code{chroma_spct} for any other
#'   trichromic visual system.
#' @export
color_of.numeric <- function(x,
                             type = "CMF",
                             chroma.type = type,
                             ...) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  stopifnot(all(ifelse(is.na(x), Inf, x) > 0)) # w.length > 0 or NA
  if (is.character(chroma.type)) {
    if (chroma.type == "CMF") {
      color.out <-
        w_length2rgb(x, sens = photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct,
                     color.name = NULL)
    } else if (chroma.type == "CC") {
      color.out <-
        w_length2rgb(x, sens = photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct, color.name = NULL)
    } else {
      warning("Chroma type = ", chroma.type, " not implemented for 'numeric'.")
      color.out <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))
    if (!is.null(names(x))) {
      names(color.out) <- paste(names(x), chroma.type, sep = ".")
    } else {
      names(color.out) <- paste(names(color.out), chroma.type, sep = ".")
  } else if (is.chroma_spct(chroma.type)) {
    #    warning("Using a CC or CMF definition, RGB may not denote red, green, blue!")
    color.out <-
      w_length2rgb(x, sens = chroma.type,
                   color.name = NULL)
    if (!is.null(names(x))) {
      names(color.out) <- paste(names(x), "chroma", sep = ".")
    } else {
      names(color.out) <- paste(names(color.out), "chroma", sep = ".")
  } else {
    warning("Chroma type of class \"", class(chroma.type)[1], "\" not supported.")
    color.out <- rep(NA_character_, length(x))

#' @describeIn color_of Method that returns Color of elements in a list.
#' @param short.names logical indicating whether to use short or long names for
#'   wavebands
#' @note When \code{x} is a list but not a waveband, if a method  \code{color_of}
#'   is not available for the class of each element of the list, then
#'   \code{color_of.default} will be called.
#' @export
color_of.list <- function(x,
                          short.names = TRUE,
                          type = "CMF",
                          chroma.type = type,
                          ...) {
  color.out <- character(0)
  for (xi in x) {
    color.out <- c(color.out,
                            short.names = short.names,
                            chroma.type = chroma.type,
  if (!is.null(names(x))) {
    names(color.out) <- paste(names(x), chroma.type, sep = ".")

#' @describeIn color_of Color at midpoint of a \code{\link{waveband}} object.
#' @export
color_of.waveband <-  function(x,
                               short.names = TRUE,
                               type = "CMF",
                               chroma.type = type,
                               ...) {
  idx <- ifelse(!short.names, "name", "label")
  name <- labels(x)[[idx]]
  if (is.character(chroma.type)) {
    if (chroma.type == "both") {
      color <- list(CMF = w_length_range2rgb(range(x),
                                             sens = photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct,
                                             color.name = paste(name, "CMF", sep = ".")),
                    CC  = w_length_range2rgb(range(x),
                                             sens = photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct,
                                             color.name = paste(name, "CC", sep = ".")))
    } else if (chroma.type == "CMF") {
      color <- w_length_range2rgb(range(x),
                                  sens = photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct,
                                  color.name = paste(name, "CMF", sep = "."))
    } else if (chroma.type == "CC") {
      color <- w_length_range2rgb(range(x),
                                  sens = photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct,
                                  color.name = paste(name, "CC", sep = "."))
    } else {
      color <- NA_character_
  }  else if (is.chroma_spct(chroma.type)) {
    #    warning("Using a CC or CMF definition, RGB may not denote red, green, blue!")
    color <- w_length_range2rgb(range(x),
                                sens = chroma.type,
                                color.name = paste(name, "chroma", sep = "."))
  } else {
    warning("Chroma type of class \"", class(chroma.type)[1], "\" not supported.")
    color <- NA_character_

#' @describeIn color_of
#' @export
color_of.source_spct <- function(x,
                                 type = "CMF",
                                 chroma.type = type,
                                 ...) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  x.name <- "source"
  q2e(x, byref = TRUE)
  if (is.character(chroma.type)) {
    if (chroma.type == "CMF") {
      s_e_irrad2rgb(x[["w.length"]], x[["s.e.irrad"]],
                    sens = photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct,
                    color.name = paste(x.name, "CMF", sep = "."))
    } else if (chroma.type == "CC") {
      s_e_irrad2rgb(x[["w.length"]], x[["s.e.irrad"]],
                    sens = photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct,
                    color.name = paste(x.name, "CC", sep = "."))
    } else if (chroma.type == "both") {
      c(s_e_irrad2rgb(x[["w.length"]], x[["s.e.irrad"]],
                      sens = photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct,
                      color.name = paste(x.name, "CMF", sep = ".")),
        s_e_irrad2rgb(x[["w.length"]], x[["s.e.irrad"]],
                      sens = photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct,
                      color.name = paste(x.name, "CC", sep = ".")))
    } else {
      warning("Chroma type = ", chroma.type, " not implemented for 'source_spct'.")
      color.out <- NA_character_
      names(color.out) <- paste(x.name, chroma.type, sep = ".")
  } else if (is.chroma_spct(chroma.type)) {
#    warning("Using a CC or CMF definition, RGB may not denote red, green, blue!")
                  sens = chroma.type,
                  color.name = paste(x.name, "chroma", sep = "."))
  } else {
    warning("Chroma type of class \"", class(chroma.type)[1], "\" not supported.")

#' @describeIn color_of
#' @export
#' @param idx character Name of the column with the names of the members of the
#'   collection of spectra.
#' @export
color_of.source_mspct <- function(x,
                                  idx = "spct.idx") {
  msdply(mspct = x, color_of, ..., idx = idx, col.names = "color")

# compatibility -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname color_of
#' @export
colour_of <- function(x, ...) {
  color_of(x, ...)

#' @rdname color_of
#' @export
#' @section Deprecated: Use of color() is deprecated as this wrapper function
#'   may be removed in future versions of the package because of name clashes.
#'   Use color_of() instead.
color <- function(x, ...) {
  message("Method photobiology::color() has been renamed color_of(),",
          "color() is deprecated and will be removed.")
  color_of(x, ...)

# fast version using precomputed colours ----------------------------------

#' @rdname color_of
#' @note Function \code{fast_color_of_wl()} should be used only when high
#'   performance is needed. It speeds up performance by rounding the wavelength
#'   values in the numeric vector passed as argument to \code{x} and then
#'   retrieves the corresponding pre-computed color definitions if \code{type}
#'   is either \code{"CMF"} or \code{"CC"}. In other cases it falls-back to
#'   calling \code{color_of.numeric()}. Returned color definitions always have
#'   default names irrespective of names of \code{x}, which is different from
#'   the behavior of \code{color_of()} methods.
#'   Function \code{fast_color_of_wb()} accepts waveband objects and lists of
#'   waveband objects. If all wavebands are narrow, it issues a vectotized
#'   call to \code{fast_color_of_wl()} with a vector of waveband midpoint
#'   wavelengths.
#' @export
fast_color_of_wl <- function(x, type = "CMF", ...) {
  # ensure default color names are always used
  x <- unname(x)
  # fall-back to slower color_of() when pre-computed colors are not available
  if (length(x) == 0 || anyNA(x) ||
      min(x) < 100 || max(x > 4000) ||
      !is.character(type) ||
      !type %in% c("CMF", "CC")) {
    color_of.numeric(x, type)
  } else {
    wls.tb <- tibble::tibble(w.length = round(x, digits = 0))
                     by = "w.length")[[type]]

#' @rdname color_of
#' @export
fast_color_of_wb <- function(x, type = "CMF", ...) {
  if (is.waveband(x)) {
    x <- list(x)
  stopifnot(is.list(x) && all(sapply(x, is.waveband)))
  wb.wds <- sapply(x, wl_expanse)
  if (all(wb.wds < 10)) { # nm
    # narrow wavebands -> use midpoint wavelength
    wb.mid <- sapply(x, midpoint)
    z <- fast_color_of_wl(wb.mid, type = type)
    wb.names <- sapply(x, function(x) {labels(x)[["label"]]})
    color.names <- paste(wb.names, type, sep = ".")
    names(z) <- color.names
  } else  {
    sapply(x, color_of.waveband, type = type)

## Now saved to R/sysdata.rda
# @title Precomputed rgb colors
# @description A dataset containing wavelengths at a 1 nm interval (100 nm to
#   4000 nm) and the corresponding CMF and CC colors for human vision.
# @note Data computed with function \code{color_of()} and used by function
#   \code{fast_color_of_wl()}
#   A chroma_spct object with variables as follows:
# @details
# \itemize{
# \item w.length (nm), numeric vector
# \item CMF, named character vector
# \item CC, named character vector}
# @docType data
# @keywords datasets
# @format A \code{generic_spct} object with 3901 rows and 3 variables.
# @examples
# wl_colors.spct
# "wl_colors.spct"
aphalo/photobiology documentation built on April 1, 2024, 6:48 p.m.