
Defines functions psbar

Documented in psbar

psbar <- function(x, cmd="-J -R -W1p -G180 -O -K", file=getOption("gmt.file"),
                  ref=0, digits=getOption("digits"))
  write.each.bar <- function(bar.row, tmp)
    left   <- bar.row[1]  #  2----3
    right  <- bar.row[2]  #  |    |
    bottom <- bar.row[3]  #  |    |
    top    <- bar.row[4]  # 1+5---4
    bar.corners <- rbind(c(left,bottom), c(left,top), c(right,top),
                         c(right,bottom), c(left,bottom))
    r2gmt(bar.corners, tmp, append=TRUE)
    stop("please pass a valid 'file' argument, or run gmt(file=\"myfile\")")
  owd <- setwd(dirname(file)); on.exit(setwd(owd))

  ## 1  Parse user data
  tmp <- paste(dirname(tempdir()), "bar.gmt", sep="/")
  x.matrix <- as.matrix(r2gmt(x,tmp))
  lon <- deg2num(x.matrix[,1])   # longitude at bar center
  lat <- deg2num(x.matrix[,2])   # latitude at bar base
  w   <- x.matrix[,3]    # bar width in degrees
  h   <- x.matrix[,4]    # bar height in user units (1 deg high at ref latitude)
  n   <- nrow(x.matrix)  # number of bars

  ## Y = log(tan(pi/4+LAT*pi/360))
  ## LAT = (atan(exp(Y))-pi/4) / (pi/360)
  ## Y'(LAT) = (pi/360) / (tan(pi/4+LAT*pi/360)*cos(pi/4+LAT*pi/360)^2)

  ## LAT     0     10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90
  ## Y       0.000 0.175 0.356 0.549 0.763 1.011 1.317 1.735 2.436 37.332
  ## Y'(LAT) 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.023 0.027 0.035 0.051 0.101 Inf

  ## 2  Create bar.frame containing coordinates
  ## Derivative of Mercator Y at each latitude
  dYlat <- (pi/360) / (tan(pi/4+lat*pi/360)*cos(pi/4+lat*pi/360)^2)
  ## Derivative of Mercator Y at ref latitude
  dYref <- (pi/360) / (tan(pi/4+ref*pi/360)*cos(pi/4+ref*pi/360)^2)
  h.deg <- h * round(dYref/dYlat, digits)  # bar height in degrees
  left      <- lon - w/2    # left bar edge
  right     <- lon + w/2    # right bar edge
  bottom    <- lat          # bottom bar edge
  top       <- lat + h.deg  # top bar edge
  bar.frame <- data.frame(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top)

  ## 3  Write bar coordinates into multisegment file and add bars to map
  file.create(tmp)  # overwrite previous tmp
  apply(bar.frame, 1, write.each.bar, tmp=tmp)
  ## Ensure lines are straight
  safe.cmd <- paste(cmd, "-A")
  gmt.system(paste("gmt psxy",tmp,safe.cmd), file=file, append=TRUE)

arnima-github/gmt documentation built on April 21, 2023, 7:12 p.m.