
Defines functions deleteAlias .deleteOneAlias setAlias getAlias .getOneAlias

Documented in deleteAlias getAlias setAlias


#' Using aliases to subset virus data
#' @description Rather than typing out full viruses names or repeating
#' regexpressions, users can use aliases as a convenient tool to subset
#' \code{PhIPData} objects by viral species.
#' @details Aliases are cached to an rda file containing only a
#' \code{data.frame} with two columns: \code{alias} and \code{pattern}. The
#' \code{alias} column contains the alias while the \code{pattern} column
#' contains the corresponding regexpression of interest.
#' Once an alias is added to the database, it can always be accessed once the
#' package is loaded. It is recommended to use the functions \code{setAlias}
#' and \code{deleteAlias}. If an alias already exists in the database,
#' \code{setAlias} replaces the matched pattern. If an alias does not exist
#' in the database, \code{getAlias} returns \code{NA_character_}.
#' @param virus character vector of the alias
#' @param pattern character vector of regexpressions corresponding to the alias
#' @return \code{getAlias()} returns a vector of regexpressions corresponding to
#' queried inputs. The returned vector is the same length as the input vector.
#' Queries that do not exist in the database return \code{NA_character_}.
#' @examples
#' ## Edit and modify aliases in the database
#' setAlias("test_virus", "test_pattern")
#' getAlias("test_virus")
#' setAlias("test_virus", "test_pattern2")
#' getAlias("test_virus")
#' deleteAlias("test_virus")
#' ## Edit and modify multiple aliases at once.
#' setAlias(c("virus_1", "virus_2"), c("pattern_1", "pattern_2"))
#' getAlias(c("virus_1", "virus_2"))
#' deleteAlias(c("virus_1", "virus_2"))
#' ## Example of how to subset HIV using `getAlias`
#' ## Often, it is useful to set the `ignore.case` of `grep`/`grepl` to TRUE.
#' counts_dat <- matrix(1:10, nrow = 5)
#' peptide_meta <- data.frame(species = c(
#'     rep("Epstein-Barr virus", 2),
#'     rep("human immunodeficiency virus", 3)
#' ))
#' phip_obj <- PhIPData(counts = counts_dat, peptideInfo = peptide_meta)
#' subset(phip_obj, grepl(getAlias("HIV"), species, ignore.case = TRUE))
#' @name aliases
#' @include PhIPData-class.R

.getOneAlias <- function(virus) {
    if (!virus %in% get("alias", envir = pkg_env)$alias) {
    } else {
        get("alias", pkg_env)$pattern[get("alias", pkg_env)$alias == virus]

#' @describeIn aliases return a regexpression corresponding to the alias.
#' @export
getAlias <- function(virus) {
    vapply(virus, .getOneAlias, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

#' @describeIn aliases define/modify the regexpression for an alias.
#' @export
setAlias <- function(virus, pattern) {
    if (length(virus) != length(pattern)) {
        stop("Input vector lengths are unequal.")

    ## Create temporary copy for convenience
    current_alias <- get("alias", envir = pkg_env)

    ## Look at whether any viruses need to be added or changed
    ##    new_viruses: viruses to be added
    ##    exist_viruses: viruses that exist in the database
    ##        (may have the same patterns)
    ##    replace_viruses: subset of exist viruses that need to have the pattern
    ##        changed
    new_viruses <- virus[!virus %in% current_alias$alias]
    exist_viruses <- setdiff(virus, new_viruses)
    current_pattern <- vapply(exist_viruses, function(x) {
        pattern <- current_alias$pattern[current_alias$alias == x]
        if (length(pattern) == 0) NA else pattern
    }, character(1))
    replace_viruses <- exist_viruses[current_pattern !=
        pattern[virus == exist_viruses]]
    n_replace <- length(replace_viruses)
    if (n_replace > 0) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("Replacing pattern{?s} for {n_replace} alias{?es}.")

    if (sum(length(new_viruses), n_replace) == 0) {
        cli::cli_alert_info("No new alias-pattern combinations added.")
    } else {
        ## Add new aliases
        new_alias <- rbind(
                alias = new_viruses,
                pattern = pattern[virus == new_viruses]
        ## Replace patterns
        for (replacement in replace_viruses) {
            new_alias$pattern[new_alias$alias == replacement] <-
                pattern[virus == replacement]

        ## Change environment
        assign("alias", new_alias, envir = pkg_env)

        ## Save to where the environment is loaded
        alias_path <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(pkg_env$beer_cache, "alias")$rpath
            envir = pkg_env,
            file = alias_path

.deleteOneAlias <- function(virus) {
    if (!virus %in% get("alias", envir = pkg_env)$alias) {
        stop("Virus does not exist in the alias database.")
    } else {
        virus_index <- which(get("alias", pkg_env)$alias == virus)
        assign("alias", pkg_env$alias[-virus_index, ], envir = pkg_env)

    alias_path <- BiocFileCache::bfcquery(pkg_env$beer_cache, "alias")$rpath
        envir = pkg_env,
        file = alias_path

#' @describeIn aliases remove an alias from the database.
#' @export
deleteAlias <- function(virus) {
    for (i in virus) .deleteOneAlias(i)
athchen/PhIPData documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:34 a.m.