#' Depthgram for univariate and multivariate functional data sets
#' This function computes the three 'DepthGram' representations from a p-variate
#' functional data set.
#' @param Data A \code{\link[base]{list}} of length `L` (number of components)
#' in which each element is an `N x P` matrix with `N` individuals and `P`
#' time points. Alternatively, it can also be an object of class
#' \code{\link{fData}} or of class \code{\link{mfData}}.
#' @param marginal_outliers A boolean specifying whether the function should
#' return shape and amplitude outliers over each dimension. Defaults to
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param boxplot_factor A numeric value specifying the inflation factor for
#' marginal functional boxplots. This is ignored if `marginal_outliers ==
#' FALSE`. Defaults to `1.5`.
#' @param outliergram_factor A numeric value specifying the inflation factor for
#' marginal outliergrams. This is ignored if `marginal_outliers == FALSE`.
#' Defaults to `1.5`.
#' @param ids A character vector specifying labels for individual observations.
#' Defaults to `NULL`, in which case observations will remain unlabelled.
#' @return An object of class `depthgram` which is a list with the following
#' items:
#' - `mbd.mei.d`: vector MBD of the MEI dimension-wise.
#' - `mei.mbd.d`: vector MEI of the MBD dimension-wise.
#' - `mbd.mei.t`: vector MBD of the MEI time-wise.
#' - `mei.mbd.t`: vector MEI of the MEI time-wise.
#' - `mbd.mei.t2`: vector MBD of the MEI time/correlation-wise.
#' - `mei.mbd.t2`: vector MEI of the MBD time/correlation-wise.
#' - `shp.out.det`: detected shape outliers by dimension.
#' - `mag.out.det`: detected magnitude outliers by dimension.
#' - `mbd.d`: matrix `n x p` of MBD dimension-wise.
#' - `mei.d`: matrix `n x p` of MEI dimension-wise.
#' - `mbd.t`: matrix `n x p` of MBD time-wise.
#' - `mei.t`: matrix `n x p` of MEI time-wise.
#' - `mbd.t2`: matrix `n x p` of MBD time/correlation-wise
#' - `mei.t2`: matrix `n x p` of MBD time/correlation-wise.
#' @references
#' Aleman-Gomez, Y., Arribas-Gil, A., Desco, M. Elias-Fernandez, A., and Romo,
#' J. (2021). "Depthgram: Visualizing Outliers in High Dimensional Functional
#' Data with application to Task fMRI data exploration".
#' @export
#' @name depthgram
#' @examples
#' N <- 2e2
#' P <- 1e3
#' grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out = P)
#' Cov <- exp_cov_function(grid, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.4)
#' Data <- list()
#' Data[[1]] <- generate_gauss_fdata(
#' N,
#' centerline = sin(2 * pi * grid),
#' Cov = Cov
#' )
#' Data[[2]] <- generate_gauss_fdata(
#' N,
#' centerline = sin(2 * pi * grid),
#' Cov = Cov
#' )
#' names <- paste0("id_", 1:nrow(Data[[1]]))
#' DG1 <- depthgram(Data, marginal_outliers = TRUE, ids = names)
#' fD <- fData(grid, Data[[1]])
#' DG2 <- depthgram(fD, marginal_outliers = TRUE, ids = names)
#' mfD <- mfData(grid, Data)
#' DG3 <- depthgram(mfD, marginal_outliers = TRUE, ids = names)
depthgram <- function(Data,
marginal_outliers = FALSE,
boxplot_factor = 1.5,
outliergram_factor = 1.5,
ids = NULL) {
UseMethod("depthgram", Data)
#' @rdname depthgram
#' @export
depthgram.default <- function(Data,
marginal_outliers = FALSE,
boxplot_factor = 1.5,
outliergram_factor = 1.5,
ids = NULL) {
p <- length(Data)
n <- nrow(Data[[1]])
N <- ncol(Data[[1]])
if (marginal_outliers) {
a2 <- a0 <- -2 / (n * (n - 1))
a1 <- 2 * (n + 1) / (n - 1)
# Dimension-wise
# n*p matrix with mbd's on each dimension
mbd.d <- array(0, dim = c(n, p))
# n*p matrix with mbd's on each dimension
mei.d <- array(0, dim = c(n, p))
# list for marginal magnitude outliers detection
mag.out.det <- list(length = p)
# list for marginal shape outliers detection
shp.out.det <- list(length = p)
n2 <- ceiling(n * 0.5)
# Vector containing the sign of correlation between mei in each dimension and
# the next one
corr.mei <- vector("numeric", length = p)
corr.mei[1] <- 1
#Array with all observation ranks on each time-point/dimension
rmat.mat <- array(0, dim = c(n, N, p))
# Storing components in which -1 transformation will be applied (since negative
# mei correlation exists)
wp <- c()
for (i in 1:p) { ### Over dimensions
x <- Data[[i]]
# MBD and MEI computation on dimension i
rmat <- apply(t(x), 1, rank)
rmat.mat[, , i] <- rmat
down <- rmat - 1
up <- n - rmat
mbd.d[, i] <- (rowSums(up * down) / N + n - 1) / (n * (n - 1) / 2)
mei.d[, i] <- rowSums(up + 1) / (n * N)
# MEI correlation between i and i-1 dimensions
if (i > 1)
corr.mei[i] <- corr.mei[i - 1] * sign(stats::cor(mei.d[, i], mei.d[, i - 1]))
if (corr.mei[i] == -1)
wp <- c(wp, i)
# Marginal outlier detection on dimension i: functional boxplot and
# outliergram with factors boxplot_factor and outliergram_factor
# respectively
if (marginal_outliers) {
index <- order(mbd.d[, i], decreasing = TRUE)
center <- x[index[1:n2], ]
inf <- apply(center, 2, min)
sup <- apply(center, 2, max)
dist <- boxplot_factor * (sup - inf)
upper <- sup + dist
lower <- inf - dist
mag.out.det[[i]] <- which(colSums((t(x) <= lower) + (t(x) >= upper)) > 0)
dist <- (a0 + a1 * mei.d[, i] + a2 * n^2 * mei.d[, i]^2) - mbd.d[, i]
q <- stats::quantile(dist, probs = c(0.25, 0.75))
lim <- outliergram_factor * (q[2] - q[1]) + q[2]
shp.out.det[[i]] <- which(dist > lim)
rm(index, center, inf, sup, dist, upper, lower, q, lim)
rm(x, rmat, down, up)
##### MEI of MBD and MBD of MEI across dimensions
mei.mbd.d <- MEI(mbd.d) # managing ties
mbd.mei.d <- MBD(mei.d)
# Time-wise
# n*N matrix with mbd's on each time point
mbd.t <- array(0, dim = c(n, N))
# n*N matrix with mei's on each time point
mei.t <- array(0, dim = c(n, N))
# n*N matrix with mbd's on each time point for the "corrected" data set
mbd.t2 <- array(0, dim = c(n, N))
# n*N matrix with mbd's on each time point for the "corrected" data set
mei.t2 <- array(0, dim = c(n, N))
for (i in 1:N) { ### Over time points
# Getting observation ranks at time-point i
rmat <- rmat.mat[, i, ]
if (is.null(dim(rmat)))
rmat <- matrix(rmat, ncol = 1)
# MBD and MEI computation on time-point i
down <- rmat - 1
up <- n - rmat
mbd.t[, i] <- (rowSums(up * down) / p + n - 1) / (n * (n - 1) / 2)
mei.t[, i] <- rowSums(up + 1) / (n * p)
# MBD and MEI computation on dimension i for the "corrected" data set
if (length(wp) > 0) {
down[, wp] <- n - rmat[, wp]
up[, wp] <- rmat[, wp] - 1
mbd.t2[, i] <- (rowSums(up * down) / p + n - 1) / (n * (n - 1) / 2)
mei.t2[, i] <- rowSums(up + 1) / (n * p)
} else {
mbd.t2[, i] <- mbd.t[, i]
mei.t2[, i] <- mei.t[, i]
rm(down, rmat, up)
##### MEI of MBD and MBD of MEI across time-points (original and corrected
##### data sets)
mei.mbd.t <- MEI(mbd.t)
mei.mbd.t2 <- MEI(mbd.t2)
mbd.mei.t <- MBD(mei.t)
mbd.mei.t2 <- MBD(mei.t2)
##### RETURN
res <- list(
mbd.mei.d = mbd.mei.d, mei.mbd.d = mei.mbd.d,
mbd.mei.t = mbd.mei.t, mei.mbd.t = mei.mbd.t,
mbd.mei.t2 = mbd.mei.t2, mei.mbd.t2 = mei.mbd.t2,
shp.out.det = shp.out.det, mag.out.det = mag.out.det,
mbd.d = mbd.d, mei.d = mei.d,
mbd.t = mbd.t, mei.t = mei.t,
mbd.t2 = mbd.t2, mei.t2 = mei.t2
if (!is.null(ids)) {
res <- lapply(res, function(.x) {
if (is.list(.x)) {
.x <- lapply(.x, function(.y) {
names(.y) <- ids[.y]
} else if (!is.null(dim(.x))) {
row.names(.x) <- ids
} else if (length(.x) < n) {
names(.x) <- ids[.x]
} else {
names(.x) <- ids
res$corr.mei <- corr.mei
class(res) <- c("depthgram", class(res))
#' @rdname depthgram
#' @export
depthgram.fData <- function(Data,
marginal_outliers = FALSE,
boxplot_factor = 1.5,
outliergram_factor = 1.5,
ids = NULL) {
Data = list(Data$values),
marginal_outliers = marginal_outliers,
boxplot_factor = boxplot_factor,
outliergram_factor = outliergram_factor,
ids = ids
#' @rdname depthgram
#' @export
depthgram.mfData <- function(Data,
marginal_outliers = FALSE,
boxplot_factor = 1.5,
outliergram_factor = 1.5,
ids = NULL) {
Data = toListOfValues(Data),
marginal_outliers = marginal_outliers,
boxplot_factor = boxplot_factor,
outliergram_factor = outliergram_factor,
ids = ids
#' Specialized method to plot 'depthgram' objects
#' This function plots the three 'DepthGram' representations from the output of
#' the \code{\link{depthgram}} function.
#' @param x An object of class `depthgram` as output by the
#' \code{\link{depthgram}} function.
#' @param limits A boolean specifying whether the empirical limits for outlier
#' detection should be drawn. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param ids A character vector specifying labels for individual observations.
#' Defaults to `NULL`, in which case observations will named by their id
#' number in order of appearance.
#' @param print A boolean specifying whether the graphical output should be
#' optimized for printed version. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param plot_title A character string specifying the main title for the plot.
#' Defaults to `""`, which means no title.
#' @param shorten A boolean specifying whether labels must be shorten to 15
#' characters. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param col Color palette used for the plot. Defaults to `NULL`, in which case
#' a default palette produced by the \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl}} function is
#' used.
#' @param pch Point shape. See \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}} for more details.
#' Defaults to `19`.
#' @param sp Point size. See \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}} for more details.
#' Defaults to `2`.
#' @param st Label size. See \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}} for more details.
#' Defaults to `4`.
#' @param sa Axis title sizes. See \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}} for more
#' details. Defaults to `10`.
#' @param text_labels A character vector specifying the labels for the
#' individuals. It is overridden if `limits = TRUE`, for which only outliers
#' labels are shown. See \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}} for more details.
#' Defaults to `""`.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the base \code{\link[base]{plot}}
#' function. Unused.
#' @return A list with the following items:
#' - `p`: list with all the interactive (plotly) depthGram plots;
#' - `out`: outliers detected;
#' - `colors`: used colors for plotting.
#' @references
#' Aleman-Gomez, Y., Arribas-Gil, A., Desco, M. Elias-Fernandez, A., and Romo,
#' J. (2021). "Depthgram: Visualizing Outliers in High Dimensional Functional
#' Data with application to Task fMRI data exploration".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' N <- 50
#' P <- 50
#' grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out = P)
#' Cov <- exp_cov_function(grid, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.4)
#' Data <- list()
#' Data[[1]] <- generate_gauss_fdata(
#' N,
#' centerline = sin(2 * pi * grid),
#' Cov = Cov
#' )
#' Data[[2]] <- generate_gauss_fdata(
#' N,
#' centerline = sin(2 * pi * grid),
#' Cov = Cov
#' )
#' names <- paste0("id_", 1:nrow(Data[[1]]))
#' DG <- depthgram(Data, marginal_outliers = TRUE, ids = names)
#' plot(DG)
plot.depthgram <- function(x,
limits = FALSE,
ids = NULL,
print = FALSE,
plot_title = "",
shorten = TRUE,
col = NULL,
pch = 19, sp = 2, st = 4, sa = 10,
text_labels = "",
...) {
n <- length(x$mei.mbd.d)
type <- c(
"Dimensions DepthGram",
"Time DepthGram",
"Time/Correlation DepthGram"
if (is.null(ids)) ids <- as.character(1:n)
x <- data.frame(
ID = rep(ids, 3),
mei.mbd = c(x$mei.mbd.d, x$mei.mbd.t, x$mei.mbd.t2),
mbd.mei = c(x$mbd.mei.d, x$mbd.mei.t, x$mbd.mei.t2),
type = rep(type, each = n)
if (is.null(col)) {
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
color <- grDevices::hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
} else
color <- col
out <- NULL
if (limits) {
P2 <- function(x, n) {
a0 <- 2 / n
a2 <- -n / (2 * (n - 1))
a0 + x + a2*x^2
meis <- seq(0, 1, n)
x$meis <- rep(meis, 3)
x$par <- P2(x$meis, n)
distp <- x$mbd.mei - P2(1 - x$mei.mbd, n)
q3 <- stats::quantile(distp, 0.75)
q1 <- stats::quantile(distp, 0.25)
x$par2 <- x$par + q3 + 1.5 * (q3 - q1)
out <- unique(which(distp > q3 + 1.5 * (q3 - q1)) %% n)
pch <- rep(1, n) # empty circle
pch[out] <- 19 # solid circle
text_labels <- rep("", n)
text_labels[out] <- ids[out]
if (is.null(col)) {
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = length(out) + 1)
color.out <- grDevices::hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:length(out)]
color <- rep(8, n)
color[out] <- color.out
if (print) {
sp <- 3
st <- 5
sa <- 14
plots <- list()
for (i in 1:3) {
dat <- x[which(x$type == type[i]), ]
plots[[i]] <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = 1 - .data$mei.mbd, y = .data$mbd.mei)) +
geom_point(aes(group = .data$ID), color = color, size = sp, shape = pch) +
label = text_labels,
color = color,
hjust = -0.15,
vjust = -0.15,
size = st
) +
xlim(c(0, 1.005)) +
ylim(c(0, 0.525)) +
theme_minimal() +
axis.title = element_text(size = sa),
axis.text = element_text(size = sa - 2),
title = element_text(size = sa)
if (limits) {
plots[[i]] <- plots[[i]] +
geom_line(aes(x = .data$meis, y = .data$par) , col = 1, na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_line(aes(x = .data$meis, y = .data$par2), col = 1, na.rm = TRUE, lty = 2)
if (i == 1)
pt <- plot_title
pt <- ""
plots[[i]] <- plots[[i]] +
facet_wrap(~ .data$type) +
p <- plots %>%
plotly::subplot(shareY = TRUE, shareX =TRUE) %>%
title = plot_title,
yaxis = list(title = "MBD(MEI)"),
xaxis = list(title = "1-MEI(MBD)")
p = list(
dimDG = plots[[1]],
timeDG = plots[[2]],
corrDG = plots[[3]],
fullDG = p
out = out,
color = color
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