
Defines functions untag.generic_mspct untag.generic_spct untag.default untag fast_wb2rect_spct wb2rect_spct wb2tagged_spct wb2spct tag.generic_mspct tag.generic_spct tag.default tag

Documented in fast_wb2rect_spct tag tag.default tag.generic_mspct tag.generic_spct untag untag.default untag.generic_mspct untag.generic_spct wb2rect_spct wb2spct wb2tagged_spct

# tag ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Tag a spectrum
#' Spectra are tagged by adding variables and attributes containing color
#' definitions, labels, and a factor following the wavebands given in
#' \code{w.band}. This methods are most useful for plotting realistic
#' computed colors from spectral data.
#' @param x an R object.
#' @param ... ignored (possibly used by derived methods).
#' @return A copy of \code{x} expanded with additional columns with
#'   color-related information.
#' @export
#' @family tagging and related functions
tag <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tag")

#' @describeIn tag Default method for generic
#' @export
tag.default <- function(x, ...) {
  warning("'tag' is not defined for objects of class ", class(x)[1])

#' @describeIn tag Tag one of \code{generic_spct}, and derived classes including
#'   \code{source_spct}, \code{filter_spct}, \code{reflector_spct},
#'   \code{object_spct}, and \code{response_spct}.
#' @param w.band waveband or list of waveband objects. The waveband(s) determine
#'   the region(s) of the spectrum that are tagged
#' @param wb.trim logical Flag telling if wavebands crossing spectral data
#'   boundaries are trimmed or ignored
#' @param use.hinges logical Flag indicating whether to insert "hinges" into the
#'   spectral data before integration so as to reduce interpolation errors at
#'   the boundaries of the wavebands.
#' @param short.names logical Flag indicating whether to use short or long names
#'   for wavebands
#' @param chroma.type character telling whether "CMF", "CC", or "both" should be returned
#'   for human vision, or an object of class \code{chroma_spct} for any other
#'   trichromic visual system.
#' @param byref logical Flag indicating if new object will be created \emph{by
#'   reference} or \emph{by copy} of \code{x}
#' @export
#' @note \code{NULL} as \code{w.band} argument does not add any new tags,
#'   instead it removes existing tags if present. \code{NA}, the default, as
#'   \code{w.band} argument removes existing waveband tags if present and
#'   sets the \code{wl.color} variable. If a waveband object or a list of
#'   wavebands is supplied as argument then tagging is based on them, and
#'   \code{wl.color} is also set.
#' @examples
#' tag(sun.spct)
#' tag(sun.spct, list(A = waveband(c(300,3005))))
tag.generic_spct <-
           w.band = NULL,
           wb.trim = getOption("photobiology.waveband.trim", default = TRUE),
           use.hinges = TRUE,
           short.names = TRUE,
           chroma.type = "CMF",
           byref = FALSE, ...) {
    name <- substitute(x)
    if (is_tagged(x)) {
      warning("Overwriting old tags in spectrum")
      untag(x, byref = TRUE)
    # we add a waveband for the whole spectrum
    if (length(w.band) == 0) {
      w.band <- waveband(x)
    # If the waveband is a missing value we add missing values as tags
    if (all(is.na(w.band))) {
      x[["wl.color"]] <- NA_character_
      x[["wb.color"]] <- NA_character_
      x[["wb.f"]] <- factor(NA_character_)
    if (is.waveband(w.band)) {
      # if the argument is a single w.band, we enclose it in a list so that the
      # for loop works as expected. This lets us treat as any other case.
      w.band <- list(w.band)
    # we delete or trim the wavebands that are not fully within the
    # spectral data wavelength range
    w.band <- trim_waveband(w.band = w.band, range = x, trim = wb.trim)
    # we check if the list members are named, if not we use the names of the
    # wavebands
    wbs.number <- length(w.band) # number of wavebands
    wbs.name <- names(w.band) # their names in the list
    if (is.null(wbs.name)) {
      wbs.name <- character(wbs.number)
    # The default is calculated based of the stepsize
    if (is.null(use.hinges)) {
      use.hinges <- auto_hinges(x[["w.length"]])
    # we collect all hinges and insert them in one go
    if (use.hinges) {
      all.hinges <- numeric()
      for (wb in w.band) {
        if (length(wb[["hinges"]]) > 0) {
          all.hinges <- c(all.hinges, wb[["hinges"]])
      x <- insert_spct_hinges(x, all.hinges)

    # We iterate through the list of wavebands collecting their names, colors and
    # boundaries
    wbs.rgb <- character(wbs.number)
    wbs.wl.low <- wbs.wl.high <- numeric(wbs.number)
    i <- 0L
    for (wb in w.band) {
      i <- i + 1L
      if (wbs.name[i] == "") {
        if (short.names) {
          name.temp <- labels(wb)[["label"]]
          wbs.name[i] <- ifelse(grepl("^range.", name.temp, ignore.case = TRUE),
                                paste("wb", i, sep = ""),
        } else {
          wbs.name[i] <- labels(wb)[["name"]]
      wbs.wl.low[i] <- min(wb)
      wbs.wl.high[i] <- max(wb)
      wbs.rgb[i] <- fast_color_of_wb(wb, type = chroma.type)[1]
    # We add the waveband-independent tags to the spectrum
    x[["wl.color"]] <- fast_color_of_wl(x[["w.length"]], type = chroma.type)
    # We add the waveband-dependent tags to the spectrum
    n <- i
    x[["wb.color"]] <- NA
    x[["wb.f"]] <- NA
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      if (i < n) {
        selector <- x[["w.length"]] >= wbs.wl.low[i] & x[["w.length"]] < wbs.wl.high[i]
      } else {
        selector <- x[["w.length"]] >= wbs.wl.low[i] & x[["w.length"]] <= wbs.wl.high[i]
      x[selector, "wb.f"] <- wbs.name[i]
      x[selector, "wb.color"] <- wbs.rgb[i]
    x[["wb.f"]] <- factor(x[["wb.f"]], levels = wbs.name)
    # We add an attribute with tagging data
    #   field "valid" is a patch to solve a bug in a quick and safe way
    tag.data <- list(valid = TRUE, # NA's in time.unit at position 1 results in bug
                     time.unit = getTimeUnit(x),
                     wb.key.name = "Bands",
                     wl.color = TRUE,
                     wb.color = TRUE,
                     wb.num = n,
                     wb.colors = wbs.rgb[1:n],
                     wb.names = wbs.name[1:n],
                     wb.list = w.band)
    attr(x, "spct.tags") <- tag.data
    # to assign by reference we need to assign the new data frame to the old one
    if (byref & is.name(name)) {
      name <- as.character(name)
      assign(name, x, parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

#' @describeIn tag Tag one of \code{generic_mspct}, and derived classes including
#'   \code{source_mspct}, \code{filter_mspct}, \code{reflector_mspct},
#'   \code{object_mspct}, and \code{response_mspct}.
#' @param .parallel	if TRUE, apply function in parallel, using parallel backend
#'   provided by foreach
#' @param .paropts a list of additional options passed into the foreach function
#'   when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example)
#'   your code relies on external data or packages: use the .export and
#'   .packages arguments to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the
#'   correct environment set up for computing.
#' @export
tag.generic_mspct <- function(x,
                              w.band = NULL,
                              wb.trim = getOption("photobiology.waveband.trim", default = TRUE),
                              use.hinges = TRUE,
                              short.names = TRUE,
                              chroma.type = "CMF",
                              byref = FALSE,
                              .parallel = FALSE,
                              .paropts = NULL) {
  name <- substitute(x)

  z <- msmsply(
    w.band = w.band,
    wb.trim = wb.trim,
    use.hinges = use.hinges,
    short.names = short.names,
    chroma.type = chroma.type,
    byref = FALSE,
    .parallel = .parallel,
    .paropts = .paropts

  if (byref & is.name(name)) {
    name <- as.character(name)
    assign(name, z, parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

# wavebands -> tagged spectrum ----------------------------------------------

#' Create spectrum from wavebands
#' Create a generic_spct object with wavelengths from wavebands in a list.
#' @param w.band waveband or list of waveband objects The waveband(s) determine
#'   the wavelengths in variable \code{w.length} of the returned spectrum
#' @export
#' @return A generic.spectrum object, with columns w.length set to the
#'   \emph{union} of all  boundaries and hinges defined in the waveband(s).
#'   Different spectral data variables are set to zero and added making the
#'   returned value compatible with classes derived from \code{generic_spct}.
#' @family tagging and related functions
wb2spct <- function(w.band) {
  if (is.waveband(w.band)) {
    w.band <- list(w.band)
  w.length <- numeric(0)
  for (wb in w.band) {
    w.length <- c(w.length, wb[["hinges"]])
  if (is.null(w.length) || length(w.length) < 2) {
    new.spct <- tibble::tibble(w.length = numeric(0),
                               counts = 0, cps = 0,
                               s.e.irrad = numeric(0),
                               s.q.irrad = numeric(0),
                               Tfr = numeric(0),
                               Rfl = numeric(0),
                               s.e.response = numeric(0))
  } else {
    w.length <- unique(sort(w.length))
    new.spct <- tibble::tibble(w.length = w.length,
                               counts = 0, cps = 0,
                               s.e.irrad = 0, s.q.irrad = 0,
                               Tfr = 0, Rfl = 0, s.e.response = 0)

#' Create tagged spectrum from wavebands
#' Create a tagged \code{generic_spct} object with wavelengths from the range of
#' wavebands in a list, and names of the same bands as factor levels, and
#' corresponding color definitions. The spectrum is not suitable for plotting
#' labels, symbols, rectangles or similar, as the midpoint of each waveband is
#' not added to the spectrum.
#' @param w.band waveband or list of waveband objects The waveband(s) determine
#'   the region(s) of the spectrum that are tagged and the wavelengths returned
#'   in variable \code{w.length}.
#' @param use.hinges logical Flag indicating whether to insert "hinges" into the
#'   spectral data before integration so as to reduce interpolation errors at
#'   the boundaries of the wavebands.
#' @param short.names logical Flag indicating whether to use short or long names
#'   for wavebands.
#' @param chroma.type character telling whether "CMF", "CC", or "both" should be
#'   returned for human vision, or an object of class \code{chroma_spct} for any
#'   other trichromic visual system.
#' @param ... ignored (possibly used by derived methods).
#' @export
#' @return A spectrum as returned by \code{\link{wb2spct}} but additionally
#'   tagged using function \code{\link{tag}}
#' @family tagging and related functions
wb2tagged_spct <-
  function(w.band, use.hinges = TRUE, short.names = TRUE, chroma.type = "CMF", ...) {
  new.spct <- wb2spct(w.band)
  tag(new.spct, w.band, use.hinges, short.names, chroma.type = chroma.type, byref = TRUE)
  new.spct[["y"]] <- 0

#' Create tagged spectrum from wavebands
#' Create a generic_spct object with wavelengths from the range of wavebands in
#' a list. The spectrum is suitable for plotting labels, symbols, rectangles or
#' similar, as the midpoint of each waveband is added to the spectrum.
#' @param w.band waveband or list of waveband objects The waveband(s) determine
#'   the wavelengths in variable \code{w.length} of the returned spectrum
#' @param short.names logical Flag indicating whether to use short or long names
#'   for wavebands
#' @param chroma.type character telling whether "CMF", "CC", or "both" should be
#'   returned for human vision, or an object of class \code{chroma_spct} for any
#'   other trichromic visual system.
#' @export
#' @return A \code{generic.spectrum} object, with columns w.length, wl.low,
#'   wl.hi, wl.color, wb.color and wb.name. The w.length values are the
#'   midpoint of the wavebands, wl.low and wl.high give the boundaries of the
#'   wavebands, wl.color the color definition corresponding to the wavelength at
#'   the center of the waveband and wb.color the color of the waveband as a
#'   whole (assuming a flat energy irradiance spectrum). Different spectral data
#'   variables are set to zero and added making the returned value compatible
#'   with classes derived from \code{generic_spct}.
#' @family tagging and related functions
wb2rect_spct <- function(w.band, short.names = TRUE, chroma.type = "CMF") {
  if (is.waveband(w.band)) {
    w.band <- list(w.band)
  wbs.number <- length(w.band) # number of wavebands in list
  wbs.name <- names(w.band)
  if (is.null(wbs.name)) {
    wbs.name <- character(wbs.number)
  wbs.wl.mid <- wbs.wl.high <- wbs.wl.low <- numeric(wbs.number)
  wbs.rgb <- character(wbs.number)
  i <- 0L
  for (wb in w.band) {
    i <- i + 1L
    if (wbs.name[i] == "") {
      if (short.names) {
        name.temp <- labels(wb)[["label"]]
        wbs.name[i] <- ifelse(grepl("^range.", name.temp, ignore.case = TRUE),
                              paste("wb", i, sep = ""),
      } else {
        wbs.name[i] <- labels(wb)[["name"]]
    wbs.wl.low[i] <- min(wb)
    wbs.wl.mid[i] <- midpoint(wb)
    wbs.wl.high[i] <- max(wb)
    wbs.rgb[i] <- color_of(wb, type = chroma.type)[1]
  new.spct <- tibble::tibble(w.length = wbs.wl.mid,
                             counts = 0, cps = 0,
                             s.e.irrad = 0, s.q.irrad = 0,
                             Tfr = 0, Rfl = 0,
                             s.e.response = 0,
                             wl.color = color_of(wbs.wl.mid,
                                                 type = chroma.type),
                             wb.color = wbs.rgb,
                             wb.name = wbs.name,
                             wb.f = factor(wbs.name, levels = wbs.name),
                             wl.high = wbs.wl.high, wl.low = wbs.wl.low,
                             y = 0)
  tag.data <- list(time.unit = "none",
                   wb.key.name = "Bands",
                   wl.color = TRUE,
                   wb.color = TRUE,
                   wb.num = wbs.number,
                   wb.colors = wbs.rgb,
                   wb.names = wbs.name,
                   wb.list = w.band)
  attr(new.spct, "spct.tags") <- tag.data


#' @rdname wb2rect_spct
#' @param simplify logical Flag indicating whether to merge neighboring
#'   rectangles of equal color. Simplification is done only for narrow
#'   wavebands.
#' @note Function \code{fast_wb2rect_spct()} differs from \code{wb2rect_spct()}
#'   in that it computes colors for narrow wavebands based on the midpoint
#'   wavelength and uses vectorization when possible. It always returns color
#'   definitions with short names, which are also used as waveband names for
#'   narrow wavebands and merged wavebands. The purpose of merging of rectangles
#'   is to speed up rendering and to reduce the size of vector graphics output.
#'   This function should be used with care as the color definitions returned
#'   are only approximate and original waveband names can be lost.
#' @export
fast_wb2rect_spct <- function(w.band, chroma.type = "CMF", simplify = TRUE) {
  if (is.waveband(w.band)) {
    w.band <- list(w.band)
  wbs.wds <- sapply(w.band, expanse)
  if (any(wbs.wds >= 10)) {
    wb2rect_spct(w.band = w.band,
                 short.names = TRUE,
                 chroma.type = chroma.type)
  } else {
    wbs.number <- length(w.band) # number of wavebands in list
    wbs.wl.mid <- sapply(w.band, wl_midpoint)
    wbs.wl.high <- sapply(w.band, wl_max)
    wbs.wl.low <- sapply(w.band, wl_min)
    wbs.rgb <- fast_color_of_wl(wbs.wl.mid)
    if (simplify) {
      rgb.rle <- rle(wbs.rgb)
      new.nrow <- length(rgb.rle[["lengths"]])
      runs.ends <- cumsum(rgb.rle[["lengths"]])
      runs.start <- c(1L, runs.ends[-new.nrow] + 1L)
      wbs.wl.low <- wbs.wl.low[runs.start]
      wbs.wl.high <- wbs.wl.high[runs.ends]
      wbs.wl.mid <- wbs.wl.low + (wbs.wl.high - wbs.wl.low) / 2
      wbs.rgb <- wbs.rgb[runs.ends]
    wb.names <- names(wbs.rgb)
    new.spct <- tibble::tibble(w.length = wbs.wl.mid,
                               counts = 0, cps = 0,
                               s.e.irrad = 0, s.q.irrad = 0,
                               Tfr = 0, Rfl = 0,
                               s.e.response = 0,
                               wl.color = wbs.rgb,
                               wb.color = wbs.rgb,
                               wb.name = wb.names,
                               wb.f = factor(wb.names, levels = wb.names),
                               wl.high = wbs.wl.high, wl.low = wbs.wl.low,
                               y = 0)
    tag.data <- list(time.unit = "none",
                     wb.key.name = "Bands",
                     wl.color = TRUE,
                     wb.color = TRUE,
                     wb.num = new.nrow,
                     wb.colors = wbs.rgb,
                     wb.names = wb.names,
                     wb.list = if(simplify) list() else w.band)
    attr(new.spct, "spct.tags") <- tag.data


# untag -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Remove tags
#' Remove tags from an R object if present, otherwise return the object
#' unchanged.
#' @param x an R object.
#' @param ... ignored (possibly used by derived methods).
#' @export
#' @family tagging and related functions
untag <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("untag")

#' @describeIn untag Default for generic function
#' @export
untag.default <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn untag Specialization for generic_spct
#' @param byref logical indicating if new object will be created by reference or
#'   by copy of x
#' @return if \code{x} contains tag data they are removed and the "spct.tags"
#'   attribute is set to \code{NA}, while if \code{x} has no tags, it is not
#'   modified. In either case, the byref argument is respected: in all cases if
#'   \code{byref = FALSE} a copy of \code{x} is returned.
#' @export
untag.generic_spct <- function(x,
                               byref = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!byref) {
    x <- x
    name <- NA
  } else {
    name <- substitute(x)
  if (!is_tagged(x)) {
  x[["wl.color"]] <- NULL
  x[["wb.color"]] <- NULL
  x[["wb.f"]] <- NULL
  tag.data <- NA
  attr(x, "spct.tags") <- tag.data
  # to work by reference we need to assign the new spct to the old one
  if (byref & is.name(name)) {
    name <- as.character(name)
    assign(name, x, parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

#' @describeIn untag Specialization for generic_spct
#' @export
untag.generic_mspct <- function(x,
                               byref = FALSE, ...) {

  if (!length(x)) return(x) # class of x in no case changes

  name <- substitute(x)

  z <- msmsply(
    byref = FALSE,

  if (byref & is.name(name)) {
    name <- as.character(name)
    assign(name, z, parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
aphalo/photobiology documentation built on April 1, 2024, 6:48 p.m.