soilStrength <-
function(clay.content, matric.suction=NULL, water.content=NULL)
if (!is.null(matric.suction) || !is.null(water.content)) {
if (is.null(clay.content))
warning("To estimate soil strength, please inform water.content or matric.suction")
if (is.numeric(matric.suction) & is.numeric(water.content))
warning("To estimate soil strength, please inform only one of them: water.content or matric.suction")
# inverted water retention curve
vanG.matric <- function (theta, thetaR, thetaS, alpha, n) {
S <- (theta-thetaR)/(thetaS-thetaR)
f <- n/(1-n)
h <- (1/alpha)*((S^f)-1)^(1/n)
out <- data.frame(theta, h)
# parameters of the soil retention curve
thetaS <- c(0.47,0.54,0.57,0.64,0.66)
thetaR <- c(0.049356,0.08689,0.10696,0.125941,0.139358)
alpha <- c(0.79,0.72,1.66,2.04,2.27)
n <- c(1.72,1.56,1.52,1.47,1.38)
m <- c(0.42,0.36,0.34,0.33,0.28)
# precompression stress estimation
pre.cons.water <- function(clay.content, water.content) {
mh <- c()
for (j in 1:length(clay.content)) {
if (clay.content[j] <= 20) {
mh[j] <- vanG.matric(theta=water.content[j], thetaR=thetaR[1], thetaS=thetaS[1], alpha=alpha[1], n=n[1])$h
else if (clay.content[j] > 20 & clay.content[j] <= 31) {
mh[j] <- vanG.matric(theta=water.content[j], thetaR=thetaR[2], thetaS=thetaS[2], alpha=alpha[2], n=n[2])$h
else if (clay.content[j] > 31 & clay.content[j] <= 37) {
mh[j] <- vanG.matric(theta=water.content[j], thetaR=thetaR[3], thetaS=thetaS[3], alpha=alpha[3], n=n[3])$h
else if (clay.content[j] > 37 & clay.content[j] <= 52) {
mh[j] <- vanG.matric(theta=water.content[j], thetaR=thetaR[4], thetaS=thetaS[4], alpha=alpha[4], n=n[4])$h
else {
mh[j] <- vanG.matric(theta=water.content[j], thetaR=thetaR[5], thetaS=thetaS[5], alpha=alpha[5], n=n[5])$h
return(round(mh, 2))
if (length(matric.suction) > 0) {
matric.suction <- matric.suction
else {
matric.suction <- pre.cons.water(clay.content = clay.content,water.content = water.content)
pcs <- c()
for (j in 1:length(clay.content)) {
if (clay.content[j] < 20) {
pcs[j] <- round(129 * matric.suction[j]^(0.15),0)
else if (clay.content[j] >= 20 & clay.content[j] <= 31) {
pcs[j] <- round(123.3 * matric.suction[j]^(0.13),0)
else if (clay.content[j] > 31 & clay.content[j] <= 37) {
pcs[j] <- round(85 * matric.suction[j]^(0.17),0)
else if (clay.content[j] > 37 & clay.content[j] <= 52) {
pcs[j] <- round(70.1 * matric.suction[j]^(0.16),0)
else if (clay.content[j] > 52) {
pcs[j] <- round(62.7 * matric.suction[j]^(0.15),0)
pcs05 <- pcs*0.5
pcs11 <- pcs*1.1
soil.strength <- data.frame(pcs,pcs05,pcs11)
colnames(soil.strength) <- c("Pc","LL.Pc","UL.Pc")
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