soilDeformation <- function(stress,p.density, iBD,
N, CI, k, k2, m,graph=FALSE,...)
if (length(stress) != length(p.density)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(iBD)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(N)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(CI)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(k)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(k2)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
else if (length(stress) != length(m)) {stop("incompatible dimensions!: please, check the length of the arguments")}
# Determinando Parametros
lp <- log(stress) # log do stress
Vi <- (p.density/iBD) # volume inicial
NYL <- c() # N da YL
for (j in 1:length(N)){
NYL[j] <- N[j]+CI[j]*(0-m[j])
XRCL2 <- c() # x da RCL 2 com a YL
for (j in 1:length(N)){
XRCL2[j] <- (NYL[j]-Vi[j])/(-k[j]+CI[j])
YRCL2 <- c() # y na RCL 2 com a YL
for (j in 1:length(N)){
YRCL2[j] <- (Vi[j]-k[j]*XRCL2[j])
NRCL2 <- c() # N da RCL 2
for (j in 1:length(N)){
NRCL2[j] <- (YRCL2[j] + k2[j]*XRCL2[j])
XRCL2.VCL <- c() # x na RCL 2 com a VCL
for (j in 1:length(N)){
XRCL2.VCL[j] <- (N[j]-NRCL2[j])/(-k2[j]+CI[j])
YRCL2.VCL <- c() # y na RCL 2 com a VCL
for (j in 1:length(N)){
YRCL2.VCL[j] <- (NRCL2[j]-k2[j]*XRCL2.VCL[j])
# Funcoes
fVCL <- function (x) N[1]-CI[1]*x
fYL <- function (x) NYL[1]-CI[1]*x
fRCL <- function (x) Vi[1]-k[1]*x
NRCL <- fRCL(0)
fRCL2 <- function (x) NRCL2[1]-k2[1]*x
# Graph
if (graph) {
curve(fRCL2, from=0,to=10,lwd=2, xlab="ln[Stress(kPa)]",
ylab="v", col="darkgray", lty=2,...)
y1=YRCL2.VCL[1],col="darkgray", lty=1, lwd=2,...)
curve(fRCL,lwd=2, col="blue", add=T,...)
curve(fYL,lwd=3, col="red", add=T,...)
curve(fVCL,lwd=3, add=T,...)
if (lp[1]>0 & lp[1]<=XRCL2[1])
{y0 <- Vi[1]
x0 <- log(1)
y1 <- NRCL[1]-k[1]*lp[1]
x1 <- lp[1]}
else if (lp[1]>XRCL2[1] & lp[1]<=XRCL2.VCL[1])
{y0 <- NRCL2[1]-k2[1]*lp[1]
y0 <- y0+k[1]*lp[1]
x0 <- log(1)
y1 <- NRCL2[1]-k2[1]*lp[1]
x1 <- lp[1]}
else if (lp[1]>XRCL2.VCL[1])
{y0 <- N[1]-CI[1]*lp[1]
y0 <- y0+k[1]*lp[1]
x0 <- log(1)
y1 <- N[1]-CI[1]*lp[1]
x1 <- lp[1]}
y1=y1,col="orange", lty=3, lwd=2,...)
y1=y1,col="orange", lty=3, lwd=2,...)
volume <- c()
for (j in 1:length(N)){
if (lp[j]>0 & lp[j]<=XRCL2[j]) {volume[j] <- (Vi[j])}
else if (lp[j]>XRCL2[j] & lp[j]<=XRCL2.VCL[j])
{volume[j] <- (NRCL2[j]-k2[j]*lp[j])
volume[j] <- volume[j]+k[j]*lp[j]}
else if (lp[j]>XRCL2.VCL[j])
{volume[j] <- (N[j]-CI[j]*lp[j])
volume[j] <- volume[j]+k[j]*lp[j]}
fBD <- round((p.density/volume),4)
vf <- (p.density/fBD)
increasing <- round(((fBD*100)/iBD)-100, 2)
out <- data.frame(iBD,fBD,round(Vi,4),round(vf,4), increasing)
colnames(out) <- c("iBD","fBD","vi","vf","I%")
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