
Defines functions join_AB fix_AB_by_wt join_by_stg expand_AB find_AB

#' Find AB
#' @noRd
#' @param AG AG
#' @param B B
#' @examples
#' if (require(tibble)) {
#' AG <- tribble(
#'   ~elm,  ~phase3,     ~g,    ~g_se,           ~a ,       ~a_se,
#'   "Mg",     "Ol", 5797.0, 16.15739, 0.0001011356, 1.200497e-14,
#'   "Si",     "Ol", 4282.5, 10.12659, 0.0001011270, 1.129788e-14,
#'   "Si",    "Qtz", 9891.0, 14.91865, 0.0001009895, 3.593501e-15,
#'   "Mg",    "Qtz",    0.0,  0.00000, 0.0001011356, 5.848577e-15,
#' )
#' B <- tribble(
#'   ~elm, ~stg,        ~b,        ~b_se,
#'   "Mg",   11,  99.75446, 0.0004009793,
#'   "Si",   11,  99.88468, 0.0003773498
#' )
#' find(AG, B)
#' #   elm stg  phase3        ab        ab_se
#' # 1  Mg  11     Ol 0.01008873 4.055329e-08
#' # 2  Mg  11    Qtz 0.01008873 4.055329e-08
#' # 3  Si  11     Ol 0.01010103 3.816024e-08
#' # 4  Si  11    Qtz 0.01008730 3.810836e-08
#' }
find_AB <- function(AG, B, se = TRUE) {
    right_join(AG[, c("elm", "phase3", "a", "a_se"[se])], B, by = "elm"),
    ab = .data$a * .data$b,
    ab_se = if (!!se) L2(.data$a * .data$b_se, .data$b * .data$a_se) else NA_real_,
    a = NULL, a_se = NULL, b = NULL, b_se = NULL

#' Expand AB along stg
#' @noRd
#' @param AB AB
#' @param stg stg
#' @note
#' \> AB
#'   elm stg phase3         ab        ab_se
#' 1  Mg  11     Ol 0.01008873 4.055329e-08
#' 2  Mg  11    Qtz 0.01008873 4.055329e-08
#' 3  Si  11     Ol 0.01010103 3.816024e-08
#' 4  Si  11    Qtz 0.01008730 3.810836e-08
#' \> stg
#' c("11", "11")
#' \> expand_AB(AB, stg)
#' List of 2
#' $ Mg:List of 2
#' ..$ ab   :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  2 variables:
#'   .. ..$ Ol : num [1:2] 0.0101 0.0101
#' .. ..$ Qtz: num [1:2] 0.0101 0.0101
#' ..$ ab_se:'data.frame':	2 obs. of  2 variables:
#'   .. ..$ Ol : num [1:2] 4.06e-08 4.06e-08
#' .. ..$ Qtz: num [1:2] 4.06e-08 4.06e-08
#' $ Si:List of 2
#' ..$ ab   :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  2 variables:
#'   .. ..$ Ol : num [1:2] 0.0101 0.0101
#' .. ..$ Qtz: num [1:2] 0.0101 0.0101
#' ..$ ab_se:'data.frame':	2 obs. of  2 variables:
#'   .. ..$ Ol : num [1:2] 3.82e-08 3.82e-08
#' .. ..$ Qtz: num [1:2] 3.81e-08 3.81e-08
expand_AB <- function(AB, stg) {
  .stg <- data.frame(stg = stg)
  gather(AB, ".var", ".val", -"elm", -"stg", -"phase3") %>>%
    spread("phase3", ".val") %>>%
    split(.$elm) %>>%
    lapply(function(x) lapply(split(x, x$.var), join_by_stg, .stg))

join_by_stg <- function(x, stg) {
  select(right_join(select(x, -"elm", -".var"), stg, by = "stg"), -"stg")

# © 2018 JAMSTEC
#' Fix parameters alpha, beta, and gamma based on given chemical compositions.
#' @noRd
#' @param xmap `qm_xmap` class object returned by [`read_xmap()`]
#' @param cls `qm_cluster` class object returned by [`cluster_xmap()`]
#' @param csv
#'   A file path to the csv file with columns `phase`, `oxide` and `wt`.
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs weightedMedian
fix_AB_by_wt <- function(xmap, cls, params) {
  if (!any(is.finite(params$wt))) return(NULL)
  params <- params[is.finite(params$wt), c("phase", "oxide", "wt")]
  xmap[(unique(params$oxide))] %>>%
    mutate(phase = !!cls$cluster, w = !!cls$membership) %>>%
    filter(.data$phase %in% (!!params$phase)) %>>%
    gather("oxide", "mapint", -"phase", -"w") %>>%
    group_by(.data$phase, .data$oxide) %>>%
    summarize(mapint = weightedMedian(.data$mapint, .data$w)) %>>%
    ungroup %>>%
    right_join(params, by = c("phase", "oxide")) %>>%
    mutate(ab = .data$wt / .data$mapint, mapint = NULL, wt = NULL) %>>%
    rename(elm = "oxide", phase3 = "phase")

# © 2018 JAMSTEC
#' Join results of find_AB and fix_AB_by_wt
#' @noRd
#' @param AB returned by find_AB
#' @param AB_fixed returnd by fix_AB_by_wt()
join_AB <- function(AB, AB_fixed = NULL) {
  if (is.null(AB_fixed)) return(AB)
  semi_join(AB, AB_fixed, by = c("elm", "phase3")) %>>%
    select(-"ab", -"ab_se") %>>%
    left_join(AB_fixed, by = c("elm", "phase3")) %>>%
    bind_rows(anti_join(AB, AB_fixed, by = c("elm", "phase3")))
atusy/qntmap documentation built on April 11, 2021, 4:45 p.m.