## item-based top N recomender (see Karypis 2001)

.BIN_IBCF_params <- list(
  k = 30,
  normalize_sim_matrix = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.5

BIN_IBCF <- function(data, parameter= NULL) {

  p <- getParameters(.BIN_IBCF_params, parameter)

  ## this might not fit into memory! Maybe use a sample?
  sim <- as.matrix(similarity(data, method=p$method, which="items",

  ## reduce similarity matrix to keep only the k highest similarities
  diag(sim) <- 0
  ##sim[!is.finite(sim)] <- 0

  ## normalize rows to 1
  if(p$normalize_sim_matrix) sim <- sim/rowSums(sim, na.rm=TRUE)

  for(i in 1:nrow(sim))
    sim[i,head(order(sim[i,], decreasing=FALSE, na.last=FALSE),
      ncol(sim) - p$k)] <- 0

  ## make sparse
  sim <- as(sim, "dgCMatrix")

  model <- c(list(
    description = "IBCF: Reduced similarity matrix",
    sim = sim
  ), p

  predict <- function(model, newdata, n = 10,
    data=NULL, type=c("topNList", "ratings", "ratingMatrix"), ...) {

    type <- match.arg(type)

    ## newdata are userid
    if(is.numeric(newdata)) {
      if(is.null(data) || !is(data, "ratingMatrix"))
        stop("If newdata is a user id then data needes to be the training dataset.")
      newdata <- data[newdata,]

    if(ncol(newdata) != nrow(model$sim)) stop("number of items in newdata does not match model.")

    n <- as.integer(n)
    sim <- model$sim
    u <- as(newdata, "dgCMatrix")

    ## predict all ratings (average similarity)
    #ratings <- tcrossprod(sim,u)
    ratings <- t(as(tcrossprod(sim,u) / tcrossprod(sim!=0, u!=0), "matrix"))
    dimnames(ratings) <- dimnames(newdata)

    returnRatings(ratings, newdata, type, n)

  ## construct recommender object
  new("Recommender", method = "IBCF", dataType = class(data),
    ntrain = nrow(data), model = model, predict = predict)


## register recommender
  method="IBCF", dataType = "binaryRatingMatrix", fun=BIN_IBCF,
  description="Recommender based on item-based collaborative filtering (binary rating data).",

.REAL_IBCF_params <- list(
  k = 30,
  normalize = "center",
  normalize_sim_matrix = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.5,
  na_as_zero = FALSE

REAL_IBCF <- function(data, parameter= NULL) {

  p <- getParameters(.REAL_IBCF_params, parameter)

    data <- normalize(data, method=p$normalize)

  ## this might not fit into memory! Maybe use a sample?
  sim <- as.matrix(similarity(data, method=p$method, which="items",
    args=list(alpha=p$alpha, na_as_zero=p$na_as_zero)))

  ## normalize rows to 1
  if(p$normalize_sim_matrix) sim <- sim/rowSums(sim, na.rm=TRUE)

  ## reduce similarity matrix to keep only the k highest similarities
  diag(sim) <- NA
  ##sim[!is.finite(sim)] <- NA

  for(i in 1:nrow(sim))
    sim[i,head(order(sim[i,], decreasing=FALSE, na.last=FALSE),
      ncol(sim) - p$k)] <- NA

  ## make sparse
  sim <- dropNA(sim)

  model <- c(list(
    description = "IBCF: Reduced similarity matrix",
    sim = sim
  ), p

  predict <- function(model, newdata, n = 10,
    data=NULL, type=c("topNList", "ratings", "ratingMatrix"), ...) {

    type <- match.arg(type)

    ## newdata are userid
    if(is.numeric(newdata)) {
      if(is.null(data) || !is(data, "ratingMatrix"))
        stop("If newdata is a user id then data needes to be the training dataset.")
      newdata <- data[newdata,]

    if(ncol(newdata) != nrow(model$sim)) stop("number of items in newdata does not match model.")

    n <- as.integer(n)

      newdata <- normalize(newdata, method=model$normalize)

    ## predict all ratings
    sim <- model$sim
    u <- as(newdata, "dgCMatrix")

    ratings <- t(as(tcrossprod(sim,u) / tcrossprod(sim, u!=0), "matrix"))

    ratings <- new("realRatingMatrix", data=dropNA(ratings),
      normalize = getNormalize(newdata))
    ratings <- denormalize(ratings)

    returnRatings(ratings, newdata, type, n)

  ## construct recommender object
  new("Recommender", method = "IBCF", dataType = class(data),
    ntrain = nrow(data), model = model, predict = predict)

## register recommender
  method="IBCF", dataType = "realRatingMatrix", fun=REAL_IBCF,
  description="Recommender based on item-based collaborative filtering.",
audachang/recommenderlab.test documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:27 p.m.