Demographic stochasticity in IPMs

Example code for estimating covariance between size-classes. Based on equation 10.2.5 in Steve's book:

$$ Cov[n_{i}(t+1)n_{j}(t+1)] = -h^{2} \sum_{k} n_{k}(t)P(z_{i},z{k})P(z_{j},z{k}) $$

where, $P()$ is the survival$\times$growth kernal. Note that in the function below, the line pairs$multi <- pairs[,1]*pairs[,2]*pop_vector corresponds to $n_{k}(t)P(z_{i},z{k})P(z_{j},z{k})$ for a single column k.

The function for generating the correlated poisson vector is from

Proposed functions

Here are the proposed functions to calculate the covariance matrix for P() and for generating the correlated poisson vector based on that covariance structure:

##  Define a function that returns P(z_{i},z{k})*P(z_{j},z{k}) for all i,j combos
# X is one column (k) of the survivalXgrowth kernal
# pop_vector is the population vector whose elements are actual numbers of individuals

##  This function expands the P matrix to get all pairs of i and j
get_pairs <- function(X, pop_vector){
  pairs <- expand.grid(X, X)
  pairs$multi <- pairs[,1]*pairs[,2]*pop_vector

##  This function takes the P.matrix, runs it through `get_pairs`
##    and then calculates the covariance structure.
get_cov <- function(MAT){
  test <- apply(MAT, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "get_pairs", 
  mat_dim <- sqrt(dim(test)[1])
  test <-
  test$tag <- rep(c(1:mat_dim), each=mat_dim)
  cov_str <- matrix(ncol=mat_dim, nrow=mat_dim)
  for(do_i in 1:mat_dim){
    tmp <- subset(test, tag==do_i) #subset out the focal i
    rmtmp <- which(colnames(tmp)=="tag") #get rid of id column
    # Sum over k columns
    cov_str[do_i,] <- (-h[doSpp]^2) * apply(tmp[,-rmtmp], MARGIN = 2, FUN = "sum")
  diag(cov_str) <- 1 #set diagonals to perfect correlation

##  Function for generating correlated poisson with covariance structure
# p = the dimension of the distribution (length of pop vector)
# samples = the number of observations
# R = correlation matrix (p X p)
# lambda = rate vector (p)
GenerateMultivariatePoisson<-function(pD, samples, R, lambda){
  normal_mu=rep(0, pD)
  normal = mvrnorm(samples, normal_mu, R)
  pois = normal
  for (s in 1:pD){pois[s]=qpois(p[s], lambda[s])}

Example in IPM context

Here is a little example as it would occur in the IPM. In the code below, I am assuming a bit of familiarity, but note that v and u are both the population vector, rpa is the number of recruites per area, and muWG and muWS are the estimated crowding effects.

##  Iteration matrix functions
<<<<<<< HEAD
# The iteration matrix is decomposed into the survivalXgrowth kernel (P)
#   and the recruitment kernel (R).

# Get recruitment values from regression

# Get survival and growth values from regression
make.P.values <- function(v,u,muWG,muWS, Gpars,Spars,doYear,doSpp){ 

# Turn the values into iteration matrix
make.P.matrix <- function(v,muWG,muWS,Gpars,Spars,doYear,doSpp) {
make.R.matrix=function(v,Rpars,rpa,doYear,doSpp) {

##  Pretend we're inside the simulation loop...
P.matrix <- make.P.matrix(v[[doSpp]],WmatG[[doSpp]],WmatS[[doSpp]],Gpars,Spars,doYear,doSpp)  
R.matrix <- make.R.matrix(v[[doSpp]],Rpars,rpa,doYear,doSpp)  

# Calculate covariance
covmat <- get_cov(K=P.matrix)
# Generate the poisson vector for P contribution the population
pCont <- GenerateMultivariatePoisson(pD = length(nt[[doSpp]]),
                                     samples = 1,
                                     R = covmat,
                                     lambda = P.matrix%*%nt[[doSpp]])

# Run recruitment matrix through regular poisson for recruitment contribution
rCont <- rpois(length(nt[[doSpp]]),R.matrix%*%nt[[doSpp]])

# Sum the survivalXgrowth and recruitment contributions for
#   updated population vector
next.nt <- pCont+rCont's slow, but appears to work (figure on next page):

Example time series with three species fromt the Idaho dataset where only demographic stochasticity is acting (i.e., no temporal variation due to random year effects).

atredennick/community_synchrony documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:10 p.m.