filterVarUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
#' @title filterVar
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' library(shinytools)
#' library(shiny)
#' if (interactive()) {
#' options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
#' test_date <- data.frame(col = as.Date(as.character(lakers$date), tryFormats = "%Y%m%d"))
#' test_logical <- data.frame(col = sample(c(T,F), size = 100, replace = T))
#' test_fact <- data.frame(Species = iris$Species)
#' test_char <- data.frame(Species = as.character(iris$Species), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' test_num <- data.frame(Sepal.Length = iris$Sepal.Length)
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#' filterVarUI(id = "date"),
#' filterVarUI(id = "logical"),
#' filterVarUI(id = "fact"),
#' filterVarUI(id = "char"),
#' filterVarUI(id = "num")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#' # Test date
#' res_date <- callModule(module = filterVarServer, id = "date",
#' x = reactive(test_date),
#' varname = reactive("col"),
#' label = reactive("col"))
#' observe({
#' req(res_date)
#' tmp <- reactiveValuesToList(res_date)
#' print(tmp)
#' })
#' # Test logical
#' res_logical <- callModule(module = filterVarServer, id = "logical",
#' x = reactive(test_logical),
#' varname = reactive("col"),
#' label = reactive("col"))
#' observe({
#' req(res_logical)
#' tmp <- reactiveValuesToList(res_logical)
#' print(tmp)
#' })
#' # Test factor
#' res_factor <- callModule(module = filterVarServer, id = "fact",
#' x = reactive(test_fact),
#' varname = reactive("Species"),
#' label = reactive("Species"))
#' observe({
#' req(res_factor)
#' tmp <- reactiveValuesToList(res_factor)
#' print(tmp)
#' })
#' # Test character
#' res_char <- callModule(module = filterVarServer, id = "char",
#' x = reactive(test_char),
#' varname = reactive("Species"),
#' label = reactive("Species"))
#' observe({
#' req(res_char)
#' tmp <- reactiveValuesToList(res_char)
#' print(tmp)
#' })
#' # Test numeric
#' res_num <- callModule(module = filterVarServer, id = "num",
#' x = reactive(test_num),
#' varname = reactive("Sepal.Length"),
#' label = reactive("Sepal.Length"))
#' observe({
#' req(res_num)
#' tmp <- reactiveValuesToList(res_num)
#' print(tmp)
#' })
#' }
#' print(shinyApp(ui, server))
#' }
#' @importFrom shiny dateRangeInput selectizeInput sliderInput
#' @importFrom rlang expr_text expr
filterVarServer <- function(input, output, session,
x = reactive(NULL),
varname = reactive(NULL),
label = reactive(NULL),
return_datas = FALSE,
default = reactive(NULL),
domain = list(),
trigger = reactive(NULL)) {
ns <- session$ns
## Input ----
internal <- reactiveValues(
x = NULL, # To use
res = NULL, # For results
has_na = NULL # Add or not NA
# Initialize internal$x & internal$res
if (is.null(x())) {
internal$x <- internal$res <- NULL
} else {
if (inherits(x(), "data.frame")) {
internal$res <- x()
if (varname() %in% colnames(x())) {
internal$x <- x()[,varname()]
} else {
internal$x <- NULL
} else {
tmp <- data.frame(x())
colnames(tmp) <- varname()
internal$res <- tmp
## UI ---
output$ui_DIV_filter <- renderUI({
fool <- trigger()
if (is.null(internal$x)) {
} else {
# Check if NA present
if (length(which($x))) > 0) {
internal$has_na <- TRUE
x <- internal$x[!$x)]
label_ <- NULL
} else {
internal$has_na <- FALSE
x <- internal$x
label_ <- label()
if (is.numeric(x)) {
if( length(domain) > 0 ){
min_ <- domain[["min"]]
max_ <- domain[["max"]]
step <- domain[["step"]]
} else {
min_ <- min(x)
max_ <- max(x)
step <- NULL
if (length(isolate(default())) == 2) {
values_ <- isolate(default())
} else {
values_ <- c(min_, max_)
button <- sliderInput(ns("ui"), label = label_, min = min_, max = max_, value = values_, step = step)
} else if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
lvl <- enc2native(as.character(unique(x)))
if (is.null(isolate(default()))) {
selected_ <- lvl
} else {
selected_ <- isolate(enc2native(default()))
button <- selectizeInput(ns("ui"), label = label_, choices = lvl, selected = selected_, multiple = TRUE)
} else if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
if( length(domain) > 0 ){
min_ <- domain[["min"]]
max_ <- domain[["max"]]
} else {
min_ <- min(x)
max_ <- max(x)
if (length(isolate(default())) == 2) {
start_ <- isolate(default())[1]
end_ <- isolate(default())[2]
} else {
start_ <- min_
end_ <- max_
button <- dateRangeInput(ns("ui"), label = label_, start = start_, end = end_, min = min_, max = max_)
if (internal$has_na) {
tags$label(label()), HTML(" "), naInput(ns("ui_na"))
} else {
## Output ----
toReturn <- reactiveValues(filtered_data = NULL, filter_expr = NULL, filtered = FALSE, values = NULL)
# If no filter applied, then return filtered = FALSE
if (!isTruthy(input$ui)) {
toReturn$filter_expr <- toReturn$filtered_data <- toReturn$values <- NULL
} else {
filtered <- TRUE
expr_string <- NULL
values <- NULL
if (internal$has_na) {
x <- internal$x[!$x)]
if (input$ui_na) {
na_wtd <- "present_tokeep"
} else {
na_wtd <- "present_toremove"
} else {
x <- internal$x
na_wtd <- "absent"
# Use `varname` instead of varname in case varname has special character
varname_call <- paste0("`", varname(), "`")
if (is.numeric(x)) {
if (round(input$ui[1],2) == round(min(x),2) && round(input$ui[2],2) == round(max(x),2)) {
if (na_wtd == "present_toremove") {
expr_string <- paste0("!", varname_call, ")")
} else {
filtered <- FALSE
} else {
values <- c(input$ui)
expr_string <- paste(varname_call, ">=", input$ui[1], "&", varname_call, "<=", input$ui[2])
if (na_wtd == "present_tokeep") {
expr_string <- paste("(", expr_string, paste0("|", varname_call, ")"), ")")
} else if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
if (input$ui[1] == min(x) && input$ui[2] == max(x)) {
if (na_wtd == "present_toremove") {
expr_string <- paste0("!", varname_call, ")")
} else {
filtered <- FALSE
} else {
values <- input$ui
expr_string <- paste(varname_call, ">=", paste0("as.Date(\"", input$ui[1], "\")"), "&",
varname_call, "<=", paste0("as.Date(\"", input$ui[2], "\")"))
if (na_wtd == "present_tokeep") {
expr_string <- paste("(", expr_string, paste0("|", varname_call, ")"), ")")
} else if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) {
if (all(unique(x) %in% input$ui)) {
if (na_wtd == "present_toremove") {
expr_string <- paste0("!", varname_call, ")")
} else {
filtered <- FALSE
} else {
values <- input$ui
expr_string <- paste(varname_call, "%in%", expr_text(expr(!!input$ui)))
if (na_wtd == "present_tokeep") {
expr_string <- paste("(", expr_string, paste0("|", varname_call, ")"), ")")
} else if (is.logical(x)) {
if (length(input$ui) == 2) {
if (na_wtd == "present_toremove") {
expr_string <- paste0("!", varname_call, ")")
} else {
filtered <- FALSE
} else {
values <- input$ui
expr_string <- paste(varname_call, "==", input$ui)
if (na_wtd == "present_tokeep") {
expr_string <- paste("(", expr_string, paste0("|", varname_call, ")"), ")")
if (!is.null(expr_string)) {
filter_expr <- parse_expr(expr_string)
if (return_datas) {
filters <- eval_tidy(filter_expr, data = internal$res)
filtered_data <- internal$res[filters,]
} else {
filtered_data <- NULL
} else {
filter_expr <- NULL
if (return_datas) {
filtered_data <- internal$res
} else {
filtered_data <- NULL
toReturn$filter_expr <- filter_expr
toReturn$filtered_data <- filtered_data
toReturn$filtered <- filtered
toReturn$values <- values
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