# DESCRIPTION =========================================================
# Author: Ashesh Rambachan
# This script contains functions to implement the methods
# described in Rambachan & Roth (2019) for robust inference
# in difference-in-differences and event study designs.
# First, this script contains function that are used to construct the
# FLCI for a general choice of the vector l and Delta = Delta^{SD}(M).
# Second, this script defines functions used to construct conditional
# confidence intervals and hybrid confidence intervals for a general choice of the
# vector l and Delta = Delta^{SD}, Delta^{SDPB}, Delta^{SDNB},
# Delta^{SDI}, Delta^{SDD}. This implements functions to deal with
# nuisance parameters as described in Andrews, Roth, Pakes (2019).
# PRELIMINARIES =======================================================
# Construct Robust Results Function -----------------------------------
createSensitivityResults <- function(betahat, sigma,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
method = NULL,
Mvec = NULL,
l_vec = .basisVector(index = 1, size = numPostPeriods),
monotonicityDirection = NULL,
biasDirection = NULL,
alpha = 0.05,
parallel = FALSE) {
# If Mvec is null, construct default Mvec
if (is.null(Mvec)) {
if (numPrePeriods == 1) {
Mvec = seq(from = 0, to = c(sigma[1, 1]), length.out = 10)
} else {
Mub = DeltaSD_upperBound_Mpre(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, alpha = 0.05)
Mvec = seq(from = 0, to = Mub, length.out = 10)
# If Delta = Delta^{SD}, construct confidence intervals
if (is.null(monotonicityDirection) & is.null(biasDirection)) {
if (is.null(method)) {
method = "FLCI"
if (method == "FLCI") { # If method = FLCI, construct FLCIs
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "Conditional") { # If method = Conditional, construct conditional confidence intervals
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-F") { # If method = C-F, construct conditional FLCI,
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-LF") {
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSD(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = "DeltaSD", M = Mvec[m])
} else{
stop("Method must equal one of: FLCI, Conditional, C-F or C-LF")
} else if (!is.null(biasDirection)) {
if (is.null(method)) {
method = "C-F"
if (biasDirection == "positive") {
Delta = "DeltaSDPB"
} else {
Delta = "DeltaSDNB"
if (method == "FLCI") {
warning("You specified a sign restriction but method = FLCI. The FLCI does not use the sign restriction!")
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "Conditional") { # If method = Conditional, construct conditional confidence intervals
if (parallel == TRUE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-F") { # If method = C-F, construct conditional FLCI,
if (parallel == TRUE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-LF") {
if (parallel == TRUE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
biasDirection = biasDirection,
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else{
stop("Method must equal one of: FLCI, Conditional, C-F or C-LF")
} else {
if (is.null(method)) {
method = "C-F"
if (monotonicityDirection == "increasing") {
Delta = "DeltaSDI"
} else {
Delta = "DeltaSDD"
if (method == "FLCI") {
warning("You specified a shape restriction but method = FLCI. The FLCI does not use the shape restriction!")
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = findOptimalFLCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, M = Mvec[m], alpha = 0.05)
tibble::tibble(lb = temp$FLCI[1], ub = temp$FLCI[2],
method = "FLCI", Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "Conditional") { # If method = Conditional, construct conditional confidence intervals
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "ARP")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "Conditional",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-F") { # If method = C-F, construct conditional FLCI,
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = Delta,
M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "FLCI")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-F",
Delta = Delta,
M = Mvec[m])
} else if (method == "C-LF") {
if (parallel == FALSE) {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %do% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else {
Results = foreach(m = 1:length(Mvec), .combine = 'rbind') %dopar% {
temp = computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDM(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, M = Mvec[m],
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
hybrid_flag = "LF")
tibble::tibble(lb = min(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
ub = max(temp$grid[temp$accept == 1]),
method = "C-LF",
Delta = Delta, M = Mvec[m])
} else{
stop("Method must equal one of: FLCI, Conditional, C-F or C-LF")
constructOriginalCS <- function(betahat, sigma,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
l_vec = .basisVector(index = 1, size = numPostPeriods),
alpha = 0.05) {
stdError = sqrt(t(l_vec) %*% sigma[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods), (numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] %*% l_vec)
lb = t(l_vec) %*% betahat[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*stdError
ub = t(l_vec) %*% betahat[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*stdError
lb = lb,
ub = ub,
method = "Original",
Delta = NA,
M = 0
# Sensitivity plot functions ------------------------------------------
createEventStudyPlot <- function(betahat, stdErrors = NULL, sigma = NULL,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, alpha = 0.05,
timeVec, referencePeriod,
useRelativeEventTime = F) {
if (is.null(stdErrors) & is.null(sigma)) {
stop("User must specify either vector of standard errors or vcv matrix!")
} else if (is.null(stdErrors) & !is.null(sigma)) {
stdErrors = sqrt(diag(sigma))
if (useRelativeEventTime == TRUE) {
timeVec = timeVec - referencePeriod
referencePeriod = 0
EventStudyPlot <- ggplot(tibble::tibble(t = c(timeVec[1:numPrePeriods], referencePeriod, timeVec[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]),
beta = c(betahat[1:numPrePeriods], 0, betahat[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]),
se = c(stdErrors[1:numPrePeriods], NA, stdErrors[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)])),
aes(x = t)) +
geom_point(aes(y = beta), color = "red") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = beta - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se, ymax = beta + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se), width = 0.5, colour = "#01a2d9") +
theme(legend.position = "none") + labs(x = "Event time", y = "") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(from = min(timeVec), to = max(timeVec), by = 1),
labels = as.character(seq(from = min(timeVec), to = max(timeVec), by = 1)))
createSensitivityPlot <- function(robustResults, originalResults, rescaleFactor = 1, maxM = Inf, add_xAxis = TRUE) {
# Set M for OLS to be the min M in robust results minus the gap between Ms in robust
Mgap <- min( diff( sort( robustResults$M) ) )
Mmin <- min( robustResults$M)
originalResults$M <- Mmin - Mgap
df <- bind_rows(originalResults, robustResults)
# Rescale all the units by rescaleFactor
df <- df %>% mutate_at( c("M", "ub", "lb"), ~ .x * rescaleFactor)
# Filter out observations above maxM (after rescaling)
df <- df %>% filter(M <= maxM)
p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=M)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lb, ymax = ub, color = factor(method)),
width = Mgap * rescaleFactor / 2) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("red", '#01a2d9')) +
theme(legend.title=element_blank(), legend.position="bottom") +
labs(x = "M", y = "")
if (add_xAxis) {
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0)
# Other helper functions ----
basisVector <- function(index = 1, size = 1){
v <- matrix(0, nrow = size, ncol = 1)
v[index] = 1
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