
mappeR <-
function(X, useParallel=TRUE, cl=NULL, ncores=detectCores(), n.slices, overlap, slicesMethod="quantile", filterfn, clusterfn, ...) {
	# allocate obs of X to slices based on n.slices and overlap
	if (is.function(filterfn)) { filter.values <- filterfn(X) } else { filter.values <- filterfn }
	filter.length <- max(filter.values) - min(filter.values)
	if (slicesMethod == "quantile") slicesFn <- slicesQuantile else slicesFn <- slicesOriginal
	# find the edges of the slices
	slice.lims <- slicesFn(filter.values=filter.values, n.slices=n.slices, overlap=overlap)

	# find out which filtervalues are in which slice
	slice.allocs <- mapply(	function(x,y,z) intersect(which(z > x),which(z < y)), 
	# find the data points in each slice
	slice.data <- lapply(slice.allocs, function(x,Z) return(Z[x,]),Z=X)
	# find the cluster allocations for each slice
	if (useParallel) {
		# set up a cluster if not given one
		if (is.null(cl)) {
			cl <- makeCluster(ncores, "SOCK")
			startedCluster <- TRUE
		# make sure mappeR is available
		clusterEvalQ(cl, require(mappeR))
		# do the clustering 
		slice.clusters <- parLapply(cl, slice.data, clusterfn, ...)
		# shutdown the cluster if we started one
		if (startedCluster) {
	} else {
		slice.clusters <- lapply(slice.data, clusterfn, ...)
	# find out which data points are in each cluster
	slice.cluster.n <- sapply(slice.clusters,max)
	cluster.allocs <- lapply(1:n.slices, function(y) lapply(1:(slice.cluster.n[y]), function(x) slice.allocs[[y]][which(slice.clusters[[y]] == x)]))
	# make this list into one list
	cluster.allocs.list <- unlist(cluster.allocs,recursive=FALSE)
	# turn this into an adjacency matrix
	# if two slices share elements, then set a 1 in the adjacency matrix
	out.fn <- function(x,y) ifelse(length(intersect(x,y)==0),1,0)

	# vectorize for outer
	out.fn <- Vectorize(out.fn, vectorize.args=c("x","y"))
	adjmat <- outer(cluster.allocs.list,cluster.allocs.list,out.fn)
	diag(adjmat) <- 0
	res <- list()
	res$adjmat <- adjmat
	res$filter.values <- filter.values
	res$clusters <- cluster.allocs.list
	res$slices <- slice.cluster.n
	class(res) <- "mapper"
arnhew99/mappeR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:45 p.m.