

# Load database -----------------------------------------------------------

load_tract <- function(path, ID, cl) {
  read_csv(path) %>%
    select(-`Fiber weights`) %>%
    mutate(Tensors = pmap(list(`Tensors#0`, `Tensors#1`, `Tensors#2`,
                               `Tensors#3`, `Tensors#4`, `Tensors#5`), c) %>%
             map(as_tensor)) %>%
    select(-starts_with("Tensors#")) %>%
    arrange(StreamlineId, PointId) %>%
    partition(StreamlineId, cluster = cl) %>%
    do(data = streamline(x = .$X, y = .$Y, z = .$Z, t = .$Tensors) %>%
           s = seq_range(.$s, n = P),
           x = approx(.$s, .$x, xout = s)$y,
           y = approx(.$s, .$y, xout = s)$y,
           z = approx(.$s, .$z, xout = s)$y,
           t = approx_tensors(.$s, .$t, xout = s)
         ))) %>%
    collect() %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(StreamlineId) %>%
      case = ID,
      side = c("L", "R")[map_lgl(data, ~ .$x[1] > 0) + 1]

P <- 50L
cl <- create_cluster(cores = 4L) %>%
  cluster_library("fdatractography") %>%
  cluster_library("modelr") %>%
  cluster_library("dplyr") %>%
  cluster_library("purrr") %>%
  cluster_copy(P) %>%

  df <- load_tract(

project_folder <- "~/OneDrive - Politecnico di Milano/fdatractography/"
df <- tibble()
for (i in 1:20) {
  ID <- paste0("06", formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"))

  tmp <- read_csv(paste0(project_folder, ID, "/DIFF_30DIR_CST/DIFF_30DIR_CST_0.csv")) %>%
    select(X, Y, Z, PointId, StreamlineId) %>%
    arrange(StreamlineId, PointId) %>%
    partition(StreamlineId, cluster = cl) %>%
    do(data = streamline(x = .$X, y = .$Y, z = .$Z) %>%
        s = seq_range(.$s, n = P),
        x = approx(.$s, .$x, xout = s)$y,
        y = approx(.$s, .$y, xout = s)$y,
        z = approx(.$s, .$z, xout = s)$y
      ))) %>%
    collect() %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(StreamlineId) %>%
      case = ID,
      side = c("L", "R")[map_lgl(data, ~ .$x[1] > 0) + 1]

  df <- bind_rows(df, tmp)

save(df, file = "~/OneDrive - Politecnico di Milano/fdatractography/fdakma/data_step1.RData")

# lower_rd <- 0.00001
# upper_rd <- 0.001
# lower_ad <- 0.001
# upper_ad <- 0.0024
# xx <- x %>%
#   mutate(
#     data = map(data, ~filter(., lower_rd < rd, rd < upper_rd, lower_ad < ad, ad < upper_ad) %>% as_streamline())
#   ) %>%
#   as_tract()

# Filter out length outliers ----------------------------------------------

out <- 0
df1 <- df

while (length(out) > 0) {
  df1 <- df1 %>%
    mutate(len = map_dbl(data, get_curvilinear_length))

  out <- boxplot.stats(df1$len)$out

  df1 <- df1 %>%
    filter(!(len %in% out)) %>%

save(df1, file = "~/OneDrive - Politecnico di Milano/fdatractography/fdakma/data_step2.RData")

N <- nrow(df1)

# Define the common grid of curvilinear abscissa --------------------------

s_min <- df1$data %>%
  map(pull, s) %>%
  map_dbl(min) %>%
s_max <- df1$data %>%
  map(pull, s) %>%
  map_dbl(max) %>%
grid <- seq(s_min, s_max, length.out = P)

# Reparametrize all streamlines using common grid -------------------------

df2 <- reparametrize_tract(df1, grid = grid, validate = FALSE)

save(df2, file = "~/OneDrive - Politecnico di Milano/fdatractography/fdakma/data_step3.RData")

# Set up the arrays required by the fdakma package ------------------------

data <- array(dim = c(N, P, 3L))
for (i in 1:N) {
  data[i, , 1] <- df2$data[[i]]$x
  data[i, , 2] <- df2$data[[i]]$y
  data[i, , 3] <- df2$data[[i]]$z

# Mirror x coordinates to bring left CST onto right CST -------------------

lbls <- df2$side
pid <- df2$case
data[, , 1] <- abs(data[, , 1])

# Save the grid and data arrays to disk -----------------------------------

save(lbls, pid, grid, data, file = paste0(project_folder, "fdakma/data_step4.RData"))

# Plots
data1 <- data[pid == "06001", ,]
lbls1 <- lbls[pid == "06001"]
fda::matplot(grid, t(data1[, , 2]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls1 == "R") + 1])
fda::matplot(grid, t(data1[, , 1]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls1 == "R") + 1])

# Functional boxplot ------------------------------------------------------

out <- 0
fd <- fData(grid, data[, , 2])
lbls_red <- lbls
pid_red <- pid
data_red <- data

while (length(out) > 0) {
  fb <- fbplot(
    adjust = list(
      N_trials = 10,
      trial_size = 5 * fd$N,
    xlab = 'Arc length (mm)', ylab = 'Y-coordinate',
    main = 'Adjusted functional boxplot'
  out <- fb$ID_outliers
  keep <- setdiff(1:fd$N, out)
  fd <- fd[keep]
  data_red <- data_red[keep, , ]
  lbls_red <- lbls_red[keep]
  pid_red <- pid_red[keep]

fda::matplot(grid, t(data_red[, , 2]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])
fda::matplot(grid, t(data_red[, , 1]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])

save(lbls_red, pid_red, grid, data_red, file = paste0(project_folder, "fdakma/data_step5.RData"))

data_mir <- data_red
data_mir[lbls_red == "L", , 1] <- -data_mir[lbls_red == "L", , 1]
fda::matplot(grid, t(data_mir[, , 1]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])

# Outliergram -------------------------------------------------------------

out <- 0
fd <- fData(grid, data_red[, , 2])
lbls_final <- lbls_red
pid_final <- pid_red
data_final <- data_red

while (length(out) > 0) {
  og <- outliergram(
    adjust = list(
      N_trials = 10,
      trial_size = 5 * fd$N,
    display = TRUE
  out <- og$ID_outliers
  keep <- setdiff(1:fd$N, out)
  fd <- fd[keep]
  data_final <- data_final[keep, , ]
  lbls_final <- lbls_final[keep]
  pid_final <- pid_final[keep]

data1 <- data_final[pid_final == "06001", ,]
lbls1 <- lbls_final[pid_final == "06001"]
fda::matplot(grid, t(data1[, , 2]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls1 == "R") + 1])
fda::matplot(grid, t(data1[, , 1]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls1 == "R") + 1])

save(lbls_final, pid_final, grid, data_final, file = paste0(project_folder, "fdakma/data_step6.RData"))

data_mir <- data_red
data_mir[lbls_red == "L", , ] <- -data_mir[lbls_red == "L", , ]
fda::matplot(grid, t(data_mir[, , 1]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])
abline(h = 0)
fda::matplot(grid, t(data_mir[, , 2]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])
abline(h = 0)
fda::matplot(grid, t(data_mir[, , 3]), type = "l", col = c("red", "blue")[(lbls_red == "R") + 1])
abline(h = 0)
astamm/fdatractography documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:37 a.m.