
Defines functions get_creds geoclient_api_key

Documented in geoclient_api_key

#' Install Geoclient API Key for Repeated Use
#' This function will add your Geoclient API key to your `.Renviron` file
#' so they can be called securely without being stored in your code. After you
#' have installed your key, it can be called any time by typing
#' `Sys.getenv("GEOCLIENT_KEY")` and can be used in package functions by simply
#' typing GEOCLIENT_KEY. If you do not have an `.Renviron` file, the function
#' will create on for you. If you already have an `.Renviron` file, the function
#' will append the key to your existing file, while making a backup of
#' your original file for disaster recovery purposes. 
#' You can acquire your Geoclient API Key by first registering with the
#' [NYC's API Portal](https://api-portal.nyc.gov/), then adding a "subscription"
#' to the [Geoclient User](https://api-portal.nyc.gov/products/geoclient-user) API.
#' Once completed, you will then be able to access your 'Primary key' at any point
#' by visiting the [NYC's API Portal](https://api-portal.nyc.gov/) and 
#' viewing your user profile.
#' @param key The API key provided to you from the NYC Developer Portal
#'   formatted in quotes.
#' @param install if TRUE, will install the key in your `.Renviron` file for use
#'   in future sessions.  Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param overwrite If this is set to TRUE, it will overwrite the existing
#'   GEOCLIENT_KEY that you already have in your `.Renviron` file. And if `key`
#'   is set to `NULL` it will completely remove that line.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To set the keys for use in this session only:
#' geoclient_api_key(key = "9d8f7b6wh4jfgud67s89jfyw68vj38fh")
#' # To save the keys in your R.environ file for use in future sessions:
#' geoclient_api_key(
#'   key = "9d8f7b6wh4jfgud67s89jfyw68vj38fh",
#'   install = TRUE
#'  )
#' # If you need to overwrite existing keys:
#' geoclient_api_key("9d8f7b6wh4jfgud67s89jfyw68vj38fh", overwrite = TRUE, install = TRUE)
#' # First time, reload your environment so you can use the keys without restarting R.
#' readRenviron("~/.Renviron")
#' # You can check them with:
#' Sys.getenv("GEOCLIENT_KEY")
#' }
#' @export

# This function was adapted from Kyle Walkerke's amazing tidycensus package

geoclient_api_key <- function(key, overwrite = FALSE, install = FALSE){

  if (!install) {

    if (!is_null(key)) {
      message("To install your API key for use in future sessions, run this function with `install = TRUE`.")
      Sys.setenv(GEOCLIENT_KEY = key)

    if (is_null(key)) {
      message("Your API ID and key have been unset.")


  wd <- getwd()

  if (!file.exists(".Renviron")) file.create(".Renviron")

  message("Your original .Renviron will be backed up and stored in your R HOME directory if needed.")
  file.copy(".Renviron", ".Renviron_backup")

  old_env <- readLines(".Renviron")

  already_set <- any(stringr::str_detect(old_env, "GEOCLIENT_KEY"))

  if (already_set && !overwrite) {
      "A GEOCLIENT_KEY already exists.
      You can overwrite them with the argument `overwrite = TRUE`"

  env_no_keys <- purrr::discard(old_env, ~stringr::str_detect(.x, "GEOCLIENT_KEY"))

  if (is_null(key)) {
    message("Your API key has been removed from your .Renviron")
    writeLines(env_no_keys, ".Renviron", sep = "\n")

  env_no_keys %>%
    c(glue::glue("GEOCLIENT_KEY='{key}'")) %>%
    writeLines(".Renviron", sep = "\n")

    'Your API key has been stored in your .Renviron and can be accessed by \\
        To use now, restart R or run `readRenviron("~/.Renviron")`'

get_creds <- function(key = NULL) {

  if (is_null(key)) {
    key <- Sys.getenv("GEOCLIENT_KEY")

  if (key == "") {
      "A Geoclient API key is required.
      Obtain one at https://developer.cityofnewyork.us/user/register?destination=api",
      "You can then use `geoclient_api_key` to store it for future use.
      See ?geoclient_api_key for details."

  list(key = key)
austensen/geoclient documentation built on Nov. 20, 2021, 11:12 p.m.