

Email from Mike

Hi Steve,

When I am running MacPan for PHAC, the parameters I am estimating are just beta0 and its relative values (i.e. piecewise time-varying relative scales at different time points where a policy was in place or release). Right now I am only calibrating to daily reported cases, so estimating betas are sufficient for now.

I only have vaccination in the model and NO age structure or testing status. Irena developed the stratification, but she doesn't really run them.

I don't know how much effort it is to optimize Irena's stratification code, because it was not written in an optimized way. It was written in a convenient way for her and for her to debug.

I would recommend sitting down and draw out the design/architect of MacPan before heading in different rabbit holes to repatch with better code. Also making this more modular would help. Let me know how I can help and always happy to sit in these meetings.


bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.