
Defines functions col.write col.read

Documented in col.read col.write

#' col.read
#' Loads Collection from Praat in Text or Short text format.
#' Collection may contain combination of TextGrids, PitchTiers, Pitch objects, Formant objects, and IntensityTiers.
#' @param fileName Input file name
#' @param encoding File encoding (default: \code{"UTF-8"}), \code{"auto"} for auto-detect of Unicode encoding
#' @return Collection object
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{tg.read}}, \code{\link{pt.read}}, \code{\link{pitch.read}}, \code{\link{formant.read}}, \code{\link{it.read}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' coll <- col.read("coll_text.Collection")
#' length(coll)  # number of objects in collection
#' class(coll[[1]])["type"]  # 1st object type
#' class(coll[[1]])["name"]  # 1st object name
#' it <- coll[[1]]  # 1st object
#' it.plot(it)
#' class(coll[[2]])["type"]  # 2nd object type
#' class(coll[[2]])["name"]  # 2nd object name
#' tg <- coll[[2]]  # 2nd object
#' tg.plot(tg)
#' length(tg)  # number of tiers in TextGrid
#' tg$word$label
#' class(coll[[3]])["type"]  # 3rd object type
#' class(coll[[3]])["name"]  # 3rd object type
#' pitch <- coll[[3]]  # 3rd object
#' names(pitch)
#' pitch$nx  # number of frames
#' pitch$t[4]        # time instance of the 4th frame
#' pitch$frame[[4]]  # 4th frame: pitch candidates
#' pitch$frame[[4]]$frequency[2]
#' pitch$frame[[4]]$strength[2]
#' class(coll[[4]])["type"]  # 4th object type
#' class(coll[[4]])["name"]  # 4th object name
#' pt <- coll[[4]]  # 2nd object
#' pt.plot(pt)
#' }
col.read <- function(fileName, encoding = "UTF-8") {
    # inspired by Pol van Rijn's function from mPraat toolbox

    if (!isString(fileName)) {
        stop("Invalid 'fileName' parameter.")

    if (!isString(encoding)) {
        stop("Invalid 'encoding' parameter.")

    if (encoding == "auto") {
        encoding <- detectEncoding(fileName)

    if (encoding == "UTF-8") {
        flines <- readr::read_lines(fileName, locale = readr::locale(encoding = "UTF-8"))  # Does not support UTF-16 at this point :-(
    } else {
        fid <- file(fileName, open = "r", encoding = encoding)
        flines <- readLines(fid)

    flines <- enc2utf8(flines)

    if (length(flines) < 1) {
        stop("Empty file.")

    if (encoding == "UTF-8" & flines[1] != 'File type = "ooTextFile"') {
        warning('Not an UTF-8 Collection format, trying encoding = "auto"...')
        x <- col.read(fileName, encoding = "auto")

    if (length(flines) < 3) {
        stop("This is not a Collection file!")

    if (flines[2] != "Object class = \"Collection\"") {
        stop("This is not a Collection file!")

    r <- flines[4]
    if (str_contains(r, 'size = ')) {
        shortFormat <- FALSE
    } else {
        shortFormat <- TRUE
    nobjects <- getNumberInLine(r, shortFormat) # Read the size, remove eventual spaces
    collection <- vector("list", nobjects)

    if (!shortFormat) {
        find <- 6   # ignore "item []: "
    } else {
        find <- 5

    for (s in seqM(1, nobjects)) {
        if (!shortFormat) {
            find <- find + 1  # discard item [1]:

        r <- flines[find]; find <- find + 1
        if (str_contains(r, "TextGrid")) {
            objClass <- "TextGrid"
        } else if (str_contains(r, "PitchTier")) {
            objClass <- "PitchTier"
        } else if (str_contains(r, "IntensityTier")) {
            objClass <- "IntensityTier"
        } else if (str_contains(r, "Pitch 1")) {
            objClass <- "Pitch 1"
        } else if (str_contains(r, "Formant 2")) {
            objClass <- "Formant 2"
        } else if (str_contains(r, "Sound") | str_contains(r, "Sound 2")) {
            stop("Sound files are currently not supported, because of their inefficient loading and saving duration, rather use WAVE files")
        } else {
            stop(paste0("Class not recognized! Line: ", r))

        name <- getTextInQuotes(flines[find]); find <- find + 1

        if (objClass == "TextGrid") {
            tg_ind <- tg.read_lines(flines, find)
            object <- tg_ind[[1]]
            find <- tg_ind[[2]]
        } else if (objClass == "PitchTier") {
            pt_ind <- pt.read_lines(flines, find, collection = TRUE)
            object <- pt_ind[[1]]
            find <- pt_ind[[2]]
        } else if (objClass == "IntensityTier") {
            it_ind <- it.read_lines(flines, find, collection = TRUE)
            object <- it_ind[[1]]
            find <- it_ind[[2]]
        } else if (objClass == "Pitch 1") {
            pitch_ind <- pitch.read_lines(flines, find, collection = TRUE)
            object <- pitch_ind[[1]]
            find <- pitch_ind[[2]]
        } else if (objClass == "Formant 2") {
            formant_ind <- formant.read_lines(flines, find, collection = TRUE)
            object <- formant_ind[[1]]
            find <- formant_ind[[2]]

        class(object)["type"] <- objClass
        class(object)["name"] <- name
        collection[[s]] <- object


#' col.write
#' Saves Collection of objects to a file (in UTF-8 encoding). \code{col} is list of objects, each item \code{col[[i]]} must contain \code{class(col[[i]])["type"]} ("TextGrid", "PitchTier", "IntensityTier", "Pitch 1", or "Formant 2") and \code{class(col[[i]])["name"]} (name of the object) parameters set.
#' These parameters can be created easily using "as.something()" functions: \code{as.tg()}, \code{as.pt()}, \code{as.it()}, \code{as.pitch()}, \code{as.formant()}
#' Sound objects in \code{col.read()} and \code{col.write()} are not supported at this moment because they would occupy too much disc space in text format.
#' @param col Collection object = list of objects (\code{col[[1]]}, \code{col[[2]]}, etc.) with \code{class(col[[i]])["type"]} and \code{class(col[[i]])["name"]} parameters set
#' @param fileNameCollection file name to be created
#' @param format Output file format (\code{"short"} (short text format) or \code{"text"} (a.k.a. full text format))
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{col.read}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' col <- list(as.tg(tg.sample(), "My textgrid"), as.pt(pt.sample(), "My PitchTier 1"),
#'        as.pt(pt.Hz2ST(pt.sample()), "My PitchTier 2"), as.it(it.sample(), "My IntensityTier"),
#'        as.pitch(pitch.sample(), "My Pitch"), as.formant(formant.sample(), "My Formant"))
#' col.write(col, "my_collection.Collection")
#' }
col.write <- function(col, fileNameCollection, format = "short") {
    if (!isString(fileNameCollection)) {
        stop("Invalid 'fileNameCollection' parameter.")

    if (!isString(format)) {
        stop("Invalid 'format' parameter.")

    if (format != "short" && format != "text") {
        stop("Unsupported format (supported: short and text")

    fid <- file(fileNameCollection, open = "wb", encoding = "UTF-8")
    if (!isOpen(fid)) {
        stop(paste0("cannot open file [", fileNameCollection, "]"))

    wrLine('File type = "ooTextFile"', fid)
    wrLine('Object class = "Collection"', fid)
    wrLine('', fid)

    if (format == "short") {
        wrLine(as.character(length(col)), fid)
    } else if (format == "text") {
        wrLine(paste0("size = ", as.character(length(col)), " "), fid)
        wrLine("item []: ", fid)

    for (n in seqM(1, length(col))) {
        type <- class(col[[n]])["type"]
        name <- class(col[[n]])["name"]

        if (format == "short") {
            wrLine(paste0('"', type, '"'), fid)
            wrLine(paste0('"', name, '"'), fid)
        } else if (format == "text") {
            wrLine(paste0("    item [", as.character(n), "]:"), fid)
            wrLine(paste0('        class = "', type, '" '), fid)
            wrLine(paste0('        name = "', name, '" '), fid)

        if (type == "PitchTier") {
            pt.write0(col[[n]], "", format, fid, collection = TRUE)
        } else if (type == "IntensityTier") {
            it.write0(col[[n]], "", format, fid, collection = TRUE)
        } else if (type == "Pitch 1") {
            pitch.write0(col[[n]], "", format, fid, collection = TRUE)
        } else if (type == "Formant 2") {
            formant.write0(col[[n]], "", format, fid, collection = TRUE)
        } else if (type == "TextGrid") {
            tg.write0(col[[n]], "", format, fid, collection = TRUE)
        } else {
            stop(paste0("Unsupported type of object: ", type))

bbTomas/rPraat documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 2:08 a.m.