Man pages for aursiber/DRomics
Dose Response for Omics

bmdbootComputation of confidence interval on benchmark doses by...
bmdcalcComputation of benchmark doses for responsive items
bmdfilterFiltering BMDs according to estimation quality
bmdplotBMD plot optionally with confidence intervals on BMD
bmdplotwithgradientBMD plot with color gradient
continuousanchoringdataImport and check of continuous anchoring apical data
curvesplotPlot of fitted curves
drcfitDose response modelling for responsive items
ecdfplotwithCIECDF plot of a variable with given confidence intervals on...
ecdfquantileplotECDF plot of a given quantile of a variable calculated by...
formatdata4DRomicsBuild an R object that can be used as data input in DRomics
itemselectSelection of significantly responsive items
metabolomicdataImport and check of continuous omic data (e.g. metabolomic...
microarraydataImport, check and normalization of single-channel microarray...
PCAdataplotPerforms and plots the results of a PCA on omic data
RNAseqdataImport, check and normalization and transformation of RNAseq...
ScenedesmusConcentration-response effect of triclosan in Scenedesmus...
selectgroupsSelection of groups on which to focus
sensitivityplotPlot of a summary of BMD values per group of items
targetplotDose-reponse plot for target items
trendplotPlot of the repartition of trends per group
zebrafTranscriptomic dose-response to ionizing radiation in...
ZhouDose-response kidney transcriptomic effect of...
aursiber/DRomics documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 10:11 p.m.