
context("Testing model fits")

        ## Poisson response.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 1.5,
                             resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn", cov.structure = "none",
                             det.pars = list(lambda0 = 3, sigma = 50), trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data[25, ], c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3))
        ## ... With detection function on the probability scale.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 1.5,
                             resp = "pois", detfn = "hn", cov.structure = "none",
                             det.pars = list(g0 = 0.9, sigma = 50), trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data[19, ], c(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
        ## Binomial response.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 1.5,
                             resp = "binom", resp.pars = 5, detfn = "hhn",
                             cov.structure = "none", det.pars = list(lambda0 = 3, sigma = 50),
                             trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data[23, ], c(0, 5, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        ## With squared-exponential covariance function.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 1.5,
                             resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn", re.multiplier = "er",
                             cov.structure = "sq_exponential",
                             det.pars = list(lambda0 = 3, sigma = 50),
                             cov.pars = list(sigma.u = 1.5, rho = 100),
                             trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data[5, ], c(2, 12, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        ## With counts from an OU process.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 0.5,
                             cov.structure = "OU",
                             cov.pars = list(tau = 30, sigma = 50, n.steps = 100, epsilon = 10),
                             trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data[5, ], c(4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        ## With time-of-arrival information.
        sim.data <- sim.sscr(traps = test.data$traps, mask = test.data$mask, D = 1.5,
                             resp = "binom", detfn = "hhn", re.multiplier = "prob",
                             cov.structure = "sq_exponential",
                             det.pars = list(lambda0 = 3, sigma = 50),
                             cov.pars = list(mu.u = 1, sigma.u = 1.5, rho = 100),
                             toa.pars = list(sigma.toa = 4, sound.speed = 330),
                             trunc.acs = FALSE)
        expect_equivalent(sim.data$toa[16, ], c(0.168463914474658, 0.468831521389697, 0, 0.383449201593517, 
                                                0.584800381434096, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    "Fits with no random effects.",
        ## Poisson.
        fit.pois <- fit.sscr(test.data$capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, resp = "pois",
                             start = c(lambda0 = 4.5, sigma = 100),
                             detfn = "hhn", hess = TRUE, trace = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(fit.pois$ests, c(2.87645050233774, 93.388169123886, 0.454913613852446, 
                                           30.7750737144151), tol = 1e-4)
        expect_equivalent(fit.pois$se, c(0.5405034, 20.6192798, 0.1894562), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Poisson with detection function on probability scale.
        fit.pois.pr <- fit.sscr(test.data$capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hn")
        expect_equivalent(fit.pois.pr$ests, c(0.999999999795205, 117.513845050955, 0.431769352119301, 
                                             32.424719196215), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Bernoulli.
        fit.bern <- fit.sscr(test.data$bin.capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, detfn = "hhn")
        expect_equivalent(fit.bern$ests, c(1.10544298833934, 144.339009111062, 0.312312925517947, 
                                           44.8268350622443), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Bernoulli with halfnormal detection function.
        fit.bern.pr <- fit.sscr(test.data$bin.capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, detfn = "hn")
        expect_equivalent(fit.bern.pr$ests, c(0.709787201866111, 157.488436993617, 0.308950967387457, 
                                              45.3146339640442), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Binomial.
        fit.binom <- fit.sscr(test.data$capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, resp = "binom",
                              resp.pars = 10, detfn = "hhn")
        expect_equivalent(fit.binom$ests, c(0.519014374421606, 125.87869591362, 0.247980358116291, 
                                            56.4560842896866), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Binomial with halfnormal detection function.
        fit.binom.pr <- fit.sscr(test.data$capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, resp = "binom",
                                 resp.pars = 10, detfn = "hn")
        expect_equivalent(fit.binom.pr$ests, c(0.604976358068237, 137.677620551755, 0.20620406615787, 
                                               67.8939084997556), tol = 1e-4)
        ## Negative binomial.
        fit.nb <- fit.sscr(test.data$capt, test.data$traps, test.data$mask, resp = "nb",
                           resp.pars = 1, start = c(lambda0 = 4.5, sigma = 100),
                           detfn = "hhn", hess = FALSE, trace = TRUE)
        expect_equivalent(fit.nb$ests, c(2.28200766886256, 114.946624181492, 0.750603796926467, 
                                         0.376653038845611, 37.1694863870156), tol = 1e-4)

    "Tests with random effects.",
        ## Testing exact gradients.
        fit.grad <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                             mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                             test.conditional.n = FALSE, cov.structure = "exponential",
                             re.multiplier = "er", test = "gr")
        expect_equivalent(fit.grad$gr, c(53.936454081332, 424.759615492023, 41.4534610100935, -9.18292928534691, 
                          tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Independent random effects.
        test.ind.hn <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                                mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                                cov.structure = "independent", re.multiplier = "er",
                                test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.ind.hn$nll, 127.0738, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## With halfnormal detection function.
        test.ind.hn.detpr <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                                   mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hn",
                                   cov.structure = "independent", re.multiplier = "er",
                                   test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.ind.hn.detpr$nll, 123.8944, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Testing manual start values.
        test.sv.hn <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                               cov.structure = "independent", re.multiplier = "er",
                               start = c(lambda0 = 2, sigma.u = 4), test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.sv.hn$nll, 149.6288, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## ... with hazard rate detection function.
        test.ind.hr <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                                mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhr",
                                cov.structure = "independent", re.multiplier = "er",
                                test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.ind.hr$nll, 152.7691, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Exponential covariance function.
        test.exp <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                             mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                             cov.structure = "exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                             test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.exp$nll, 125.2871, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## With halfnormal detection function.
        test.exp.detpr <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                                mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hn",
                                cov.structure = "exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                                test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.exp.detpr$nll, 122.8905, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Squared exponential covariance function.
        test.sqexp <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                               cov.structure = "sq_exponential", test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.sqexp$nll, 124.6839, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Squared exponential covariance function with probability multiplier. Same as above.
        test.sqexp <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hn",
                               cov.structure = "sq_exponential", re.multiplier = "prob",
                               test = "nll", start = c(mu.u = log(4.5)))
        expect_equivalent(test.sqexp$nll, 124.6839, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Squared exponential covariance function with halfnormal
        ## detection function and encounter-rate multiplier.
        test.sqexp <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hn",
                               cov.structure = "sq_exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                               test = "nll", start = c(g0 = 1, mu.u = log(4.5)))
        expect_equivalent(test.sqexp$nll, 126.437, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Individual random effect.
        test.indiv <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "pois", detfn = "hhn",
                               cov.structure = "individual", re.multiplier = "er",
                               test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.indiv$nll, 125.1148, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Bernoulli response.
        test.bern <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$bin.capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                              mask = test.data$mask, detfn = "hhn",
                              cov.structure = "exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                              test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.bern$nll, 77.4819, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## With halfnormal detection function.
        test.bern.detpr <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$bin.capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                                    mask = test.data$mask, detfn = "hn",
                                    cov.structure = "exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                                    test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.bern.detpr$nll, 76.1733, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
        ## Binomial response.
        test.binom <- fit.sscr(capt = test.data$capt, traps = test.data$traps,
                               mask = test.data$mask, resp = "binom",
                               resp.pars = 10, detfn = "hhn",
                               cov.structure = "exponential", re.multiplier = "er",
                               test = "nll")
        expect_equivalent(test.binom$nll, 123.5817, tolerance = 1e-4, scale = 1)
b-steve/sscr documentation built on May 30, 2021, 1:23 a.m.