
#' Converting sf format into a data frame
#' @name team_one
#' @title Converting sf file into a dataframe/ tibble
#' @description This is a helper fucntion to turn one of these matrices into a single data frame/ tibble with variables long, lat, group and order.
#' @usage team_one(.file, tolerance=0.1)
#' @param file read "sf" file
#' @param tolerance tolerance value used for thinning the polygon
#' @return A dataframe or a tibble of the geographic information of the polygons.
#' @examples  team_one(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"),0.1)
#' @import tools sf purrr maptools ggplot2 dplyr
#' @export

team_one <- function(.file= file.choose(), tolerance = 0.1) {

  if (file_ext(.file) == "shp")
    if (is.numeric(tolerance) == TRUE) {
      print("Reading shape file")
      ozbig <- read_sf(.file)
      print(paste("Tolerance Level =", tolerance, "...processing..."))

      oz_st <- thinnedSpatialPoly(as(ozbig, "Spatial"),
                                  tolerance = 0.1,
                                  minarea = 0.001,
                                  topologyPreserve = TRUE)
      oz <- st_as_sf(oz_st)
      print("Converting the data to a data frame ...")
      df.oz.purr <- oz$geometry %>%
        map_depth(3, data.frame) %>%
        flatten() %>%
        flatten() %>%
        bind_rows(.id = "group") %>%
        rename("lat" = y, "long" = x)

      print("The data frame is ready to be mapped to ")
      print("Returning the data frame ...")
      print("Producing the list of output ...")
      out<-list(head(df.oz.purr), Country_name, Territory_name)
      names(out)<-c("Data frame", "Country name", "Territory/ State")

    } else {
      print("The chosen tolerance is not numeric.")

  } else {
    print("The chosen file is not supported. Please use .shp fromat")
ashirazist/ggshp documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.