
context("accuracy assessment")

# Below test case is from: Olofsson, P., G. M. Foody, S. V. Stehman, and C. E.  
# Woodcock. 2013. Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: 
# Estimating accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified 
# estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment 129:122–131.
ct_olof <- matrix(c(97, 0, 3,
                    3, 279, 18,
                    2, 1, 97), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
dimnames(ct_olof)[[1]] <- c('1', '2', '3')
dimnames(ct_olof)[[2]] <- c('1', '2', '3')
pop_olof <- c(22353, 1122543, 610228)
pop_ct_olof <- matrix(c(.012, 0, 0.0004,
                        .006, .595, .038,
                        .007, .003, .337), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
class(pop_ct_olof) <- 'table'
dimnames(pop_ct_olof)[[1]] <- c('1', '2', '3')
dimnames(pop_ct_olof)[[2]] <- c('1', '2', '3')
test_that(".calc_pop_ct works for olof et al. (2013) example", {
          expect_equal(.calc_pop_ct(ct_olof, pop_olof), 

# This test case is also from Olofsson et al. (2013)
pop_ct_olof_m <- matrix(c(.012, 0, 0.0004, .013, .97,
                          .006, .595, .038, .639, .93,
                          .007, .003, .337, .347, .97,
                          .026, .598, .376, 1, NA,
                          .48, .99, .88, NA, .94), nrow=5, 
class(pop_ct_olof_m) <- 'table'
dimnames(pop_ct_olof_m) <- list(predicted=c('1', '2', '3', 'Total', 'Producers'),
                                observed=c('1', '2', '3', 'Total', 'Users'))
test_that(".add_ct_margins works for Olofsson et al. (2013) example", {
          expect_equal(.add_ct_margins(pop_ct_olof), expected=pop_ct_olof_m, 

# Below tests are based on "PontiusMatrix26.xlsx" Excel sheet provided by Gil 
# Pontius.
ct_pontius <- matrix(c(11, 12, 13, 14,
                       21, 22, 23, 24,
                       31, 32, 33, 34,
                       41, 42, 43, 44), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)

test_that(".calc_Q works for Pontius and Millones (2011) example", {
         expect_equal(.calc_Q(.calc_pop_ct(ct_pontius, pop=c(100, 200, 300, 400))), 
                      expected=.182234, tolerance=.00001)

test_that(".calc_A works for Pontius and Millones (2011) example", {
         expect_equal(.calc_A(.calc_pop_ct(ct_pontius, pop=c(100, 200, 300, 400))), 
                      expected=.567193, tolerance=.00001)

# Test the handling of data by the S4 accuracy methods

test_image <- L5TSR_1986
train_data <- get_pixels(test_image, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, "class_1986", 
test_model <- train_classifier(train_data)
classification <- classify(test_image, test_model)
test_preds <- classification$classes

test_that("accuracy calculations will run with model as first input", {
    expect_output(accuracy(test_model, pop=test_preds), 'Object of class "accuracy"')
    # Test an error is thrown if a class_col is supplied when a model is used 
    expect_error(accuracy(test_model, pop=test_preds, class_col='asdf'))

training_data <- get_pixels(test_preds, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, 
testing_data <- get_pixels(L5TSR_1986, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, 
                           class_col='class_1986', training=0)
test_that("accuracy calculations will run with RasterLayer as first input", {
    expect_warning(accuracy(test_preds, L5TSR_1986_2001_training, class_col="class_1986"))
    expect_error(accuracy(test_preds, L5TSR_1986_2001_training))
    expect_output(accuracy(test_model, testing_data), 'Object of class "accuracy"')
    # Test an error is thrown if only data flagged as "training" is supplied
    expect_error(accuracy(test_preds, training_data))

# Test error adjusted areas calculations
adj_areas_expected <- matrix(c(22353, 45112, 10751, 21073,
                               1122543, 1050067, 17652, 34598,
                               610228, 659944, 18636, 36526), nrow=3, 
dimnames(adj_areas_expected)[[1]] <- c(1, 2, 3)
dimnames(adj_areas_expected)[[2]] <- c("Mapped area", "Adj. area", "S.E.", "1.96 * S.E.")
test_that("accuracy calculations will run with RasterLayer as first input", {
    expect_equal(adj_areas(pop_olof, ct_olof)@adj_area_mat, adj_areas_expected)
azvoleff/teamlucc documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:19 p.m.