
Defines functions govdata360get.rawInd govdata360get.raw gov360IndURL

Documented in gov360IndURL govdata360get.raw govdata360get.rawInd

#' Call the Data Catalog API
#' Helper function for the data catalog call for Indicators metadata
#' @param url A charcter string. A formatted url string
#' @note This call is seperate because the data catalog is actaully a different
#'  API and therefore has a different return structure.
#' @return A data frame
govdata360get.rawInd <- function(url) {

  return_get <- httr::GET(url)
  return_json <- httr::content(return_get, as = "text")
  return_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON(return_json,  flatten = TRUE)


    numCountry <- NROW(return_list$countries)

    countryData <- list()

    for (c in 1:numCountry){

      numInd <- NROW(return_list$data$indicators[[c]])


      countryData[[c]] = cbind(country,return_list$data$indicators[[c]][-2])

      #Transforma data
      countryData[[c]] = tidyr::gather( countryData[[c]],'year','value',col_trans)

      #countryData[[c]] = countryData[[c]] %>% tidyr::gather('year','value',col_trans)

      countryData[[c]] <-  countryData[[c]][!is.na( countryData[[c]]$value),] #remove rows where value=NA

    #Merge all countries into one data frame
    result = dplyr::bind_rows(countryData)

    #format year

    return("No Data")


#' Call the Data Catalog API
#' Helper function for the data catalog call
#' @param url A charcter string. A formatted url string
#' @note This call is seperate because the data catalog is actaully a different
#'  API and therefore has a different return structure.
#' @return A data frame
govdata360get.raw <- function(url) {

  return_get <- httr::GET(url)
  return_json <- httr::content(return_get, as = "text")
  return_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON(return_json,  flatten = TRUE)


#' Internal function to get the urls of the API
#' List with 2 entries. The first one with the base_url and the second one with the utils_url#'
#' @return List with 2 entries. The first one with the base_url and the second one with the utils_url#'
gov360IndURL <- function() {

  base_url <- "http://govdata360-backend.worldbank.org/api/v1/"

arcuellar88/govdata360R documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:19 p.m.