
Defines functions gov360stats gov360stats.list gov360DataSet

Documented in gov360DataSet gov360stats gov360stats.list

#' Pull the data for some indicators and countries.
#' Data frame with the data of the specified indicators and countries
#' All countries and All indicators cannot be requested
#' When All indicators data is requested, data can be requested for a maximum of 4 countries
#' When All country data is requested, data can be requested for a maximum of 10 indicators (see iadbstats.list)
#' @param country Character string. ISO3 code of the countries. E.g COL for Colombia or 'ALL' for all the countries
#' @param dateRange Character string. Range of years of the indicators
#' @param indicatorcode codes of the indicators separated by comma. 'All' for all the indicators
#' @return Data frame with  CountryCode, CountryTableName, IndicatorCode, IndicatorName, TopicName, SubTopicName, Year, Quarter,
#' AggregationLevel, AggregatedValue, UOM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gov360stats(country="COL",dateRange="2010",indicatorcode="27712")
#' gov360stats(country="ARG,COL",dateRange="2010,2011",indicatorcode="27712")
gov360stats <- function(country="ALL",dateRange="2010",indicatorcode="ALL"){

  if(country=="ALL" && indicatorcode=="ALL") stop("All countries and All indicators cannot be requested")

  if(indicatorcode=="ALL"&& stringr::str_count(country, ',')>3) stop("When All indicators data is requested, data can be requested for a maximum of 4 countries")

  if(country=="ALL"&& stringr::str_count(indicatorcode, ',')>20) stop("When All country data is requested, data can be requested for a maximum of 20 indicators")

  urlmeta <- "data/?"
  url <- ""

      searchIndicator <- paste0("indicators=",indicatorcode)
      urlData <- gov360IndURL()
      url <- paste0(urlData,urlmeta,searchIndicator)
      searchTimeFrames <- paste0("timeframes=",dateRange)
      searchIndicator <- paste0("&indicators=",indicatorcode)
      urlData <- gov360IndURL()
      url <- paste0(urlData,urlmeta,searchTimeFrames,searchIndicator)

    searchCountry <- paste0("countries=",country)

      searchIndicator <- paste0("&indicators=",indicatorcode)
      urlData <- gov360IndURL()
      url <- paste0(urlData,urlmeta,searchCountry,searchIndicator)

      searchTimeFrames <- paste0("&timeframes=",dateRange)
      searchIndicator <- paste0("&indicators=",indicatorcode)
      urlData <- gov360IndURL()
      url <- paste0(urlData,urlmeta,searchCountry,searchTimeFrames,searchIndicator)


#' Pull the data for a vector of indicators and ALL the countries.
#' Data frame with the data of the specified indicators and countries
#' @param country  Character string. ISO3 code of the countries. E.g COL for Colombia or 'ALL' for all the countries
#' @param dateRange Character string. Range of years of the indicators
#' @param indicatorCodes vector of indicator codes c("27712","27870")
#' @return Data frame with  CountryCode, CountryTableName, IndicatorCode, IndicatorName, TopicName, SubTopicName, Year, Quarter, AggregationLevel, AggregatedValue, UOM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' codes=c("27712","27870")
#' gov360stats.list(pIndicators=codes)
gov360stats.list <- function(dateRange="ALL",pIndicators,pCountry="ALL"){

  #split the codes into groups of maximum 20 indicator
  df = split(pIndicators, ceiling(seq_along(pIndicators)/20))

  indicator_list = list()


  for(i in 1:length(df))
    #Pull the data for a subset of 20 indicators
    ind = paste(as.character(df[[i]]),collapse=",")
    t_df = gov360stats(country=pCountry,dateRange=dateRange,indicatorcode=ind )
    if(!('No Data' %in% t_df))


  #Combine results into one data frame
  full_data = dplyr::bind_rows(indicator_list)

  full_data <- full_data[!is.na(full_data$value),] #remove rows where value=NA


    return("No Data")

#' Get the metadata of the indicators
#' @param dsId The id of the dataset
gov360DataSet <- function(dsId)
  URL <- "http://govdata360-backend.worldbank.org/api/v1/datasets/?/dump.csv"
  URL <- gsub("\\?",dsId,URL)

  destfile <- "dataset?.csv"
  destfile <- gsub("\\?",dsId,destfile)

  download.file(URL, destfile)

  df<-read.csv(destfile, encoding = 'UTF-8')

arcuellar88/govdata360R documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:19 p.m.