
#' Dijkstra's Algorithm
#' Calculates the shortest path from the initial node to every other node in the graph.
#' @param graph A \code{data.frame} with three variables (\code{v1}, \code{v2} and \code{w}).
#' @param init_node A numeric scalar.
#' @return A \code{vector} containing the shortest path to every other node from the starting node as a vector.
#' @references \url{\%27s_algorithm}
#' @export

dijkstra <- function(graph, init_node){
  stopifnot(, length(names(graph))==3, names(graph)==c("v1","v2","w"), is.numeric(init_node), length(init_node)==1)
  Q = unique(graph$v1) # Create a vector containing the set of nodes
  stopifnot(init_node %in% graph$v1) # stops if init_node is not a node in graph
  distance = as.list(rep(Inf, length(Q))) # Create a distance list with Inf as the elements
  names(distance) = Q # Name every element of the distance list with its respective node
  distance[init_node] = 0 # Change the distance value of initial node to 0
  while (length(Q)!=0){
    u = as.numeric(names(which.min(unlist(distance[Q])))) # Pick a node from the list distance with minimum distance value that's in Q
    Q = Q[-which(Q==u)] # Remove the node u from Q
    neighbor = intersect(Q, graph[which(graph$v1==u), ][,2]) # Create a vector of nodes that neighbor u
    for (i in neighbor){
      alt <- distance[u] + graph[which(graph$v1==u & graph$v2==i), ][3] # Calculate the distance from init_node to i (neighboring nodes)
      if (alt < distance[i]){
        distance[i] = alt # Change the value in the distance list if it's smaller than the current value
  names(distance) = NULL # Remove the list name
  return(unlist(distance)) # Return the vector of distance values
bayubeta/group8lab3 documentation built on Nov. 3, 2019, 2:08 p.m.