knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE)
my.project <- gsub('TCGA-', '', params$project)

Package information

How to use the dataset

  1. Install r by using devtools package.

  2. Load the library

  3. Load the required datasets (one or more of the following)

    • clinical
    • fpkm.per.tissue
    • fpkm.per.tissue.barcode
    • mutation
    • gdc


# load library or use directly if insta
# The library can also be loaded and use the function install_git without 'devtools::' prefix
# Load the package
# start using the data, for example the tissue data
# tissue is now in the enviromnet and will be loaded on the first
#  time it is used. For example:

Description of the data set

The Cancer Genome Atlas r params$project data collection is part of a larger effort to build a research community focused on connecting cancer phenotypes to genotypes by providing clinical images matched to subjects from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).

The data is publicly available ( and is decomposed into two data sets:

  1. the gene expression data;

  2. the clinical data.

Explaining the TCGA codes

The following links explain (1) the individuals' barcode and (2) the sample type code:

  1. Link to individuals' barcode from tcga

  2. Link to sample type code from tcga

Explanation of TCGA barcode using example TCGA-02-0001-01C-01D-0182-01

Details on TCGA Barcode

| Label | Identifier for | Value | Value Description | Possible Values | |-------------|--------------------|-------|-------------------|-----------------| | Project | Project name | TCGA | TCGA project | TCGA | | TSS | Tissue source site | 02 | GBM (brain tumor) sample from MD Anderson | See Code Tables Report | | Participant | Study participant | 0001 | The first participant from MD Anderson for GBM study | Any alpha-numeric value | | Sample | Sample type | 01 | A solid tumor | Tumor types range from 01 - 09, normal types from 10 - 19 and control samples from 20 - 29. See Code Tables Report for a complete list of sample codes | | Vial | Order of sample in a sequence of samples | C | The third vial | A to Z | | Portion | Order of portion in a sequence of 100 - 120 mg sample portions | 01 | The first portion of the sample | 01-99 | | Analyte | Molecular type of analyte for analysis | D | The analyte is a DNA sample | See Code Tables Report | | Plate | Order of plate in a sequence of 96-well plates | 0182 | The 182nd plate | 4-digit alphanumeric value | | Center | Sequencing or characterization center that will receive the aliquot for analysis | 01 | The Broad Institute GCC | See Code Tables Report |

Script to generate the package data

# This now documents the generation of the dataset.
# No longer a generic documentation of the package!

Loading data from TCGA

TCGAbiolinks package

The data set can also be extracted through the TCGAbiolinks R bioconductor package


Download data (project: r params$project)

Change project variable to get other data projects in TCGA.

project <- params$project
cached.file <- file.path('..', 'tcga-biolinks-cache.RData')
if (file.exists(cached.file)) {
} else {
  query <- list()
  # Query the GDC to obtain data
  query$clinical <- GDCquery(project = project,
                             data.category = "Clinical")
  # Download query data
  download.out <- GDCdownload(query$clinical, method = 'api')

  # Prepare R object with data
  gdc <- list()
  gdc$clinical        <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'patient')
  gdc$drug            <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'drug')
  gdc$radiation       <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'radiation')
  gdc$admin           <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'admin')
  gdc$follow.up       <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'follow_up')
  gdc$stage_event     <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'stage_event')
  gdc$new_tumor_event <- GDCprepare_clinic(query$clinical, 'new_tumor_event')
  query$rnaseq <- GDCquery(project = project,
                           data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
                           data.type     = "Gene Expression Quantification",
                           workflow.type = "HTSeq - FPKM")
  GDCdownload(query$rnaseq, method = 'api', = 6)
  gdc$rnaseq <- GDCprepare(query$rnaseq)
  query$mutation <- GDCquery(project = project,
                             data.category = "Simple Nucleotide Variation",
                             data.type     = "Masked Somatic Mutation",
                             workflow.type = "MuSE Variant Aggregation and Masking")
  GDCdownload(query$mutation, method = 'api', = 6)
  gdc$mutation <- GDCprepare(query$mutation)
  # clean up table by removing all rows that are NA
  gdc$mutation <- gdc$mutation[,colSums($mutation)) != nrow(gdc$mutation)]
  save(gdc, query,
       file = cached.file)

Auxiliary libraries and functins to be used

# Library to print some information
# this is distributed as part of the package
getParticipant <- function(fullBarcode) {
getSample <- function(fullBarcode) {

Extracting all the barcodes

Pattern to retrieve TCGA patient and sample type from extended barcode.

# $1 gets the TCGA participant portion
# $2 gets the sample type
tcga.barcode.pattern <- '(TCGA-[A-Z0-9a-z]{2}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2}).+'
# patient barcode for each column in$dat
fpkm.per.tissue.barcode <- list()
fpkm.per.tissue.barcode$all <- getParticipant(gdc$rnaseq@colData$barcode)
# getting all tisues
fpkm.per.tissue <- list()
fpkm.per.tissue$all <- as.matrix(gdc$rnaseq@assays$data[['HTSeq - FPKM']])
colnames(fpkm.per.tissue$all) <- gdc$rnaseq@colData$barcode
rownames(fpkm.per.tissue$all) <- gdc$rnaseq@rowRanges$ensembl_gene_id
gene.ranges <- gdc$rnaseq@rowRanges
# clinical data
rownames(gdc$clinical) <- gdc$clinical$bcr_patient_barcode
gdc$clinical <- gdc$clinical
clinical <- list()
clinical$all <- gdc$clinical

Processing the data

Mapping all types of sample (tumor, normal, metastases, control...)

See Code Tables Report for a complete list of sample codes.

# sample type per sample
tissue.type  <- as.numeric(getSample(colnames(fpkm.per.tissue$all)))
# mapping for tissue type
tissue.mapping <- list( 
  'primary.solid.tumor' = 01,
  'recurrent.solid.tumor' = 02,
  'primary.blood.derived.cancer.peripheral.blood' = 03,
  'recurrent.blood.derived.cancer.bone.marrow' = 04,
  '' = 05,
  'metastatic' = 06,
  'additional.metastatic' = 07,
  'human.tumor.original.cells' = 08,
  'primary.blood.derived.cancer.bone.marrow' = 09,
  'blood.derived.normal' = 10,
  'solid.tissue.normal' = 11,
  'buccal.cell.normal' = 12,
  'ebv.immortalized.normal' = 13,
  'bone.marrow.normal' = 14,
  'sample.type.15' = 15,
  'sample.type.16' = 16,
  'control.analyte' = 20,
  'recurrent.blood.derived.cancer.peripheral.blood' = 40,
  'cell.lines' = 50,
  'primary.xenograft.tissue' = 60,
  'cell.line.derived.xenograft.tissue' = 61,
  'sample.type.99' = 99
# Types of tissues
tissue.ix <- list()
for (el in names(tissue.mapping)) {
  tissue.ix[[el]] <- (tissue.type == tissue.mapping[[el]])
  if (any(tissue.ix[[el]])) {
    fpkm.per.tissue[[el]] <- as.matrix(fpkm.per.tissue$all[,tissue.ix[[el]]])
    colnames(fpkm.per.tissue[[el]]) <- colnames(fpkm.per.tissue$all)[tissue.ix[[el]]]
    rownames(fpkm.per.tissue[[el]]) <- rownames(fpkm.per.tissue$all)

Size of data from each tissue

sample.size <- c()
for (el in names(fpkm.per.tissue)) {
  sample.size <- rbind(sample.size, c(ncol(fpkm.per.tissue[[el]]), nrow(fpkm.per.tissue[[el]])))
rownames(sample.size) <- names(fpkm.per.tissue)
colnames(sample.size) <- c('# of Samples', '# of Genes')'Tissue information per tissue type:', sample.size, capture = TRUE)

Store all patient's barcode from tissue in tissue.barcode

for (el in names(fpkm.per.tissue)) {
  fpkm.per.tissue.barcode[[el]] <- getParticipant(colnames(fpkm.per.tissue[[el]]))

Store patient's clinical data

# Add survival event time column
survival.event.tmp <- clinical$all[, c('days_to_death', "days_to_last_followup", "vital_status")]
vital.status.ix <- !$all$days_to_death)
clinical$all$surv_event_time[ vital.status.ix] <- clinical$all[ vital.status.ix,'days_to_death']
clinical$all$surv_event_time[!vital.status.ix] <- clinical$all[!vital.status.ix,'days_to_last_followup']
for (el in names(fpkm.per.tissue)[names(fpkm.per.tissue) != 'all']) {
  clinical[[el]] <- clinical$all[unique(fpkm.per.tissue.barcode[[el]]),]
sample.size <- c()
for (el in names(clinical)) {
  sample.size <- rbind(sample.size, c(nrow(clinical[[el]]), ncol(clinical[[el]])))
rownames(sample.size) <- names(fpkm.per.tissue)
colnames(sample.size) <- c('# of Samples', '# of Features')'Clinical information per tissue type:', sample.size, capture = TRUE)


# Somatic mutations data
mutations <- matrix(0, ncol = nrow(gdc$clinical), nrow = length(gdc$mutation$Gene), dimnames = list(gdc$mutation$Gene, gdc$clinical$bcr_patient_barcode))
# get a temporary index list for fast access
ix.list <- cbind(gdc$mutation$Gene, getParticipant(gdc$mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode))
ix.list <- ix.list[!$mutation$Gene),]
# this is a long run, should be as simple as possible
for(ix in seq(nrow(ix.list))) {
  mutations[ix.list[ix,1], ix.list[ix,2]] <- mutations[ix.list[ix,1], ix.list[ix,2]] + 1

Analysis of Raw Mutation Results

# analyse raw mutation results <- data.frame(ix = seq(ncol(mutations)), case = colSums(mutations), unique = colSums(mutations != 0))$ <-$case /$unique
#'Summary of count of mutations (with repeated)', summary($case), capture = TRUE)'Summary of count of mutations (unique only)', summary($unique), capture = TRUE)
ggplot(data = + 
  theme_minimal() +
  geom_point(data = base::subset(, <= 1.2), aes(x = ix, y = unique, colour = + 
  geom_point(data = base::subset(, > 1.2),  aes(x = ix, y = unique, colour = + 
  geom_point(data = base::subset(, > 1.4),  aes(x = ix, y = unique, colour = + 
  geom_point(data = base::subset(, > 1.6),  aes(x = ix, y = unique, colour = + 
  geom_point(data = base::subset(, > 1.8),  aes(x = ix, y = unique, colour = + 
  scale_colour_gradient('Sum/Unique (per case)', high = 'red', low = 'green') +
  labs(title="Histogram for Mutations by Case") +
  labs(x="Age", y="Unique count of mutations")

Other than duplicates identified from different samples, all other mutations seem to be on different positions of the same gene.

Therefore, they will be counted!

# Filter out cases that have unique mutations
my.dup <-[$case !=$unique,]
# Sort by descending order of cases that have biggest difference between mutations and unique count
my.dup <- my.dup[sort(my.dup$case / my.dup$unique, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix,]
# Look at top case! <- rownames(my.dup)
# Get the GDC rows that map to the top case
test.mat <- gdc$mutation[getParticipantCode(gdc$mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode) %in%,]
# Choose only genes that are duplicated  <- paste0(test.mat$Hugo_Symbol, getParticipantCode(test.mat$Tumor_Sample_Barcode))
test.mat <- test.mat[duplicated( | duplicated(, fromLast = TRUE),]
# Sort by Hugo_Symbol to have the same gene in consecutive lines
test.mat <- arrange(test.mat, Hugo_Symbol, barcode = getParticipantCode(test.mat$Tumor_Sample_Barcode))
# Chosen randomly in brca
# A2ML1 <- same type of mutation on the same gene
# AAK1  <- two types of variant on different positions on the same gene
# AC097711.1 and CEP128 <- Two different types of samples (tumour / metastases)
#gene.test.list <- c('AAK1', 'A2ML1', 'AC097711.1')
gene.test.list <- sample(unique(test.mat$Hugo_Symbol), 5)
diff.columns <- array(FALSE, ncol(test.mat))
# add some important ones
diff.columns[c(1,5,6,7,8,9)] <- TRUE
for (gene.test in gene.test.list) { <- test.mat[test.mat$Hugo_Symbol == gene.test,]
  for (ix in 2:nrow( {
    diff.columns = diff.columns | as.vector([ix - 1,] !=[ix,])
  diff.columns[] <- FALSE
my.analysis <- test.mat[test.mat$Hugo_Symbol %in% gene.test.list,diff.columns]
# Only a subset of columns are displayed

Cases to ignore:

Cases to remove duplicates:

mutation <- list()
# remove duplicate mutations on same position
mutation$data <- distinct(gdc$mutation, Hugo_Symbol, Chromosome, Start_Position, End_Position, Strand, .keep_all = T)
dups.ix       <- paste0(gdc$mutation$Hugo_Symbol, gdc$mutation$Chromosome, gdc$mutation$Start_Position, gdc$mutation$End_Position, gdc$mutation$Strand)
# check if the number of duplicated are the same
#'Is the number of discarded row from distict the same as duplicated? R: %s', nrow(gdc$mutation) - nrow(mutation) == sum(duplicated(dups.ix)))
mutation$dups <- gdc$mutation[duplicated(dups.ix) | duplicated(dups.ix, fromLast = TRUE),]
mutation$dups <- dplyr::arrange(mutation$dups, Hugo_Symbol, Tumor_Sample_Barcode)

Recalculate Mutations count of (row: gene) x (col: case)

mutation$count <- matrix(integer(1), ncol = nrow(gdc$clinical), nrow = length(mutation$data$Gene), 
                         dimnames = list(mutation$data$Gene, gdc$clinical$bcr_patient_barcode))
# get a temporary index list for fast access
ix.list <- cbind(mutation$data$Gene, getParticipant(mutation$data$Tumor_Sample_Barcode))
ix.list <- ix.list[!$data$Gene),]
# this is a long run, should be as simple as possible
for(ix in seq(nrow(ix.list))) {
  mutation$count[ix.list[ix,1], ix.list[ix,2]] <- mutation$count[ix.list[ix,1], ix.list[ix,2]] + 1
mutation$count <- Matrix(mutation$count, sparse = TRUE)

Exported data

# Extract all expression data to a different variable to remove redundancy in `tissue`
fpkm.per.tissue$all <- NULL
gdc$rnaseq     <- 'Use function loadGDCRnaSeq to get the original assay'
# Uncomment to update data variables
devtools::use_data(gdc,                     overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(fpkm.per.tissue,         overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(fpkm.per.tissue.barcode, overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(clinical,                overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(gene.ranges,             overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(mutation,                overwrite = TRUE)
rmarkdown::render('build_data.Rmd', out.dir = '.')

averissimo/ documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:13 a.m.