
Defines functions generateBoundedPoint scale_attraction logistic_growth to_sf_point lineBearing getChoices seperate_patches

Documented in generateBoundedPoint getChoices lineBearing logistic_growth scale_attraction seperate_patches to_sf_point

##~~Patch Notes
#Fix drop units errors +
#Forager, brwForager Paths as Linestrings +
#Allow multiple linestrings in Forager paths +
#Add crwForager -
#dont relocate forager in ArrayEnvironment after final trial +

#' @import sp
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom circular circular rwrappedcauchy
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom units set_units
#' @import methods
#' @import sf

#' @title Patch Separator
#' @description checks for overlap of any geometries in patch_geoms, and shifts any overlapping patches away from each other. Will repeat up to "iterations" times
#' @param patch_geoms a spatial features collection (geometry list)#'
#' @param iterations #numeric giving number of interations to seperate before quitting with warning
#' @return sfc with adjusted patch locations
seperate_patches <- function(patch_geoms, iterations = 10) {
  #input: patch_geoms; a spatial features collects (geometry list)
  #       iterations: positive integer
  #output: same structure as patch_geoms
  #description: checks for overlap of any geometries in patch_geoms, and shifts any overlapping patches away from each other. Will repeat up to "iterations" times
  i = 1
  while(sum(lengths(st_overlaps(patch_geoms))) > 0 & i <= iterations) { #as long as any patches are overlapping and max iterations have not been reached . . .
    for(patch in which(lengths(st_overlaps(patch_geoms)) > 0 )) {       #for each patch with an overlap . . .
      self_centroid <- st_centroid(patch_geoms[[patch]])                #get centroid
      overlap_centroids <- st_centroid(patch_geoms[st_overlaps(patch_geoms)[[patch]]]) #and centroids of overlapping patches
      if (length(overlap_centroids) > 0) for (j in 1:length(overlap_centroids)) { #if statement catches cases in which overlaps have already been removed by moving patch earlier in patches_geom
        patch_geoms[[patch]] <- patch_geoms[[patch]] + (self_centroid - overlap_centroids[[j]])/2 #move current patch 50% further away from all patches it is overlapping
    i = i + 1
  if (i > iterations) warning("failed to remove patch overlaps")

# Function to calculate distance between a forager and a set of patches, then return the patches withing sight range of the forager and their distances
#' @title Choice Finder
#' @param forager A single object of Forager class
#' @param patches A simple features data frame with a geom column containing the geometries of patches.
#' @importFrom units set_units
getChoices <- function(forager, patches) {
  recentVisits <- forager$visitSeq[c((length(forager$visitSeq) - (forager$repeatAvoid - 1)):length(forager$visitSeq))] #check which patches forager has visited recently
  patches <- patches[! patches$NAME %in% recentVisits & (patches$VALUE * forager$efficiency) > forager$giving_up_density,] #remove recently visited patches and those that would be passed over according to the marginal value theorem
  distances <- set_units(st_distance(forager$location, patches), NULL) #get distances to each patch
  if (sum(distances <= forager$sight) == 0) return(NA)                                                                        #if no patches in sight, return no target
  choices <- patches[which(distances[1,] <= forager$sight),]
  choices$DIST <- distances[distances[1,] <= forager$sight]

# Function to get the bearing from the start point of a linestring to the endpoint
#' @title lineBearing
#' @description gets the angle of a linestring
#' @param linestring A st_LINESTRING object
#' @export
lineBearing <- function(linestring) {
  endpoints <- st_cast(linestring, "POINT")
  deltaXY <- endpoints[[2]] - endpoints[[1]]
  return(atan2(x = deltaXY[1], y = deltaXY[2]))

# Function to flexibly handle multiple point formats and converts to a simple features collection
#' @title Make point sfc
#' @param point A length two numeric vector, an st_POINT, or and sfc_POINT class object
#' @param crs A numeric giving the CRS code to apply to the point argument
to_sf_point <- function(point, crs = NA) {
  if (is.numeric(point)) {
    if (!length(point) == 2) stop("point argument is numeric, but not of length 2")
    point <- st_point(point)
  if ("POINT" %in% class(point)) point <- st_sfc(point, crs = crs)
  if ("sfc_POINT" %in% class(point)) return(point) else stop("point argument must be a numeric vector, a POINT object, or a geometry collection with POINT objects")

#' @title Logistic Growth
#' @description A function to determine a patches location on its logistic growth curve (solved from VALUE), then increase VALUE by one unit of time on the curve
#' @param y a vector of numerics representing current values experiencing logistic growth
#' @param max the horizontal asymptote of the growth function
#' @param scale the maximum growth rate
#' @param yadj scales the sigmoid midpoint on y axis, relative to max. At 0.5, maximum growth occurs at time 0
logistic_growth <- function(y, max = 1, scale = 0.2, yadj = 0.5) {
  #output: a vector of numerics of equal length to input
  #description: returns values in the x variable as a function of logistic growth, using remaining input parameters
  #Notes: This is probably a more complicated growth curve than necessary
  t <- log(-(yadj * (max + y))/((yadj - 1) * max + (yadj * y)))/scale #gets current location on growth curve (solved from modified logistic growth equation below)
  t <- t + 1
  y <- (max/yadj) * (1/(1+exp(-scale*(t))) -yadj) #reconverts from t to y

#' @title Deterministic Attraction Modifier
#' @description Modifies a vector of attraction values based on the deterministic nature of the choice. When choice determinism is positive, the best choice becomes relatively more attractive.
#' @param attractions a vector of numerics representing attractiveness of various options
#' @param choice_determinism numeric. At 0, choice probability is directly proportional to attraction. When negative, the choice becomes more random. When positive, better options become relatively more attractive. Absolute values of 1 approach full randomness/determinism
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- seq(0,10,0.1)
#' plot(x, scale_attraction(x, 0))
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, 0.2), col = "green")
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, 0.5), col = "yellow")
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, 0.9), col = "red")
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, -0.2), col = "green")
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, -0.5), col = "yellow")
#' lines(x, scale_attraction(x, -0.9), col = "red")
#' }
scale_attraction <- function(attractions, choice_determinism) {
  #output: a vector of numerics of equal length to input
  attractions <- attractions^(50^choice_determinism)/max(attractions)^((50^choice_determinism)-1) #50 is a scaling parameter chosen to see strong effects at -1 and 1. Initiall 100 was selected, but it yield numerators approximate to infinity

# Function to create a simple features collection containing a single point created randomly within a set of polygons
#' @title Bounded Point Generator
#' @description creates a spatial point object within the confines of a spatial feature (the input)
#' @param bounds A simple features collection containing polygons within which new point must be created.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
generateBoundedPoint <- function(bounds) {
  location <- c(runif(1, st_bbox(bounds)["xmin"], st_bbox(bounds)["xmax"]), runif(1, st_bbox(bounds)["ymin"], st_bbox(bounds)["ymax"])) %>% st_point() %>% st_sfc(crs = st_crs(bounds))
  while (!st_within(location, bounds, sparse = FALSE)[1,1]) location <- c(runif(1, st_bbox(bounds)["xmin"], st_bbox(bounds)["xmax"]), runif(1, st_bbox(bounds)["ymin"], st_bbox(bounds)["ymax"])) %>% st_point() %>% st_sfc(crs = st_crs(bounds)) #if point not within bounds, recreate

###~~~~~~Sample Script~~~~~~~~

#' @examples
#' newPatches <- lapply(rep(2, times = 20), function(x) st_point(runif(x, min = -100, max = 100))) %>% st_sfc %>% data.frame(geom = ., NAME = as.character(1:length(.))) %>% st_sf() %>% st_buffer(1) %>% st_set_crs(32610) #creates sf dataframe with 200 randomly created circular patches with radius of 2
#' brwForagers <- createForagers(5, type = "BRW", bounds = st_sfc(st_convex_hull(reduce(testPatches$geometry, c)), crs = st_crs(testPatches)), speeds = 4, sights = 8, quiet = TRUE)
#' rForagers <- createForagers(5, bounds = st_sfc(st_convex_hull(reduce(testPatches$geometry, c)), crs = st_crs(testPatches)), speeds = c(2,4,6,8,10), sights = 5, quiet = TRUE)
#' mixedForagers <- c(brwForagers, rForagers)
#' testEnviron <- Environment(foragers = testForagers, patches = testPatches)
#' testEnviron$plotCurrent()
#' for (t in seq(50)) testEnviron$progress()
#' testEnviron$plotPaths()
aqvining/Foraging-Simulator documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 5:43 p.m.