
Defines functions net.plot

Documented in net.plot

#' @title
#' Network Plot
#' @description
#' Produces network plot where nodes represent treatments and edges represent direct
#' evidence (e.g an RCT) comparing treatments.
#' @param data A \code{BUGSnetData} object produced by \code{data.prep()}.
# @param outcome A string of the outcome variable to use for the plot (missing values are discarded).
#' @param node.scale Size of the nodes (default = 5)
#' @param edge.scale Thickness of the edges (default = 2).
#' @param graph.scale Whether to make edges and nodes proportionally larger with the number of studies/arms. Default is TRUE.
#' @param flag Used to highlight direct comparisons to particular treatments (optional).
#' Set this value to treatment(s) of interest and it will highlight, in red, all of the edges
#' going into the specified treatment(s).
#' @param study.counts If TRUE, prints the number of studies on each edge.
#' @param label.offset1 Node label offset relative to node. Default = 0.
#' @param label.offset2 Additional label offset for nodes close to the x axis. Default = 0.
#' @param node.lab.cex Size of node labels
#' @param edge.lab.cex Size of edge labels
#' @param node.colour Node colour (string)
#' @param edge.colour Edge colour (string)
#' @param edge.lab.colour Edge label colour (string)
#' @param flag.edge.colour Color of flagged edges (string)
#' @param layout Specifies how the nodes should be layed out in the graph. Default is "layout_in_circle". See \code{igraph::layout_} 
#' for layout options
#' @param layout.params Additional parameters to be passed to the chosen 'layout' function. See \code{igraph::layout_} for more information
# @param ... extra parameters for plotting
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{data.prep}}, \code{igraph::layout_}
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate pull select
#' @importFrom igraph E ecount incident V vcount
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom graphics strwidth
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes.sim)
#' diabetes.slr <- data.prep(
#'   arm.data = diabetes.sim, 
#'   varname.t = "Treatment", 
#'   varname.s = "Study"
#' )
#' # use default settings
#' net.plot(diabetes.slr)
#' # Highlight all direct comparisons with Placebo. Adjust node and edge size, centre node labels
#' net.plot(
#'   data = diabetes.slr, 
#'   node.scale = 4, 
#'   edge.scale = 1.5, 
#'   flag="Placebo", 
#'   label.offset1 = 0, 
#'   label.offset2 = 0
#' )

#' @export
net.plot <- function(
  node.scale = 5, 
  edge.scale = 2, 
  flag = NULL, 
  study.counts = FALSE,
  label.offset1 = 0, 
  label.offset2 = 0, 
  graph.scale = TRUE,
  node.lab.cex = 1,
  edge.lab.cex = 1,
  node.colour = "#f69c54",
  edge.colour = "grey",
  edge.lab.colour = "blue",
  flag.edge.colour = "lightpink",
  layout = "layout_in_circle",
  layout.params = NULL
) {
  # Bind variables to function
  x <- NULL
  y <- NULL
  z <- NULL
  if (!inherits(data, 'BUGSnetData'))
    stop("\'data\' must be a valid BUGSnetData object created using the data.prep function.")
  if (!is.character(layout) || length(layout) != 1)
    stop("\'layout\' must be a character vector of length 1 specifying the name of an igraph layout function")
  #To specify the outcome
  # data %<>% data.prep(arm.data=filter(data$arm.data, !is.na(outcome)), 
  #                     varname.t=data$varname.t, 
  #                     varname.s=data$varname.s)
  edgesANDnodes <- suppressMessages(network.structure(data))
  edges <- edgesANDnodes[[1]]
  nodes <- edgesANDnodes[[2]]
  net <- graph_from_data_frame(d=edges, vertices=nodes, directed=F) 
  ## Source for function to offset node labels...
  ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23209802/placing-vertex-label-outside-a-circular-layout-in-igraph
  n.treatments <- length(data$treatments[,1])
  lab.offset <- rep(label.offset1, n.treatments)
  lab.locs <- 2*pi*seq(0, 1, length.out = n.treatments + 1)[-(n.treatments + 1)]
  near.x.axis <- which(lab.locs < pi/6 | lab.locs > 5*pi/6 & lab.locs < 7*pi/6 | lab.locs > 11*pi/6)
  width <- strwidth(data$treatments[near.x.axis, 1], units = "inches")
  lab.offset[near.x.axis] <- lab.offset[near.x.axis] + label.offset2 * width/min(width)
  if (graph.scale == TRUE) {
    vsize <- node.scale * V(net)$node.weight
    ewidth <- edge.scale * E(net)$edge.weight
    rscl <- TRUE
  } else {
    vsize <- node.scale
    ewidth <- edge.scale
    rscl <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(flag) || study.counts == TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(flag)) {
      inc.edges <- incident(net, V(net)[flag[1]], mode="all")
      if (length(flag) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(flag))
          inc.edges <- c(inc.edges, inc.edges <- incident(net, V(net)[flag[i]], mode="all"))
      ecol <- rep("grey", ecount(net))
      ecol[inc.edges] <- flag.edge.colour
      vcol <- rep("grey", vcount(net))
      vcol[V(net)[flag]] <- node.colour
    } else {
      ecol <- edge.colour
      vcol <- node.colour
    if (study.counts == TRUE) {
      elab <- as.character(E(net)$edge.weight)
    } else if (!is.null(flag)) {
      elab <- ifelse((1:length(E(net))) %in% inc.edges, as.character(E(net)$study), NA)
    } else {
      elab <- NA
         vertex.size = vsize,
         edge.width = ewidth,
         vertex.color = vcol,
         vertex.frame.color = vcol,
         vertex.label.cex = node.lab.cex,
         edge.color = ecol,
         vertex.label = names(V(net)),
         vertex.label.color = "black",
         vertex.label.family = "sans",
         layout=do.call(get(layout, asNamespace("igraph")), 
                        c(list(net), layout.params)),
         edge.label = elab,
         edge.label.family = "sans",
         edge.label.cex = edge.lab.cex,
         edge.label.color = edge.lab.colour,
         edge.label.dist = 0,
         edge.label.deg = 0,
         vertex.label.dist = lab.offset,
         vertex.label.degree = -lab.locs,
         rescale = rscl) 
  } else {
         vertex.size = vsize,
         edge.width = ewidth,
         vertex.label = names(V(net)), 
         vertex.label.color = "black",
         vertex.color = node.colour,
         vertex.frame.color = node.colour,
         vertex.label.cex = node.lab.cex,
         edge.color = edge.colour,
         vertex.label.family = "sans",
         layout = do.call(get(layout, 
                         c(list(net), layout.params)),
         vertex.label.dist = lab.offset,
         vertex.label.degree = -lab.locs,
         rescale = rscl)
audrey-b/BUGSnet documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:10 p.m.