
Defines functions cross_validate

Documented in cross_validate

#' Time series cross-validation with generalized Bayesian INAR models
#' @description Obtain predictions of a given test set and the mean absolute errors
#' @param time_series A univariate time series.
#' @param h Number of steps ahead to be predicted. 
#' @param training_epoch The last observation of the first training set.
#' @param prior List of prior hyperparameters where:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{a_alpha}{Hyperparameters of the thinning component.}
#'  \item{a_theta, b_theta}{Hyperparameters of the Geometric innovation parameter.}
#'  \item{a_lambda, b_lambda}{Hyperparameters of the Poisson innovation rate.}
#'  \item{a_w, b_w}{Hyperparameters of the Geometric-Poisson mixture weight.}
#'  \item{a_tau, b_tau}{Hyperparameters of the concentration parameter Gamma prior.}
#'  \item{a0, b0}{Base measure hyperparameters.}
#'  \item{lambda_max}{Hyperparameter of the uniform distribution that minimizes the corresponding D-KL.}
#' }
#' @param burn_in Number of iterations for the "burn-in" period which are discarded in the chain.
#' @param chain_length Number of iterations of the chain.
#' @param random_seed Value of the random seed generator.
#' @param verbose  If \code{TRUE} log info is provided.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{est}{Predictions of the test set.}
#'  \item{mae}{Mean Absolute Error of the test set predictions.}
#' }
cross_validate <- function(time_series,
						   model = 'inar',
                           p = 1,
                           h = 1,
                           training_epoch = NULL,
                           prior = list(a_alpha = NULL,
                                a0 = NULL, b0 = NULL,
                                tau = NULL, k0 = NULL,
							    a_tau = NULL, b_tau = NULL,
							    a_w = NULL, b_w = NULL,
								a_theta = NULL, b_theta = NULL,
								sigma = NULL, 
                                lambda_max = NULL),
                           burn_in = 10^3,
                           chain_length = 10^4,
                           random_seed = 1761,
                           verbose = TRUE)
    if(is.null(training_epoch)) training_epoch <- round(0.7 * length(time_series))
    # y_hat <- numeric(length(time_series) - (training_epoch + h) + 1)
    y_hat <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(h), ncol = length(time_series) - (training_epoch + min(h)) + 1)
    diff_y_hat_obs <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(h), ncol = length(time_series) - (training_epoch + min(h)) + 1)
	if (model %in% c("inar", "adinar", "dpinar", "pyinar") == FALSE) stop("Model parameter must be equal to one of the values: ['inar', 'adinar', 'dpinar', 'pyinar'].") 
	if (model == 'inar') {
	    prior <- list(a_alpha = prior[["a_alpha"]],
                   a_lambda = prior[["a_lambda"]], 
				   b_lambda = prior[["b_lambda"]])
        for (j in 1:ncol(y_hat)) {
            if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Training up to epoch %d ...\n", training_epoch + j - 1))
            train_model <- inar(time_series[1:(training_epoch + j - 1)],
                            p = p,
                            prior = prior,
                            burn_in = burn_in,
                            chain_length = chain_length,
                            random_seed = random_seed,
                            verbose = verbose)
            for (i in 1:nrow(y_hat)) {
                if (training_epoch + j + i - 1  <= length(time_series)) {
                    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Predicting epoch %d (h = %d)...\n", training_epoch + j + i - 1, h[i]))
                    y_hat[i, j + i - 1] <- predict(train_model, h = h[i])$est
                    diff_y_hat_obs[i, j + i - 1] = abs(time_series[training_epoch + j + i - 1] - y_hat[i, j + i - 1])
	if (model == 'adinar') {
	    prior <- list(a_alpha = prior[["a_alpha"]],
                   a_lambda = prior[["a_lambda"]], 
				   b_lambda = prior[["b_lambda"]], 
                   a_w = prior[["a_w"]], 
				   b_w = prior[["b_w"]])
        for (j in 1:ncol(y_hat)) {
            if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Training up to epoch %d ...\n", training_epoch + j - 1))
            train_model <- adinar(time_series[1:(training_epoch + j - 1)],
                            p = p,
                            prior = prior,
                            burn_in = burn_in,
                            chain_length = chain_length,
                            random_seed = random_seed,
                            verbose = verbose)
            for (i in 1:nrow(y_hat)) {
                if (training_epoch + j + i - 1  <= length(time_series)) {
                    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Predicting epoch %d (h = %d)...\n", training_epoch + j + i - 1, h[i]))
                    y_hat[i, j + i - 1] <- predict(train_model, h = h[i])$est
                    diff_y_hat_obs[i, j + i - 1] = abs(time_series[training_epoch + j + i - 1] - y_hat[i, j + i - 1])
    if (model == 'dpinar') {
	    prior <- list(a_alpha = prior[["a_alpha"]],
                   a_tau = prior[["a_tau"]], 
				   b_tau = prior[["b_tau"]], 
                   a0 = prior[["a0"]], 
				   b0 = prior[["b0"]],
                   lambda_max = prior[["lambda_max"]])
        for (j in 1:ncol(y_hat)) {
            if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Training up to epoch %d ...\n", training_epoch + j - 1))
            train_model <- dpinar(time_series[1:(training_epoch + j - 1)],
                            p = p,
                            prior = prior,
                            burn_in = burn_in,
                            chain_length = chain_length,
                            random_seed = random_seed,
                            verbose = verbose)
            for (i in 1:nrow(y_hat)) {
                if (training_epoch + j + i - 1  <= length(time_series)) {
                    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Predicting epoch %d (h = %d)...\n", training_epoch + j + i - 1, h[i]))
                    y_hat[i, j + i - 1] <- predict(train_model, h = h[i])$est
                    diff_y_hat_obs[i, j + i - 1] = abs(time_series[training_epoch + j + i - 1] - y_hat[i, j + i - 1])
    if (model == 'pyinar') {
	    prior <- list(a_alpha = prior[["a_alpha"]],
                   tau = prior[["tau"]], 
                   a0 = prior[["a0"]], 
				   b0 = prior[["b0"]],
                   lambda_max = prior[["lambda_max"]])
        for (j in 1:ncol(y_hat)) {
            if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Training up to epoch %d ...\n", training_epoch + j - 1))
            train_model <- pyinar(time_series[1:(training_epoch + j - 1)],
                            p = p,
                            prior = prior,
                            burn_in = burn_in,
                            chain_length = chain_length,
                            random_seed = random_seed,
                            verbose = verbose)
            for (i in 1:nrow(y_hat)) {
                if (training_epoch + j + i - 1  <= length(time_series)) {
                    if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Predicting epoch %d (h = %d)...\n", training_epoch + j + i - 1, h[i]))
                    y_hat[i, j + i - 1] <- predict(train_model, h = h[i])$est
                    diff_y_hat_obs[i, j + i - 1] = abs(time_series[training_epoch + j + i - 1] - y_hat[i, j + i - 1])
    mae <- numeric(length(h))
    mae <- rowMeans(diff_y_hat_obs, na.rm = TRUE)
    names(mae) <- paste0("MAE (h = ", h, ")")
    list(est = y_hat, mae = mae)
bayesianfactory/BayesINAR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:38 a.m.