
Defines functions get_uuid add_intid fish_stat_week

Documented in add_intid fish_stat_week get_uuid

#' @importFrom dplyr mutate if_else distinct select left_join
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom data.table := .GRP key as.data.table setkeyv
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

#' @title Calculate statistical week from date values
#' @description Generates a flavor of statistical week values typically encountered
#'   in fisheries management related applications. Allows the start date of the stat
#'   week to be set to either Sunday or Monday. Stat weeks will always be numbered
#'   starting at one on the first day of the year.
#' @param dts A vector of date values formatted as character
#' @param start_day Starting day of the stat week. Options are "Mon" or "Sun"
#' @examples
#' # Generate a vector of date values
#' dtv = seq(as.Date("2017-01-01"),
#'           as.Date("2017-01-15"),
#'           by = "day")
#' # Generate vector of stat week values
#' stat_week = fish_stat_week(dtv)
#' # Create dataframe with date values
#' fish_catch = tibble::tibble(survey_date = dtv,
#'                             catch = as.integer(abs(rnorm(length(dtv)) * 10)))
#' # Add a stat_week column to fish_catch
#' fish_catch$stat_week = fish_stat_week(fish_catch$survey_date)
#' @export
fish_stat_week = function(dts, start_day = "Mon") {
  if(class(dts) == "Date") {
    dts = format(dts)
  } else if (class(dts) == "character") {
    dts = format(as.Date(dts))
  } else {
    stop("\nDates are not in a recognized format")
  if (!start_day %in% c("Mon", "Sun")) {
    stop("\nstart_day must be either 'Mon' or 'Sun'")
  dts = tibble::tibble(s_day = dts)
  # Generate stat week for most cases using %W or %U format
  dts = dts %>%
    mutate(start_day = start_day) %>%
    mutate(r_week = if_else(start_day == "Mon",
                            as.integer(format(as.Date(s_day), '%W')) + 1,
                            as.integer(format(as.Date(s_day), '%U')) + 1)) %>%
    mutate(s_year = as.integer(substr(s_day, 1, 4)))
  s_years = dts %>%
    select(s_year) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    mutate(first_day = paste0(s_year, "-01-01")) %>%
    mutate(s_day = format(as.Date(first_day), '%a')) %>%
    # Find years in dataset where Jan 1 falls on the start_day
    mutate(sub_week = if_else(s_day == start_day, 1, 0)) %>%
    select(s_year, sub_week)
  dts = dts %>%
    left_join(s_years, by = "s_year") %>%
    # Subtract one if Jan 1 falls on the start_day
    mutate(statweek = r_week - sub_week)

#' @title Add a grouped integer ID to a dataframe
#' @description Adds a new unique ID to each member of a group in a dataframe. This
#'   is especially useful when processing data for upload to a database that uses
#'   integer IDs as unique primary keys. A single unique ID can be generated for each
#'   member of a group without first having to separate out the group and filtering
#'   to unique values.
#' @param dat A dataframe
#' @param key_cols The group of variables that will be assigned a unique ID
#' @param id_name The name to assign to the ID variable
#' @param start_id The ID value used to start the ID sequence. If \code{0} the IDs
#'   start at \code{1}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an example dataframe
#' dat = tibble::tibble(lat = c(rep(47.6590, 7),
#'                              rep(47.6348, 3),
#'                              47.9033),
#'                      lon = c(rep(-122.4657, 4),
#'                              rep(-122.8743, 3),
#'                              rep(-122.8876, 2),
#'                              -122.8345, -122.4443),
#'                      species = c("chum", "chin", "chin",
#'                                  "sthd", "chin", "sthd",
#'                                  "sthd", "chum", "chum",
#'                                  "pink", "pink"))
#' # Add an integer ID, grouped by the key columns
#' dat = add_intid(dat, key_cols = c("lat", "lon", "species"),
#'                 id_name = "survey_id", start_id = 100)
#' @export
add_intid = function(dat, key_cols, id_name, start_id) {
  dt = as.data.table(dat)
  setkeyv(dt, key_cols)
  dt[, (id_name):=.GRP + start_id, by=eval(key(dt))]
  dt = tibble::as_tibble(dt)

#' @title Generate a vector of Version 4 UUIDs (RFC 4122)
#' @description This function is being deprecated in favor of directly using
#'   the \code{UUIDgenerate()} function from Simon Urbanek's \code{uuid} package. The updated
#'   \code{UUIDgenerate()} function now generates vectors of proper version 4 random
#'   UUIDs in a Windows environment. The previous version of the \code{get_uuid()}
#'   relied on the \code{dplR::uuid_gen()} function, This has now been replaced by
#'   \code{uuid::UUIDgenerate()}. The current version of \code{get_uuid()} can
#'   be used as a drop-in replacement for the previous verison, but it is
#'   orders of magnitude faster. It is retained here strictly to avoid introducing
#'   any breaking changes in existing code. For any new code, please use \code{UUIDgenerate()}.
#' @param n Number of UUIDs to generate
#' @examples
#' # Create example data frame
#' library(dplyr)
#' dat = tibble::tibble(survey_date = c("2019-05-10",
#'                                     "2019-05-12",
#'                                     "2019-05-14"),
#'                     species = c("chinook",
#'                                 "chum",
#'                                 "pink"),
#'                     fish_count = c(3, 5, 25))
#' # One UUID per row
#' dat = dat %>%
#'   mutate(survey_id = remisc::get_uuid(n = nrow(dat))) %>%
#'   select(survey_id, survey_date, species, fish_count)
#' # Create example data frame
#' library(dplyr)
#' dat = tibble::tibble(survey_date = c("2019-05-10",
#'                                     "2019-05-10",
#'                                     "2019-05-14",
#'                                     "2019-05-14",
#'                                     "2019-05-18"),
#'                     species = c("chinook",
#'                                 "chinook",
#'                                 "coho",
#'                                 "chum",
#'                                 "pink"),
#'                     fish_count = c(3, 5, 8, 6, 25))
#' # One UUID per group
#' dat = dat %>%
#'   group_by(survey_date) %>%
#'   mutate(survey_id = remisc::get_uuid()) %>%
#'   ungroup() %>%
#'   select(survey_id, survey_date, species, fish_count)
#' @export
get_uuid = function(n = 1L) {
  if (!typeof(n) %in% c("double", "integer") ) {
    stop("n must be an integer or double")
  uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = FALSE, n = n)
arestrom/remisc documentation built on July 16, 2020, 8:48 a.m.