#' @param out an ivDiag object
#' @param ols.methods inferential methods for OLS
#' @param iv.methods inferential methods for 2SLS
#' @param main title of the plot
#' @param ylab ylab of the plot
#' @param grid whether to put on grids
#' @param stats whether to show Statistics
#' @param ylim y-range
#' @export
plot_coef <- function(out,
ols.methods = c("analy","bootc","boott"),
iv.methods = c("analy","bootc","boott","ar","tf"),
main = NULL,
ylab = "Coefficient",
grid = TRUE,
stats = TRUE,
ylim = NULL
) {
# check
if (is.null(out)==FALSE) {
if (inherits(out, "ivDiag") == FALSE) {stop("\"out\" needs to be a \"ltz\" object.")}
# title
if (is.null(main)==TRUE) {
main <- "OLS and 2SLS Estimates with 95% CIs"
# are bootstrap results available?
if (length(out$F_stat) == 4) { # no bootstrap results
bootstrap <- FALSE
ols.methods <- setdiff(ols.methods, c("bootc", "boott"))
iv.methods <- setdiff(iv.methods, c("bootc", "boott"))
} else {
bootstrap <- TRUE
# is AR available?
if (is.null(out$AR) == TRUE) {
iv.methods <- setdiff(iv.methods, c("ar"))
} else {
# is tF available?
if (is.null(out$tF) == TRUE) {
iv.methods <- setdiff(iv.methods, "tf")
} else {
tF <- TRUE
for (s in ols.methods) {
if (!s %in% ols.methods) {stop("\"ols.methods\" should only include \"analy\", \"bootc\", \"boott\".")}
for (s in iv.methods) {
if (!s %in% iv.methods) {stop("\"iv.methods\" should only include \"analy\", \"bootc\", \"boott\", \"ar\", \"tf\".")}
ncoefs.ols <- length(ols.methods)
ncoefs.iv <- length(iv.methods)
if (ncoefs.ols + ncoefs.iv == 0) {
stop("\"ols.methods\" and \"iv.methods\" should include at least one method.")
# update stats names
if (ncoefs.ols > 0) {ols.methods <- paste0("ols-", ols.methods)}
if (ncoefs.iv > 0) {iv.methods <- paste0("iv-", iv.methods)}
# collect coefficients and CIs
coef.ols <- out$est_ols[1,1]
coef.iv <- out$est_2sls[1,1]
lower_ci <- c(out$est_ols[,4], out$est_2sls[, 4])
upper_ci <- c(out$est_ols[,5], out$est_2sls[, 5])
if (bootstrap == FALSE) {
method <- c("Analytic", "Analytic")
row.names <- c("ols-analy", "iv-analy")
coef <- c(rep(coef.ols, 1), rep(coef.iv, 1))
} else {
method <- c("Analytic", "Boot-c", "Boot-t", "Analytic", "Boot-c", "Boot-t")
row.names <- c("ols-analy", "ols-bootc", "ols-boott", "iv-analy", "iv-bootc", "iv-boott")
coef <- c(rep(coef.ols, 3), rep(coef.iv, 3))
# AR is available
if (AR == TRUE) {
if (out$AR$bounded == TRUE) {
lower_ci <- c(lower_ci, out$AR$ci[1])
upper_ci <- c(upper_ci, out$AR$ci[2])
} else {
lower_ci <- c(lower_ci, NA)
upper_ci <- c(upper_ci, NA)
method <- c(method, "AR")
row.names <- c(row.names, "iv-ar")
coef <- c(coef, coef.iv)
# tF is available
if (tF == TRUE) {
lower_ci <- c(lower_ci, out$tF[6])
upper_ci <- c(upper_ci, out$tF[7])
method <- c(method, "tF")
row.names <- c(row.names, "iv-tf")
coef <- c(coef, coef.iv)
# Data for the plot
data <- data.frame(method = method, coef = coef, lower_ci = lower_ci, upper_ci = upper_ci)
rownames(data) <- row.names
data <- data[c(ols.methods, iv.methods), ]
rg <- range(data[,c(3,4)], na.rm = TRUE)
adj <- rg[2] - rg[1]
if (is.null(ylim) == TRUE) {
ylim <- c(min(0, rg[1] - 0.3*adj), max(0, rg[2] + 0.35*adj))
adj2 <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
# Set up the plot
ncoefs <- ncoefs.ols + ncoefs.iv
plot(1: ncoefs, data$coef, xlim = c(0.5, ncoefs + 0.5), ylim = ylim,
ylab = "", xlab = "", main = main,
axes = FALSE, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "n")
axis(1, at = 1: ncoefs, labels = data$method, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.8)
mtext(ylab, 2, line = 2.5)
if (grid == TRUE) {
abline(h = axTicks(2), lty = "dotted", col = "gray50")
abline(v = c(0.5, c(1: ncoefs) + 0.5), lty = "dotted", col = "gray50") # horizontal grid
if (ncoefs.ols > 0) {
rect(0.5, ylim[1]-0.2*adj2, ncoefs.ols + 0.5, ylim[1]+0.05*adj2, col = "#AAAAAA80", border = "white") # label at bottom
text((ncoefs.ols + 1)/2, ylim[1], "OLS", cex = 1)
if (ncoefs.iv > 0) {
rect(ncoefs.ols + 0.5, ylim[1]-0.2*adj2, ncoefs + 0.5, ylim[1]+0.05*adj2, col = "#77777780", border = "white") # label at bottom
text((ncoefs.iv + 1)/2 + ncoefs.ols, ylim[1], "2SLS", cex = 1)
abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = "solid")
segments(y0 = data$lower_ci, x0 = c(1: ncoefs), y1 = data$upper_ci, x1 = c(1: ncoefs), lwd = 2) #CI
points(1: ncoefs, data$coef, pch = c(rep(16, ncoefs.ols), rep(17, ncoefs.iv)), col = "blue") #point coefs
if ("iv-ar" %in% iv.methods) {
if (out$AR$bounded == FALSE) {
if (length(out$AR$ci) == 1) {
ar.lab <- "Empty CI"
} else {
ar.lab <- "Unbounded CI"
text(which(data$method == "AR"), -0.05 * adj2 * sign(coef.iv), ar.lab, col = "red", cex = 0.8)
if (stats == TRUE) {
if (is.null(out$N_cl) == TRUE) {
legend("topleft", c(paste0("Effective F = ", sprintf("%.1f", out$F_stat["F.effective"])),
paste0("N = ", out$N)), bty="n")
} else {
legend("topleft", c(paste0("Effective F = ", sprintf("%.1f", out$F_stat["F.effective"])),
paste0("N = ", out$N, ", Ncl = ", out$N_cl)), bty="n")
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