
Defines functions combine .funnel_ms .funnel_sub funnel evalwrap

Documented in combine evalwrap funnel

#' Conversions to monads
#' These functions convert possibly non-monadic inputs into monads.
#' For each of these functions, failure of any part causes failure of the
#' whole. Any non-monadic inputs will be converted to monads. Any exceptions
#' raised in the inputs will be caught.
#' \code{evalwrap} evaluate a single expression into an Rmonad. If the value is
#' already an Rmonad, it will be nested.
#' \code{funnel} evaluates multiple arguments into one Rmonad. It can be used
#' within pipelines to create multi-input nodes (works well with \code{\%*>\%}).
#' \code{combine} takes a list of Rmonads and joins the elements into one
#' Rmonad. The values of the original monadic containers joined into a list in
#' the child Rmonad. The list Rmonads are recorded as the new Rmonad's parents.
#' @param expr An expression
#' @param xs  A list of elements to join into a monad
#' @param doc A docstring to associate with the monad
#' @param key 16 byte raw vector
#' @param desc A description of the monad (usually the producing code)
#' @param keep_history merge the histories of all monads
#' @param env Evaluation environment
#' @param tag Character vector specifying the tag to associate with a node
#' @param lossy logical Should unnesting with record be done?
#' @param ... multiple expressions
#' @name x_to_monad
#' @examples
#' evalwrap(stop(1))
#' evalwrap(1:10)
#' evalwrap(5 %>>% sqrt)
#' ## merge failing inputs 
#' funnel( 1:10, stop(1), sqrt(-3:3) )
#' ## join pipelines
#' b2 <- letters[1:10] %>>% sqrt
#' b3 <- -3:6 %>>% log
#' 1:10 %>% funnel(b2,b3) %>>%
#'   {data.frame(b1=.[[1]], b2=.[[2]], b3=.[[3]])}
#' z <- list(
#'   x = rnorm(10) %>>% sqrt,
#'   y = 1 %>>% colSums
#' )
#' combine(z)

#' @rdname x_to_monad
#' @export
evalwrap <- function(
  desc  = NULL,
  tag   = NULL,
  doc   = .default_doc(),
  key   = NULL,
  env   = parent.frame(),
  lossy = FALSE
# TODO: 'lossy' is an lousy name, should change to 'nest', or something
# evalwrap :: a -> m a

    cacher <- make_cacher()
    if(!is.null(key) && cacher@chk(key)){

  value <- .default_value()
  warns <- .default_warnings()
  fails <- .default_error()
  isOK  <- .default_OK()

  st <- system.time(
      notes <- capture.output(
          value <- withCallingHandlers(
              eval(expr, envir=env),
              error = function(e) {
                fails <<- e$message;
                isOK <<- FALSE
            warning = function(w){
              warns <<- warns %++% w$message
    gcFirst=FALSE # this kills performance when TRUE

  runtime <- signif(unname(st[1]), 2)

  if(lossy && is_rmonad(value)){
       # If auto_cache is on
       getOption("rmonad.auto_cache") &&
       # AND this expression took a long time to run
       runtime > getOption("rmonad.cache_maxtime") &&
       # AND the result passed
      # THEN cache the result
      cacher@put(value, key=key)

  ed <- extract_metadata(substitute(expr), env=env)
  expr <- ed$expr
  doc <- ed$docstring
  met <- eval(ed$metadata, envir=env)

  code <- if(is.null(desc)) {
  } else {

    key <- .digest(code, .get_nest_salt())

  m <- Rmonad(node_id=paste(key, collapse=""))

    .single_value(m) <- value
  } else {
    .single_raw_value(m) <- void_cache()

  # `tag` splits the tags on '/'
    m <- tag(m, tag)

  # These accessors do the right thing (don't mess with them)
  .single_code(m)       <- code
  .single_key(m)        <- key
  .single_error(m)      <- fails
  .single_warnings(m)   <- warns
  .single_notes(m)      <- notes
  .single_OK(m)         <- isOK
  .single_doc(m)        <- doc
  .single_mem(m)        <- as.integer(object.size(value))
  .single_time(m)       <- runtime
  .single_meta(m)       <- met
  .single_summary(m)    <- .default_summary()
  .single_depth(m)      <- .default_depth()
  .single_nest_depth(m) <- .default_nest_depth()
  .single_stored(m)     <- .default_stored()

  m <- apply_rewriters(m, met)

     # If auto_cache is on
     getOption("rmonad.auto_cache") &&
     # AND if this took a long time to run, then cache the value
     runtime >= getOption("rmonad.cache_maxtime") &&
     # AND the evaluation passed
    cacher@put(m, key=key)



#' @rdname x_to_monad
#' @export
funnel <- function(..., env=parent.frame(), keep_history=TRUE){
# funnel :: [Rexpr] -> m [*]

  # NOTE: don't deparse '...' to get labels, this leads to massive performance
  # penalties when data is piped in (e.g. deparsing a dataframe).

  ms <- .funnel_ms(
    es = substitute(alist(...))[-1],

  desc <- deparse(match.call())

  combine(ms, keep_history=keep_history, desc=desc)


# internal function, for building from a list of expressions
.funnel_sub <- function(es, env=parent.frame(), ...){

  ms <- .funnel_ms(es, env)

  combine(ms, ...)
.funnel_ms <- function(es, env=parent.frame()){
    # how to stringify x
    function(x) {

      # if x is a call, deparse it
      desc <- if(is.call(x)){
      # the substitution in funnel will evaluated these
      else if(is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1) {
      else if(is.name(x)){
      # anything else, will be data passed in from the pipe
      else {

      evalwrap(eval(x, env), desc=desc, lossy=TRUE)

#' @rdname x_to_monad
#' @export
combine <- function(xs, keep_history=TRUE, desc=.default_code()){
# combine :: [m *] -> m [*]

  if(!all(vapply(FUN.VALUE=logical(1), xs, is_rmonad))){
    stop("'combine' works only on lists of Rmonad objects")

  # store all values (even if failing, in which case should be NULL)
  value <- lapply(xs, function(x){
    if(get_OK(x, x@head)){
      .single_value(x, warn=FALSE)
    } else {

  # When combining multiple nodes, the new key is the XOR of the code digest
  # against the keys of all the parents.
  # `desc` will hold the full term: e.g. `funnel(x = 2, y = whatever)`
  # This ensures the key will change if the order of arguments changes (which
  # is important when one or more of them are positional.
  parent_keys <- lapply(xs, function(x) get_key(x, x@head)[[1]])
  key <- .digest(parent_keys, desc)

  # make a new monad that is the child of all monads in the input list
  out <- evalwrap(value, key=key)

  # remove cached value of parents if they were passing AND if they have NO tag
  xs <- lapply(xs, function(x){
    if(get_OK(x, x@head) && !has_tag(x, x@head)){
    } else {

  .single_parents(out) <- xs
  .single_time(out) <- .default_time()

  # monad is passing if all parents are cool
  .single_OK(out) <- all(vapply(FUN.VALUE=logical(1), xs, .single_OK))

    .single_code(out) <- desc 

arendsee/monadR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 4:26 a.m.