
#' Implement Stamgaugh Covariance estimate for multiple starting dates
#' @details
#' This method takes in data as a matrix or an xts object where multiple
#' time series with different starting dates are merged together. It then
#' computes a covariance estimator as described in Stambugh (1997). Covariance
#' estimate can also be robustified
#' @param  R xts or matrix of asset returns
#' @param  ... allows passing additional paramters
#' @importFrom factorAnalytics fitTsfm
#' @import  RCurl robust robustbase xts zoo CerioliOutlierDetection
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
stambaugh.est <- function(R,...) {
# Given long data and a short data, fit a time series factor model
# to the short data with truncated long data as factors
  covariance.est <- function(rlong, rshort, loc.long, cov.long, ...) {
    long  <- as.matrix(rlong)
    short <- as.matrix(rshort)
    short <- short[complete.cases(short),,drop=FALSE]
    s <- nrow(short)
    trunc.long <- tail(long,s)
    .data <- na.omit(cbind(trunc.long,short))
    add.args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
    if(add.args$fit.method == "LS" && 
       "control" %in% names(add.args)) add.args[["control"]] <- NULL
    args <- list(asset.names=colnames(short), 
                 factor.names=colnames(trunc.long), data=.data)
    args <- merge.list(args,add.args)
    fit <- do.call(fitTsfm, args)
    B <- as.matrix(fit$beta)
    resid <- do.call(cbind,lapply(fit$asset.fit,residuals))
    resid.cov <- if(robust) {
       if(ncol(resid) == 1) fit$resid.sd^2 
       else cerioli2010.fsrmcd.test(resid, mcd.alpha = mcd.alpha)$sigma.hat.rw
    } else {
    loc.short <- as.matrix(fit$alpha) + B %*% loc.long
    loc.est    <- rbind(loc.long,loc.short)
    cov.short.long  <- B %*% cov.long
    cov.long.short  <- t(cov.short.long)
    cov.short.short <- resid.cov + B %*% cov.long %*% t(B)
    cov.est <- cbind(rbind(cov.long,cov.short.long),
    rownames(cov.est) <- colnames(cov.est)  <- NULL
    list(loc=loc.est, cov=cov.est)  
  data.m  <- as.matrix(R)
  #remove rows with all NA
  data.m    <- data.m[rowSums(is.na(data.m))!=ncol(data.m), ]
  if ( nrow(data.m) == 0 ) return(NA)
  col.names <- colnames(data.m)
  add.args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
  robust <- ifelse("fit.method" %in% names(add.args),
                   ifelse(add.args$fit.method == "Robust",TRUE, FALSE),
  cov.estim <- "mcd"; control <- covRob.control("mcd")
  if(robust) {
    if("estim" %in% names(add.args)) 
      cov.estim <- add.args[["estim"]] else  add.args[["estim"]] <- cov.estim
    if("control" %in% names(add.args)) 
      control <- add.args[["control"]] else add.args[["control"]] <- control
    mcd.alpha <- control$alpha  

  # Idea is to sort columns from maximum to minum data. Apply the long-short
  # routine and use its estimate for the next step. In the next step use the
  # the previously computed covariance estimate as estimate for long data and
  # compute a new estimate by regressing short data on long data
  # We want to optimize this procedure by grouping columns that have the same
  # length to speed by regression.
  # Get the last NA in each column
  start <- apply(data.m,2,function(col) which.min(is.na(col)))
  # Sorting will change the order of user supplied columns so store the original 
  # order that can be used on the sorted order
  ord.start <- order(start)
  old.start <- sapply(1:length(start),function(x) which(ord.start==x))
  # sort columns that have maximum data
  sort.start <- start[ord.start]
  unique.sort.start <- unique(sort.start)
  len <- length(unique.sort.start)
  # group columns that have the same length
  sort.count   <- as.numeric(table(sort.start))
  cum.sort.count <- cumsum(sort.count)
  data.sort <- data.m[,ord.start]
  # start by computing the mean and covariance of longest columns that have the same len
  temp.data <- data.sort[,1:cum.sort.count[1],drop=FALSE]
  val <- NULL
  if(robust && ncol(temp.data) > 1) 
    val <- cerioli2010.fsrmcd.test(temp.data, mcd.alpha = mcd.alpha)
  loc.est <- if(robust) { 
      if(ncol(temp.data)==1) { 
          loc <- as.numeric(coef(lmRob(temp.data ~ 1)))
          names(loc) <- colnames(temp.data)  
      else as.matrix(val$mu.hat.rw)
  } else {
  cov.est <- if(robust) {
      if(ncol(temp.data) == 1) scaleTau2(temp.data)^2 
      else val$sigma.hat.rw
  } else {
  # extract a long block and a short block and let the basic routine do the job.
  # Feed its output to the next set of grouped columns
  for (j in 1:(len-1)) {
    if (len == 1) break;
    end <- cum.sort.count[j]
    long  <- data.sort[,1:end,drop=FALSE]
    start <- (1 + end); end <- cum.sort.count[j+1]
    short <- data.sort[,start:end,drop=FALSE]
    est <- covariance.est(long, short, loc.est, cov.est, add.args)
    loc.est <- est$loc; cov.est <- est$cov
  # lets re-arrange back to return in the user-supplied order
  loc.est <- loc.est[old.start,,drop=FALSE]
  rownames(loc.est) <- col.names
  cov.est <- cov.est[old.start,old.start]
  colnames(cov.est) <- col.names
  rownames(cov.est) <- col.names

  list(data = data.m, loc = loc.est, cov = cov.est, 
       robust.params = list(control =  control))

#' Estimate covariance matrices using Stambaugh method for classical and Robust
#' methods
#' @details
#' This method takes in data as a matrix or an xts object where multiple
#' time series with different starting dates are merged together. It then
#' computes a covariance estimator based on the specifed style
#' @param  R xts or matrix of asset returns
#' @param  ... pass paramters to fitTimeSeriesFactorModel(factorAnalytics), 
#' covRob, lmRob (Robust) functions
#' @param method type of model to fit. Takes 3 values classic/robust/truncated
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
stambaugh.fit <- function(R, method=c("classic","robust", "truncated"), ...) {
    if(is.null(nrow(R)) || is.null(ncol(R))) stop("Invalid data")
    if(length(method) > 2) stop("Can fit atmost 2 models")
    if(!all(method %in% c("classic","robust", "truncated"))) stop("Invalid model")
    model.classic <- model.robust <- NULL; .data <- NULL
    add.args <- list(...)
    if("fit.method" %in% names(add.args)) add.args["fit.method"] <- NULL
    if("classic" %in% method) {
        args <- list(R=R, fit.method="LS")
        args <- merge.list(args,add.args)
        classic <- do.call(stambaugh.est,args)
        .data <- classic$data
        .Classical <- list(center = classic$loc, cov = classic$cov, 
                           dist = classic$dist,corr = FALSE, type="Classical")
        model.classic <- list(Stambaugh=.Classical)
    if("robust" %in% method) {
        args <- list(R=R, fit.method="Robust")
        args <- merge.list(args,add.args)
        robust <- do.call(stambaugh.est,args)        
        .data <- robust$data
        .Robust <- list(center = robust$loc,cov = robust$cov,
                        dist = robust$dist, corr = FALSE, 
                        robust.params = robust$robust.params, type="Robust")
        model.robust <-  list("Robust Stambaugh"=.Robust)    
    if("truncated" %in% method) {
      args <- list(R=na.omit(R), fit.method="LS")
      args <- merge.list(args,add.args)
      trunc <- do.call(stambaugh.est,args)        
      .data <- trunc$data
      .Trunc <- list(center = trunc$loc,cov = trunc$cov,
                      dist = trunc$dist, corr = FALSE, type="Classical")
      model.trunc <-  list(Truncated=.Trunc)    

    model.list <- if (all(method %in% c("classic","robust")))
    else if (all(method %in% c("classic","truncated")))
      merge.list(model.classic, model.trunc)
    else if (all(method %in% c("robust","truncated")))
      merge.list(model.robust, model.trunc)
    else if (method == "classic") model.classic
    else if (method == "robust") model.robust
    else if (method == "truncated") model.trunc
    model.list <- list(models = model.list,data = .data)
    class(model.list) <- "stambaugh"

#' Plot Ellipsis for the Stambaugh estimator
#' @details
#' This method takes in fitted models for Stamgaugh Estimator. It then plots a
#' comparison of the fitted models using ellipsis plot
#' @param  models fitted models for covariance
#' @export
#' @author Rohit Arora
stambaugh.ellipse.plot <- function(models) {
  if (length(models) != 2) stop("2 models needed for ellipse plot")

  .models <- models$models
  plot.covfm(.models, which.plots = 4)

#' An internal function that is used to calculate the Mahalanobis distance
#' @details
#' The function takes in the model, data and the significance level and calculated
#' the critical values and the Mahalanobis distance.
#' @param  data data used to fit the covariance
#' @param confidence level for the test
#' @param  model fitted models for covariance
#' @param  id.n number of outliers to show
#' @author Rohit Arora
.stambaugh.dist <- function(data, model, level, id.n=10) {
  start <- apply(data, 2,function(col) which.min(is.na(col)))
  freq.tab <- data.frame(table(start)); 
  freq.tab$start <- as.numeric(levels(freq.tab$start))
  x.thresh <- c(freq.tab$start - 1 , nrow(data))
  cum.sort.count   <- cumsum(freq.tab$Freq)
  levels <- sapply(1:nrow(freq.tab), function(j) 
    sqrt(qchisq(1 - level, df=cum.sort.count[j],lower.tail=FALSE)))
  y.thresh <- levels
  outlier <- dist <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = 1)
  rownames(outlier) <- rownames(dist) <- rownames(data)
  for (i in 1:(length(x.thresh)-1))  {
    new.start <- freq.tab$start[i]
    new.end <- ifelse(i != length(freq.tab$start), 
                      freq.tab$start[i+1] -1, nrow(data))
    symdata <- coredata(data[, which(start <= new.start),drop=FALSE])

    if(model$type == "Classical") {
      fit <- stambaugh.fit(symdata, method = "classic")
      symdata <- data[new.start:new.end, which(start <= new.start),drop=FALSE]
      dist[new.start:new.end] <- sqrt(mahalanobis(x = symdata, 
                                          center = fit$models$Stambaugh$center,
                                          cov= fit$models$Stambaugh$cov))
      new.start <- x.thresh[i] + 1; new.end <- x.thresh[i+1] 
      out <- new.start - 1 + which(dist[new.start:new.end] > y.thresh[i])
    else if (model$type == "Robust") {
      control <- model$robust.params$control
      fit <- stambaugh.fit(symdata, method = "robust", control= control)
      symdata <- data[new.start:new.end, which(start <= new.start),drop=FALSE]
      dist[new.start:new.end] <- sqrt(mahalanobis(x = symdata, 
                              center = fit$models$`Robust Stambaugh`$center,
                              cov= fit$models$`Robust Stambaugh`$cov))
      val <- cerioli2010.fsrmcd.test(symdata, signif.alpha=1-level, 
                                     mcd.alpha = control$alpha )
      cval <- sqrt(val$critvalfcn(1-level))
      y.thresh[i] <- min(cval)
      out <- new.start - 1 + which(dist[new.start:new.end] > cval)
    temp.n <- ifelse(length(out) > id.n, id.n, length(out))
    out <- out[order(dist[out], decreasing = TRUE)][1:temp.n]
    outlier[out] <- out
  y.thresh <- c(y.thresh,tail(y.thresh,1))
  list(dist=dist, outlier=outlier, x.thresh=x.thresh, y.thresh=y.thresh)

#' Compute Mahalanobis distances for each of the data points and plot it against
#' upper 2.5\% chi-square quantile
#' @details
#' This method takes in fitted models for Stamgaugh Estimator. It then uses the 
#' distances computed for each stage and plots it against the upper level\% 
#' Chi-Square quantile
#' @param  model fitted models for covariance
#' @param  level value between 0 and 1 giving the chi-squared percent point 
#' used to compute threshold for juding a point as an outlier
#' @import ggplot2
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
stambaugh.distance.plot <- function(model, level=0.975) {
    data <- model$data
    if (ncol(data) == 0) stop("Empty Data")
    models <- model$models; n.models <- length(models)
    if (n.models == 0) stop("Empty Models")

    if("Truncated" %in% names(models)) stop("Truncated data not allowed")
    x.thresh <- y.thresh.classical <- y.thresh.robust <- c()
    df <- do.call(rbind,lapply(models, 
           function(model, id.n = 10) {
             temp <- .stambaugh.dist(data, model, level, id.n)
             x.thresh <<- temp$x.thresh
             if(model$type == "Classical") y.thresh.classical <<- temp$y.thresh
             else if(model$type == "Robust") y.thresh.robust <<- temp$y.thresh
             data.frame(Type = model$type, cbind(temp$dist, temp$outlier))
    dates <- try(as.Date(gsub("[A-Za-z ]+\\.","",rownames(df))))
    df[,"Date"] <- c(seq(1:nrow(data)),seq(1:nrow(data)))
    dateCheckFailed <- ifelse( class( dates ) != "try-error" && 
                                 !is.na( dates ), FALSE, TRUE)
    colnames(df) <- c("Type","Distance","Outlier","Date"); rownames(df) <- NULL
    p <- ggplot(data=df, aes_string(x='Date',y='Distance')) + 
        geom_point(aes_string(col='Type', shape='Type')) + 
        facet_grid(~Type) + geom_text(aes_string(label='Outlier'),hjust=1, vjust=1) +
        xlab("Date") + 
        ylab("Square Root of Mahalanobis Distance") + 
        theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 16), 
    for (i in 1:(length(x.thresh)-1)){
      data.segm <- data.frame(x = rep(x.thresh[i],2),
                 y = c(y.thresh.classical[i],y.thresh.robust[i]),
                 xend = rep(x.thresh[i+1],2),
                 yend = c(y.thresh.classical[i],y.thresh.robust[i]),
                 Type = c("Classical","Robust"))
      p <- p + geom_segment(data=data.segm,
                            inherit.aes=FALSE, linetype="dashed", colour="blue")
      data.segm <- data.frame(x = rep(x.thresh[i+1],2),
                              y = c(y.thresh.classical[i],y.thresh.robust[i]),
                              xend = rep(x.thresh[i+1],2),
                              yend = c(y.thresh.classical[i+1],y.thresh.robust[i+1]),
                              Type = c("Classical","Robust"))

      p <- p + geom_segment(data=data.segm,
                            inherit.aes=FALSE, linetype="dashed", colour="blue")

    ind <- head(floor(seq(1,nrow(data),length.out = 5)),-1)
    if(!dateCheckFailed) p <- p + scale_x_discrete(breaks = ind, labels=format(dates[ind],"%Y"))
    p <- p + theme(legend.position="none")

#' Plot Ellipsis or Distance plot for the Stambaugh estimator
#' @details
#' This method takes in fitted models and a paramter for deciding the type of plot
#' @param  x fitted models for covariance
#' @param  y takes values 1/2. 1 = Ellipse plot, 2 = distance plot
#' @param  ... allows passing additional paramters
#' @method plot stambaugh
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
plot.stambaugh <- function(x, y=c(1,2),...) {
    n <- length(x$models)
    if (n != 2 && y[1] == 1) stop("2 models needed for ellipse plot")
    which <- y[1]
    if(!which %in% c(1,2)) stop("Unknown plot selected")

    if (which == 1) stambaugh.ellipse.plot(x)
    if (which == 2) stambaugh.distance.plot(x,...)

#' Plot data to visualize missing values
#' @details
#' This method takes in data as an xts object and plots the data. 
#' Missing values highlighted in red for matrix plot and time series of returns 
#' are shown in in Summary plot
#' @param  data an xts/zoo object
#' @param  which takes values 3/4. 3 = Summary plot, 4 = Matrix plot
#' @import VIM reshape2
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
plotmissing <- function(data, which=c(3,4)) {
    cols <- colnames(data)
    if (length(cols) == 0) stop("Data should have column names")
    which <- which[1]
    if (which == 3)  {
      ind <- which.min(apply(is.na(data),  2, which.min))
      dates <- index(data[,ind])
      d <- melt(coredata(data)); colnames(d) <- c("Index","Symbol","Returns")
      symCount <- ncol(data)
      #ind <- head(floor(seq(1,nrow(data),length.out = 9)),-1)
      year.dates <- format(dates, "%Y")
      ind <- sapply(unique(year.dates), function(val) 
        which.max(year.dates == val))
      ind.ind <- seq.int(1, length(ind), length.out = min(10,length(ind)))
      ind <- ind[ind.ind]
      p <- ggplot(data=d, aes_string(x='Index', y='Returns', colour='Symbol', group='Symbol')) + 
        geom_line() + 
        xlab("Dates") + ylab("Returns") +
        scale_x_discrete(breaks = ind, labels=year.dates[ind]) +
        facet_wrap(~Symbol, ncol=round(sqrt(symCount)), scales = "free_x") + 
    if(which == 4)  {
      data <- coredata(data)
      if(class(data) == "data.frame") cols <- cols[unlist(lapply(data, is.numeric))]
      data <- data[, cols]
      colnames(data) <- sapply(cols, function(name) substr(name,1,9))
      matrixplot(data, main="Location of Missing values")
arorar/covmat documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:48 p.m.