I'm using this doc to record notes as I explore MacPan's codebase. Here's a handy link with tools for inspecting code in R (really for debugging). I've since discovered the lookup package, which contains the aptly-named function lookup() that enables one inspect the source code of a specified function, without entering the dubugging workflow (e.g using debug() or debugonce()). More info on using lookup here.

library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
# devtools::install_github("jimhester/lookup")

Load vignette

vignette("getting_started", package = "McMasterPandemic")

Model setup

Load params

params1 <- read_params("ICU1.csv")

Params are loaded in as a named vector, where elements can be accessed as follows:


If a description column (desc_col) was provided in the original param file (describing the parameter symbols), it will be stored as the "description" attribute (a named list where the parameter symbols are the column names):

print(head(attr(params1, "description")))

There is also a describe_params() method that takes params_pansim objects and nice table with both parameter values and meanings aggregated:


Not sure why each column is of type factor (or if this may cause problems down the road...)

Summarise params

The summary method will take the raw parameters and calculate some derived model quantities:

params1_summary <- summary(params1)

In adding age structure, we need to make sure the methods that calculate these derived quantities (get_r, get_R0, get_Gbar) are updated.

get_R0(params1, components=TRUE)

There are two methods for get_R0: "analytical" and "kernel". The kernel approach seems flexible (though may require changes to get_kernel_moments), while "analytical" is hard-coded.

Initial conditions

state1 <- make_state(params=params1)

Will need to update make_state by adding a new model type that has the correct list of compartment names for the initial conditions.

Simulate a model

sdate <- "2020-Feb-10"
edate <- "2020-Jun-1"

res1 <- run_sim(params=params1, state=state1, start_date=sdate, end_date=edate)

Key step seems to be use of thin(), for which I cannot find any documentation... In thin() we see a do.call on run_sim_range with parameters/states declared using an object constructed with nlist.

plot_grid(plot(res1, log=TRUE), ## logarithmic
          plot(res1)) ## linear

Abbreviated call list

When run_sim gets called when has_age(params) == TRUE, here are roughly the major functions that get run (in order):

          beta_vec = make_beta*
          foi <- beta_vec %*% state

Time-varying parameters

Here's a base sim with time-varying $\beta$, taken from the getting started vignette:

time_pars <- data.frame(Date=c("2020-04-02"),
base_res_time <- run_sim(update(base_params,
                                beta0 = 1),
                         params_timevar = time_pars,
                         start_date = "2020-04-01",
                         end_date = "2020-06-01",
                         ndt = 20,

plot(base_res_time, condense=FALSE)

The new argument ndt determines the number of steps to take between each saved time step and ensures a smoother result (no over-step errors leading to negative states).

In the run_sim code, we have the following comment:

## FIXME: so far still assuming that params only change foi
## if we change another parameter we will have to recompute M

At this point in the code, M has been computed, and the params list has been updated with the the time-varying parameter (if we hit a switch time). params is a copy of the original parameter set (stored as params0); params0 never gets updated. The next command that gets executed is:

 resList[[i]] <- drop_last(
                            , state
                            , nt=(times[i+1]-times[i]+1)*ndt
                            , dt=dt/ndt
                            , M
                            , use_ode
                            , ratemat_args
                            , step_args
                            , ode_args

So the original M and the updated params are fed in to run_sim_range(), which then calls do_step(), where update_ratemat() is called with both params and M before the step is done. In update_ratemat(), we have the following line:

ratemat[pfun("S","E",ratemat)]  <- update_foi(state,params,make_beta(state,params))

(M is labelled as ratemat in the scope of update_ratemat()). So the FOI will be updated in ratemat here since make_beta() remakes the beta value (or vector) from specs in params. Hence the note about non-FOI params not being updated with the params_timevar functionality.

However, ageified transmission already works within this framework, so params_timevar should just work here...


Looking at macpan_base/code/breaks_calibrate_vac.R to better understand the calibration process as it's currently being done. Here's an abbreviated stack:

  1. Set up inputs, including province name, population, whether or not to use DE optim, how many cores to use for parallelization, start date, variables (to fit over?), and break dates.
  2. Use fix_pars() to adjust given parameters based on target values for epidemic moments (e.g. R0 and mean generation interval length, Gbar)
  3. Set up opt_pars (parameters we want to fit optimally given the observed data): in this script, the three opt_pars are log_beta0, rel_beta0, and rel_vacc.
  4. Initialize priors (seems to be just rel_vac... are there internal defaults for log_beta0 and rel_beta0?)
  5. Set up df to store fits depending on start and end date
  6. Some setup for Nelder-Mead optimization
  7. Run the calibration with calibrate()
  8. Save results

bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.