
Defines functions to_pml.labels_options chart_data_labels

Documented in chart_data_labels

#' @export
#' @title Modify data labels settings
#' @description Data labels show details about data series. This function indicate that
#' data labels should be displayed. See [chart_labels_text()] for modifying
#' text settings associated with labels.
#' @param x an `ms_chart` object.
#' @param num_fmt `character(1)`: number formatting specifies number format properties which
#' indicate how to format and render the numeric values. It can be "General", "0.00", "#,##0",
#' "#,##0.00", "mm-dd-yy", "m/d/yy h:mm", etc.
#' @param position `character(1)`: it specifies the position of the data label.
#' It should be one of 'b', 'ctr', 'inBase', 'inEnd', 'l',
#' 'outEnd', 'r', 't'.
#' When grouping is 'clustered', it should be one of 'ctr','inBase','inEnd','outEnd'.
#' When grouping is 'stacked', it should be one of 'ctr','inBase','inEnd'.
#' When grouping is 'standard', it should be one of 'b','ctr','l','r','t'.
#' @param show_legend_key show legend key if TRUE.
#' @param show_val show values if TRUE.
#' @param show_cat_name show categories if TRUE.
#' @param show_serie_name show names of series if TRUE.
#' @param show_percent show percentages if TRUE.
#' @param separator separator for displayed labels.
chart_data_labels <- function(x, num_fmt = "General", position = "ctr",
                                show_legend_key = FALSE, show_val = FALSE,
                                show_cat_name = FALSE, show_serie_name = FALSE,
                                show_percent = FALSE, separator = ", " ){

  if( !position %in% st_dlblpos ){
    stop("position should be one of ", paste0(shQuote(st_dlblpos), collapse = ", " ))

  out <- list(num_fmt = num_fmt, position = position,
       show_legend_key = show_legend_key, show_val = show_val,
       show_cat_name = show_cat_name, show_serie_name = show_serie_name,
       show_percent = show_percent, separator = separator)
  class(out) <- "labels_options"
  x$label_settings <- out

to_pml.labels_options <- function(x, add_ns = FALSE, with_position = TRUE, show_label = FALSE , ...){

  txpr <- ""
  if( !is.null( x$labels_fp )){
    txpr <- ooxml_txpr(x$labels_fp)

  str_ <- paste0("<c:dLbls>",
                 if(with_position) sprintf("<c:dLblPos val=\"%s\"/>", x$position),
                 sprintf("<c:numFmt formatCode=\"%s\" sourceLinked=\"0\"/>", x$num_fmt),
                 sprintf("<c:separator val=\"%s\"/>", x$separator),
                 sprintf("<c:showBubbleSize val=\"%.0f\"/>", FALSE),
                 sprintf("<c:showCatName val=\"%.0f\"/>", as.integer(x$show_cat_name)),
                 sprintf("<c:showLegendKey val=\"%.0f\"/>", x$show_legend_key),
                 sprintf("<c:showPercent val=\"%.0f\"/>", x$show_percent),
                 sprintf("<c:showSerName val=\"%.0f\"/>", as.integer(x$show_serie_name)),
                 sprintf("<c:showVal val=\"%.0f\"/>", as.integer(x$show_val)),
                       "<c:ext uri=\"{CE6537A1-D6FC-4f65-9D91-7224C49458BB}\" xmlns:c15=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2012/chart\">",
                         "<c15:showDataLabelsRange val=\"1\"/>",

ardata-fr/mschart documentation built on April 30, 2024, 11:11 p.m.