
#' Creates a vector of strings holding the integers given by 'int' added zeros to the left so that all strings have length 'len'.
#' @return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{}
#' @importFrom TSD zeros
#' @export
#' @rdname int2str
	############ AUTHOR(S): ############
	# Arne Johannes Holmin
	############ LANGUAGE: #############
	# English
	############### LOG: ###############
	# Start: 2009-08-31 - Clean version.
	########### DESCRIPTION: ###########
	# Creates a vector of strings holding the integers given by 'int' added zeros to the left so that all strings have length 'len'.
	########## DEPENDENCIES: ###########
	############ VARIABLES: ############
	# - 'int' is a vector of integers from which the string sequence is to be constructed.
	# - 'len' is the (non-negative) number of characters of the strings (Defaulted to 0, which assures no added zeros).
	# Constructing the zeros prior to the integers:
	# Pasting to the output:
arnejohannesholmin/AJ documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:06 a.m.