
#' This generates a csv template for vaccination campaigns in order to calculate population level vaccination coverage
#' @examples
#' gen_csv_template()
#' @export

  df<-data.frame("vac.id"="Unique ID for campaign",
                 "country"="Country campaign took place in",
                 "country.code"="3 letter ISO code for country",
                 "year"="Year campaign took place in",
                 "month"="Month campaign took place in",
                 "location.id"="GADM1 encoding for location, adm1 and adm2 units are seperated by a colon (:), and adm1 units by a semi-colon (;). This means that 361:10207;625 is read as adm2 unit 10207 in 361 and all of adm1 unit 625",
                 "adm1"="adm1 unit in GADM2 or GADM2.8 encoding",
                 "adm2"="adm2 unit in GADM2 or GADM2.8 encoding",
                 "location.encoding"="Type of location encoding used, accepteds GADM1,GADM2 and GADM2.8",
                 "target.population"="Population targeted for vaccination",
                 "doses"="Number of doses used in vaccination",
                 "coverage.planned"="Planned coverage, 1 = 100%",
                 "coverage.adm"="Administrative coverage achieved, 1 = 100%",
                 "coverage.survey"="Coverage calculated through survey, 1 = 100%",
                 "agemin"="Minimum age targeted for vaccination",
                 "agemax"="Maximum age targeted for vaccination",
                 "campaign.type"="Type of campaign, response, preventive",
                 "scenario"="This changes underlying assumptions of population size. Base does nothing, hiCov reduces population by 25 percent, loCov increases population by 25 percent.",
                 "skew"="This affects how vaccination campaigns are applied. If skew is set to -1 then campaigns are applied to whole population, regardless of prior vaccination status. If skew is set to 0 then campaigns are applied only to unvaccinated population.",
                 "source"="This is a reference so you know where data came from",
                 "remarks"="User remarks")
  write.csv(df,"vaccination_campaign_template.csv",row.names = FALSE)
arranhamlet/popvac_package documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:48 p.m.