formatdata4DRomics: Build an R object that can be used as data input in DRomics

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formatdata4DRomicsR Documentation

Build an R object that can be used as data input in DRomics


Build an R object that can be used as data input in data importation function from two inputs: the nitems x nsamples matrix coding for the signal and the nsamples vector of doses


formatdata4DRomics(signalmatrix, dose, samplenames)   



the matrix of the data with one row for each item and one column for each sample. The row names of this matrix will be taken to identify the items. Depending of the type of measured signal, look at the help of the corresponding importation function especially to check that you use the good scale of data RNAseqdata, microarraydata, continuousomicdata and continuousanchoringdata.


a numeric vector giving the dose for each sample.


a character vector giving the names of the samples (optional argument - if not given, the col names of signalmatrix are taken as sample names).


an R object that corresponds to a dataframe that can be passed as input in the first argument of the data importation functions RNAseqdata, microarraydata, continuousomicdata or continuousanchoringdata.


Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller

See Also

See RNAseqdata, microarraydata, continuousomicdata and continuousanchoringdata especially for specification of the required scale of data in each case.


# (1) load of data

# (2) formating of data for use in DRomics
data4DRomics <- formatdata4DRomics(signalmatrix = zebraf$counts, 
                           dose = zebraf$dose)

# (3) Normalization and transformation of data 
o <- RNAseqdata(data4DRomics)

aursiber/DRomics documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 10:11 p.m.