
Defines functions linkages

Documented in linkages

##' @title LINKAGES main function
##' @author Ann Raiho
##' @param iplot        PEcAn settings object
##' @param nyear        number of years
##' @param nspec        number of species
##' @param fc           field capacity
##' @param dry          wilting point
##' @param bgs          beginning of growing season
##' @param egs          end of growing season
##' @param max.ind      maximum number of indiviuals allowed to grow in a plot
##' @param plat         latitude
##' @param temp.mat     monthly temperature matrix (nyear x 12)
##' @param precip.mat   monthly precipitation matrix (nyear x 12)
##' @param spp.params   species parameter matrix
##' @param switch.mat   species switches matrix
##' @param fdat         underground parameter matrix
##' @param clat         climate correction factor matrix
##' @param basesc       initial humus weight
##' @param basesn       initial N in soil
##' @description Main function for running all LINKAGES subroutines
##' @return year vector of years
##' @return ag.biomass above ground biomass in kgC/m2
##' @return total.soil.carbon soil organic matter + leaf litter in kgC/m2
##' @return leaf.litter leaf litter in kgC/m2
##' @return ag.npp above ground net primary production in kgC/m2/second
##' @return hetero.resp heterotrophic respiration in kgC/m2/second
##' @return nee net ecosystem exchange in kgC/m2/second
##' @return et annual evapotransipiration kgC/m2/s
##' @return agb.pft = agb.pft above ground biomass by plant functional type (species in LINKAGES)
##' @return f.comp = f.comp fractional composition (sums to 1 each year)
##' @return ntrees.birth=ntrees.birth number of trees born of each species each year
##' @return ntrees.kill = ntrees.kill number of trees killed of each species each year
##' @return tstem=tstem stem density
##' @return tab=tab total aboveground biomass without unit conversion
##' @return fl=fl total leaf litter without unit conversion
##' @return totl=totl leaf litter nitrogen
##' @return tnap=tnap total net above ground production without unit conversion
##' @return avln=avln available nitrogen
##' @return cn=cn carbon to nitrogen ratio
##' @return sco2c=sco2c soil repiration without unit conversion
##' @return som=som soil organic matter
##' @return bar=bar biomass by species without unit conversion
##' @return aet.save=aet.save annual evapotranspiration without unit conversion
##' @return nogro.save=nogro.save matrix of trees not growing each year
##' @return dbh.save=dbh.save matrix of dbh increment of trees each year
##' @return iage.save=iage.save matrix of age of each tree each year
linkages <- function(linkages.input, outdir, restart = NULL, linkages.restart = NULL){

  if(is.null(restart)) restart = FALSE
  if(is.null(restart)) linkages.restart = NA


  if(restart == TRUE){
    max.ind <- length(dbh)
    max.ind <- 200

  #temp.mat <- matrix(temp.mat,nyear,12)
  #precip.mat <- matrix(precip.mat,nyear,12)

  gf.vec.save <- array(NA,dim=c(nspec,4,nyear,iplot))
  tstem = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #number of stems
  area = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
  water = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
  tab = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #total aboveground biomass
  abvgrnwood = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #total aboveground woody biomass
  fl = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #leaf litter
  totl = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #leaf litter N
  tnap = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #net aboveground production
  avln = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #available nitrogen
  cn = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #humus C:N ratio
  sco2c = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #soil co2 evolution
  som = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #soil organic matter
  aet.save = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
  ncohrt.save = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
  tyl.save = array(0,dim=c(20,nyear,iplot))
  ntrees.birth <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
  ntrees.grow <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
  ntrees.kill <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
 # gf.vec.save <- array(0,dim=c(4,nyear,iplot))
  bar <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
  algf.save.keep<- array(NA,dim=c(max.ind,nspec,nyear,iplot))
  nogro.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
  dbh.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
  iage.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
  awp.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
  npp.spp.save <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))

  for(k in 1:iplot){ #loop over plots

    if(restart == FALSE){

    plotin.out <- plotin(iplot = k, basesc = basesc, basesn = basesn, max.ind = max.ind,
                         nspec = nspec) # initializes storage matrices with zeros for each plot

    ncohrt <- unlist(plotin.out$ncohrt, use.names = FALSE)
    tyl <- unlist(plotin.out$tyl, use.names = FALSE)
    C.mat <- unlist(plotin.out$C.mat, use.names = FALSE)
    ntrees <- unlist(plotin.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
    dbh <- unlist(plotin.out$dbh, use.names = FALSE)
    nogro <- unlist(plotin.out$nogro, use.names = FALSE)
    ksprt <- unlist(plotin.out$ksprt, use.names = FALSE)
    iage <- unlist(plotin.out$iage, use.names = FALSE)

    } else {
      #load last stopping point
      #redo storage
      tstem = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #number of stems
      tab = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #total aboveground biomass
      fl = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #leaf litter
      totl = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #leaf litter N
      tnap = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #net aboveground production
      avln = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #available nitrogen
      cn = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #humus C:N ratio
      sco2c = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #soil co2 evolution
      som = matrix(0,nyear,iplot) #soil organic matter
      aet.save = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
      ncohrt.save = matrix(0,nyear,iplot)
      tyl.save = array(0,dim=c(20,nyear,iplot))
      ntrees.birth <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
      ntrees.grow <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
      ntrees.kill <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
      bar <- npp.spp.save <- array(0,dim=c(nspec,nyear,iplot))
      nogro.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
      dbh.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
      iage.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))
      awp.save <- array(0,dim=c(max.ind,nyear,iplot))

      temp.mat <- matrix(temp.mat,nyear,12)
      precip.mat <- matrix(precip.mat,nyear,12)
    for(i in 1:nyear){

      #calculates degree days for the year
      degd <- tempe(temp.vec = temp.mat[i,1:12])
      #degd = unlist(tempe.out$degd, use.names = FALSE)

      bgs <- (which(temp.mat[i,]>10)[1]-1)*30
      egs <- bgs + length(which(temp.mat[i,]>10))*30

      #calculates aet
      moist.out <- moist(kyr = i, temp.vec = temp.mat[i,1:12], precip.vec = precip.mat[i,1:12],
            fc = fc, dry = dry, bgs = bgs, egs = egs, plat = plat, clat = clat)
      aet <- unlist(moist.out$aet, use.names = FALSE)
      fj <- unlist(moist.out$fj, use.names = FALSE)

      #decomposition subroutine
      decomp.out <- decomp(fdat = fdat, aet = aet,
                           ncohrt = ncohrt, fc = fc, dry = dry,
                           tyl = tyl, C.mat = C.mat)

      ff <- unlist(decomp.out$ff, use.names = FALSE)
      availn <- unlist(decomp.out$availn, use.names = FALSE)
      tyln <- unlist(decomp.out$tyln, use.names = FALSE)
      hcn <- unlist(decomp.out$hcn, use.names = FALSE)
      sco2 <- unlist(decomp.out$sco2, use.names = FALSE)
      ncohrt <- unlist(decomp.out$ncohrt, use.names = FALSE)
      C.mat <- unlist(decomp.out$C.mat, use.names = FALSE)

      #calculates "growth multipliers"
      gmult.out <- gmult(bgs = bgs, egs = egs, availn = availn,
                        degd = degd, dmin = spp.params$DMIN,
                        dmax = spp.params$DMAX, d3 = spp.params$D3, fj = fj,
                        cm1 = spp.params$CM1, cm3 = spp.params$CM3, cm2 = spp.params$CM2,
                        cm4 = spp.params$CM4, cm5 = spp.params$CM5, nspec = nspec)

      smgf <- unlist(gmult.out$smgf, use.names = FALSE) #soil moisture growth factor
      sngf <- unlist(gmult.out$sngf, use.names = FALSE) #soil nitrogen growth factor
      degdgf <- unlist(gmult.out$degdgf, use.names = FALSE) #degree day growth factor
      availn <- unlist(gmult.out$availn, use.names = FALSE) #available nitrogen

      #birth subroutine
      birth.out <- birth(nspec = nspec, ntrees = ntrees, frt = spp.params$FRT, iage = iage,
            slta = spp.params$SLTA, sltb = spp.params$SLTB, dbh = dbh,
            fwt = spp.params$FWT, switch.mat = switch.mat,
            degd = degd, dmin = spp.params$DMIN, dmax = spp.params$DMAX,
            frost = spp.params$FROST, rt = temp.mat[i,1:12], itol = spp.params$ITOL,
            mplant = spp.params$MPLANT, nogro = nogro,
            ksprt = ksprt, sprtnd = spp.params$SPRTND, max.ind = max.ind, smgf=smgf,
            degdgf = degdgf)

      if(is.null(unlist(birth.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE))){
        ntrees[,i,k] <- rep(0,nspec)
        ntrees.birth[,i,k] <- rep(0,nspec)
      } else {
        ntrees.birth[,i,k] <- unlist(birth.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
        ntrees <- unlist(birth.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)

      dbh <- unlist(birth.out$dbh, use.names = FALSE)
      nogro <- unlist(birth.out$nogro, use.names = FALSE)
      ksprt <- unlist(birth.out$ksprt, use.names = FALSE)
      iage <- unlist(birth.out$iage, use.names = FALSE)

      #if(dbh[sum(ntrees)]==0) browser()

      #growth subroutine - increments dbh

      grow.out <- grow.opt(max.ind = max.ind, nspec = nspec, ntrees = ntrees, frt = spp.params$FRT, slta = spp.params$SLTA,
          sltb = spp.params$SLTB, dbh = dbh, fwt = spp.params$FWT, b2 = spp.params$B2,
           b3 = spp.params$B3, itol =spp.params$ITOL, g = spp.params$G, degdgf = degdgf,
           smgf = smgf, sngf= sngf,frost = spp.params$FROST, rt = temp.mat[i,1:12], iage = iage,

      if(is.null(unlist(grow.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE))){
        ntrees <- rep(0,nspec)
        ntrees.grow[,i,k] <- rep(0,nspec)
      } else {
        ntrees.grow[,i,k] <- unlist(grow.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
        ntrees <- unlist(grow.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
      dbh <- unlist(grow.out$dbh, use.names = FALSE)
      awp <- unlist(grow.out$awp, use.names = FALSE)
      nogro <- unlist(grow.out$nogro, use.names = FALSE)
      gf.vec.save[1:nspec,1:4,i,k] <- grow.out$gf.vec
      algf.save.keep[,,i,k] <- grow.out$algf.save
     # gf.vec.save[,i,k] <- gf.vec

      #if(dbh[sum(ntrees)]==0) browser()

      #kill subroutine
      kill.out<- kill(nspec = nspec, ntrees= ntrees,slta = spp.params$SLTA, sltb = spp.params$SLTB,
           dbh = dbh, agemx = spp.params$AGEMX, ksprt = ksprt,
           sprtmn = spp.params$SPRTMN, sprtmx = spp.params$SPRTMX, iage  = iage,
           nogro  = nogro,tl = spp.params$TL,rtst = spp.params$RTST, fwt = spp.params$FWT,
           max.ind = max.ind, frt = spp.params$FRT)

      ntrees <- unlist(kill.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
      ntrees.kill[,i,k] <- unlist(kill.out$ntrees, use.names = FALSE)
      dbh <- unlist(kill.out$dbh, use.names = FALSE)
      nogro <- unlist(kill.out$nogro, use.names = FALSE)
      ksprt <- unlist(kill.out$ksprt, use.names = FALSE)
      iage <- unlist(kill.out$iage, use.names = FALSE)
      tyl <- unlist(kill.out$tyl, use.names = FALSE)
      tyl.save[,i,k] <- unlist(kill.out$tyl, use.names = FALSE)
      tyl[is.na(tyl)] <- 0

      #output subroutine
      output.out <- output(availn = availn, tyln = tyln, nspec = nspec, frt=spp.params$FRT,
                         iage = iage,slta = spp.params$SLTA, max.ind = max.ind,
                         sltb = spp.params$SLTB,dbh = dbh,fwt = spp.params$FWT,tyl = tyl,

      #conversion factors
      DEFAULT.C <- 0.48  ## mass percent C of biomass
      PLOT.AREA <- 833 ## m^2
      toKG <- 100 ## g in Kg
      yearSecs <- (3.15569 * 10^7)
      Tconst <- .012

      #save variables
      awp.save[1:length(grow.out$awp),i,k] = unlist(grow.out$awp, use.names = FALSE)
      tstem[i,k] = unlist(output.out$atot, use.names = FALSE) #number of stems
      tab[i,k] = unlist(output.out$tbar, use.names = FALSE) #total aboveground biomass
      abvgrnwood[i,k] = unlist(output.out$twbar, use.names = FALSE) #total aboveground biomass
      area[i,k] = unlist(output.out$area, use.names = FALSE)/10 #LAI
      water[i,k] = unlist(moist.out$water, use.names = FALSE) #soil moisture
      fl[i,k] = unlist(kill.out$tyl, use.names = FALSE)[17] #leaf litter
      totl[i,k] = unlist(output.out$tyln, use.names = FALSE) #leaf litter N
      tnap[i,k] = unlist(output.out$tynap, use.names = FALSE) #net aboveground production
      avln[i,k] = unlist(gmult.out$availn, use.names = FALSE) #available nitrogen
      cn[i,k] = unlist(decomp.out$hcn, use.names = FALSE) #humus C:N ratio
      sco2c[i,k] = unlist(decomp.out$sco2, use.names = FALSE) #soil co2 evolution
      som[i,k] = unlist(decomp.out$ff[19,2], use.names = FALSE) #soil organic matter
      bar[,i,k] = unlist(output.out$bar, use.names = FALSE) #species biomass
      aet.save[i,k] = aet #annual evapotranspiration
      nogro.save[,i,k] = unlist(kill.out$nogro, use.names = FALSE)
      dbh.save[,i,k] = unlist(kill.out$dbh, use.names = FALSE)
      iage.save[,i,k] = unlist(kill.out$iage, use.names = FALSE)
      ncohrt.save[i,k] = ncohrt
      npp.spp.save[,i,k] = (unlist(grow.out$npp.spp,use.names=FALSE) * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * (1 / yearSecs) * DEFAULT.C)

    print(paste("year = ",i))

  print(paste("PLOT = ",k))

  #unit conversions for variables of interest #need to recheck more carefully later
  year <- seq(1,nyear,1)
  ag.biomass <- (tab  * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * DEFAULT.C) # Above Ground Biomass in kgC/m2 #total aboveground biomass
  abvgroundwood.biomass <- (abvgrnwood  * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * DEFAULT.C) # Above Ground Biomass in kgC/m2 #total aboveground biomass
  total.soil.carbon <- (som + fl)  * DEFAULT.C # TotSoilCarb in kgC/m2
  leaf.litter <- fl * DEFAULT.C # leaf litter in kgC/m2
  ag.npp <- (tnap * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * (1 / yearSecs) * DEFAULT.C) # GWBI = NPP in linkages
  hetero.resp <- (sco2c *(1 / PLOT.AREA) * (1 / yearSecs) * toKG) # HeteroResp in kgC/m^2/s
  nee <- ((ag.npp - hetero.resp))# NEE #possibly questionable
  et <- aet.save * (1 / yearSecs) # Evap in kg/m^2/s
  agb.pft <- (bar  * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * DEFAULT.C) #biomass by PFT
    f.comp <- t(t(bar[,,1]  * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * DEFAULT.C) / colSums((as.matrix(bar[,,1]) * (1 / PLOT.AREA) * DEFAULT.C))) #f composition
    f.comp[is.na(f.comp)]<-0 #look into prop.table()
    f.comp <- matrix(1,nspec,nyear)

  #NOT USED IN CURRENT PECAN OUTPUT #Add? SoilMoisture? LAI? StemDensity?
  #What about MIP stuff?
  #Can we get root biomass from C.mat?
  #tstem[i,k] <- unlist(output.out$atot, use.names = FALSE) #number of stems
  #totl[i,k] = unlist(output.out$tyln, use.names = FALSE) #leaf litter N
  #avln[i,k] = unlist(gmult.out$availn, use.names = FALSE) #available nitrogen
  #cn[i,k] = unlist(decomp.out$hcn, use.names = FALSE) #humus C:N ratio

  output.file <- file.path(outdir,"linkages.out.Rdata")

  save(year = year, ag.biomass = ag.biomass, abvgroundwood.biomass =  abvgroundwood.biomass, total.soil.carbon = total.soil.carbon,
       leaf.litter = leaf.litter, ag.npp = ag.npp, hetero.resp = hetero.resp,
       nee = nee, et = et, agb.pft = agb.pft, f.comp = f.comp,
       ntrees.birth = ntrees.birth, ntrees.kill = ntrees.kill, tstem = tstem,
       tab = tab, abvgrnwood=abvgrnwood,fl = fl,totl = totl,tnap = tnap,avln = avln,cn = cn,sco2c = sco2c,
       som = som,bar = bar,aet.save = aet.save,nogro.save = nogro.save,
       dbh.save = dbh.save, iage.save = iage.save, C.mat = C.mat, tyl = tyl,
       ncohrt = ncohrt, area = area, water = water, ksprt = ksprt, tyl.save = tyl.save,
      ff=ff, gf.vec.save = gf.vec.save, algf.save.keep = algf.save.keep,
      npp.spp.save=npp.spp.save, awp.save = awp.save, file = output.file)



araiho/linkages_package documentation built on Oct. 1, 2019, 6:05 p.m.