
Defines functions .set_many_attributes .set_single_attribute .get_single_attribute .get_many_attributes .get_attribute .get_many_relative_ids .get_single_relative_ids .add_parents .as_index .get_numeric_ids .get_ids .process_tag_and_index .new_rmonad_graph .unnest .zip_edge .rmonad_union .inherit .get_edge_types .connect size

Documented in size

# This file contains mostly internal functions for interfacing with the igraph
# object wrapped by the Rmonad object. All direct calls to the igraph library
# should be in this file. Ideally, it should be possible to swap igraph for
# some other network library by changing only this code (and the plot
# function).

#' Return the number of nodes in the workflow
#' @param m Rmonad object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- 256 %>>% sqrt %>>% sqrt
#' size(m)
size <- function(m) {

# Add an edge between two nodes
.connect <- function(m, from, to, type='depend'){
  m@graph <- m@graph + igraph::edge(from, to, type=type)

# These edges should be in the same order as vertex parents in
# `unlist(get_parents(m))`
.get_edge_types <- function(m){

# Handle linking of child node to a single parent node
# @param child          Rmonad object
# @param parent         Rmonad object
# @param type           Edge type ["depend", "nest", "prior", "transitive"]
# @param inherit_value  logical should value be passed (on success)?
# @param inherit_OK     logical should status be passed?
# @param force_keep     logical should the parent value be cached?
.inherit <- function(
  type          = "depend",
  inherit_value = FALSE,
  inherit_OK    = FALSE,
  force_keep    = FALSE
) {

    stop("In 'inherit', parent must be an Rmonad object")
    stop("In 'inherit', child must be an Rmonad object")

    .single_raw_value(child) <- .single_raw_value(parent)

  if(inherit_OK && !.single_OK(parent))
    .single_OK(child) <- .single_OK(parent)

  if(!force_keep && !.single_stored(parent) && !has_tag(parent, parent@head)){
    parent <- .single_delete_value(parent)
    .single_stored(parent) <- FALSE
  } else {
    .single_stored(parent) <- TRUE

  # Pass parental options to children, overwriting child values
  opt <- parent@data[[parent@head]]@options
  for(i in seq_along(opt)){
    opt_name <- names(opt)[i]
    child@data[[child@head]]@options[[opt_name]] <- opt[[i]]

  .single_depth(child) <- get_depth(parent, parent@head) + 1L

  child <- .rmonad_union(parent, child)
  child@graph <- child@graph + igraph::edge(parent@head, child@head, type=type)


# The following functions resolve conflicts in attributes that arise with the
# union of two igraph objects. If any attributes are shared between the graphs,
# then they are copied into new vectors with the prefixes `_1` and `_2` added.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function does NOT create an edge between the two graphs, it only merges
# them into one and handles attributes.
# FIXME: Also, there is little real detection or handling of conflicts here.
# This ought to holler if nodes with the same uuid have conflicting values, but
# instead I just grab the value from the parent.
.rmonad_union <- function(a, b){
  # if we are just adding one simple node, don't do union
  # While this adds complexity, it makes a real difference in performance:
  # Unit: microseconds
  #      expr      min        lq      mean    median        uq      max neval
  #  r1(a, b) 2122.212 2159.6610 2344.1545 2179.7555 2224.4760 8071.165   100
  #  r2(a, b)  260.574  270.6305  286.6318  279.3095  286.6885  519.892   100
  # where r1 is without special one-node handling and r2 is the implementation below
  # Overall, there is about a 30% linear speed up (based on a comparison with sequences of 10 to 100)
  if(size(b) == 1 && !(b@head %in% igraph::get.vertex.attribute(a@graph, 'name'))){
    b@graph <- a@graph %>% igraph::add_vertices(1)
    b@graph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(b@graph, 'name', igraph::vcount(b@graph), b@head)
    b@data <- c(a@data, b@data)
  } else {
    b@graph <- igraph::union(a@graph, b@graph, byname=TRUE)
    b@graph <- .zip_edge(b@graph)
    # FIXME: need to resolve any possible name conflicts here
    b@data <- append(a@data[setdiff(names(a@data), names(b@data))], b@data)
    # common <- intersect(names(a@data), names(b@data))
    # if(length(common) > 0){
    #   i = common[1]
    #   msg <- sprintf("These have the same same: '%s', '%s'", a@data[[i]]@code, b@data[[i]]@code)
    #   warning(msg)
    # }
.zip_edge <- function(ab){
  xs <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(ab, "type_1")
  ys <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(ab, "type_2")
  if(any(xs != ys, na.rm=TRUE)){
    stop("Edge type conflict, either you were being naughty or there is a bug in Rmonad")
  if(any(is.na(xs) & is.na(ys))){
    stop("Untyped edge, either you were being naughty or there is a bug in Rmonad")
  ab <- igraph::set.edge.attribute(ab, 'type', value=ifelse(is.na(xs), ys, xs))
  ab <- igraph::delete_edge_attr(ab, "type_1")
  ab <- igraph::delete_edge_attr(ab, "type_2")

# If an Rmonad holds an Rmonad value, link the value as a nest parent 
.unnest <- function(m){
  if(is_rmonad(m) && has_value(m, index=m@head) && is_rmonad(.single_value(m))){
    nest <- .single_value(m)
    nest <- .set_many_attributes(
      value = get_nest_depth(nest) +
              (.single_nest_depth(m) - .single_nest_depth(nest) + 1L)
    # NOTE: Great evil resides in .single_nest
    .single_nest(m) <- nest

# Make an empty, directed graph
.new_rmonad_graph <- function(m, node_id){
  m@graph <- igraph::make_empty_graph(directed=TRUE, n=1)
  m@graph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(m@graph, "name", value=node_id)
  m@head <- node_id

.process_tag_and_index <- function(m, index, tag, sep="/"){
    name <- NULL
  } else {
    x <- .named_match_tag(m, tag, sep)
    index <- x$indices
    name  <- x$names
  list(index=index, name=name)

.get_ids <- function(m, index=NULL, tag=NULL){
  ids <- igraph::V(m@graph)
    index <- .match_tag(m, tag=tag, by_prefix=TRUE)
    ids <- ids[index]
.get_numeric_ids <- function(...){
  .get_ids(...) %>% as.numeric

.as_index <- function(m, index){
    index <- igraph::get.vertex.attribute(m@graph, name='name', index=index)

# Add multiple parents to an child 
# @param child Rmonad object
# @param parents Rmonad object or list of Rmonad objects
# @param check function UNNECESSARY?
.add_parents <- function(child, parents, check=false, ...){
    parents <- list(parents)
  for(p in parents){
    child <- .rmonad_union(p, child)
    new_edge <- igraph::edge(p@head, child@head, ...)
    child@graph <- child@graph + new_edge

# Get the ids of neighbors connected by a given edge type
# @param m Rmonad object
# @param mode "in" or "out"
# @param type Edge types to consider
# @param index vector of indices
.get_single_relative_ids <- function(m, mode, type, index=m@head, as_integer=TRUE){
  vertices <- igraph::neighbors(m@graph, index, mode=mode)
  edges <- igraph::incident_edges(m@graph, index, mode=mode)[[1]]
  stopifnot(length(vertices) == length(edges))
  etype <- igraph::get.edge.attribute(m@graph, "type", edges)
  stopifnot(length(etype) == length(edges))
  parents <- vertices[etype %in% type]
  } else { 
.get_many_relative_ids <- function(m, index=.get_ids(m), tag=NULL, ...){
  ids <- .process_tag_and_index(m, index, tag)
  x <- lapply(ids$index, function(i) .get_single_relative_ids(m, index=i, ...))
  names(x) <- ids$name

# Get attributes for specified indicies
# @param m Rmonad object
# @param attribute The attribute name (e.g. "error")
# @param index vector of indices
.get_attribute <- function(m, attribute, index=m@head){
  lapply(m@data[.as_index(m, index)], slot, attribute)
.get_many_attributes <- function(m, index=.get_ids(m), tag=NULL, ...){
  ids <- .process_tag_and_index(m, index, tag)
  x <- .get_attribute(m, index=ids$index, ...)
  names(x) <- ids$name
.get_single_attribute <- function(m, index=m@head, ...){
  if(length(index) != 1){
    stop(".single_* accessors only take a single index, to get multiple values, use the get_* accessors")
  .get_attribute(m, index=index, ...)[[1]]

# Set attributes at specified indices
# This works for simple values where `length(index)` == `length(value)`
# @param m Rmonad object
# @param attribute The attribute name (e.g. "error")
# @param value attribute value
# @param index vector of indices
.set_single_attribute <- function(m, attribute, value, index=m@head){
  if(length(index) != 1){
    stop("ERROR: Can only set one attribute at a time in .single_* setters")
  slot(m@data[[.as_index(m, index)]], attribute) <- value
.set_many_attributes <- function(m, attribute, value, index=.get_ids(m), ...){
  dat <- m@data[.as_index(m, index)]
  m@data[.as_index(m, index)] <- lapply(
    function(i) { slot(dat[[i]], attribute) <- value[[i]]; dat[[i]]}
arendsee/monadR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 4:26 a.m.