

Dependence of State Transition Rates on Parameters and State Variables

Currently MacPan developers specify new models by writing R code that transforms parameters and state variables into state transition rates (make_ratemat, update_ratemat). As we build more of MacPan in C++ we would like to maintain the ability of epidemiologically-focused developers to define new models in R as much as possible. At the same time we would like to have C++ developers focused on computational efficiency rather than details of epidemiological models. In order to achieve this separation of concerns, we will need to formalize a spec for a general model of how state transition rates depend on parameters and state variables. This spec will make it easier for the two types of developers to work together. We will version this spec so that we can build it in steps, making sure that we don’t over-engineer it.

This is a working document that provides background on current thinking, spec definitions, and a roadmap for planning and remembering details that are not yet sorted out. Over time items from the roadmap will move into defined spec versions. To update it use make from this folder.

Versioned Model Specs

Using semantic versioning All versions of the spec that have not been implemented in a released McMasterPandemic R package have pre-release -alpha identifiers (


Summary of Capabilities (0.0.1-alpha)

Update the elements of a rate matrix on the TMB/C++ side using a restricted set of operations. The update formula must be specified separately for each element.

Assumptions (0.0.1-alpha)

Interface (0.0.1-alpha)

Users can define the structure of a rate matrix with a list of expressions, each determining the parameter and state dependence of a single non-zero rate matrix element. The formulas allow the following operations:

Data Structure (0.0.1-alpha)

Five integer vectors must be passed to TMB to define a rate matrix model

Each of the elements of three of these vectors correspond to each of the non-zero elements of the rate matrix. These three vectors are defined as follows.


In-Development Model Specs


Warm Up Rate Matrix Model

Allow each element of the rate matrix to depend on products of parameters (or their complements).

Let M = [Mi, j] be the rate matrix and θ = [θk] be the parameter vector. The elements of M are functions of the elements of θ. The dependence of M on θ can only take certain forms. In particular, each element of M is a product of zero or more elements of θ or their complements (i.e. 1 − θ). Here are some examples:

In general,

Mi, j = ∏kθkxijk(1−θk)yijk

where xijk (or yijk) is one if Mi, j depends on θk (or 1 − θk) and zero otherwise. Note that these x and y numbers define the dependence of M on θ, and are constants that do not change throughout a simulation.

This model allows one to compute simple rate matrix structure where the elements of the rate matrix are simply parameters. An example in MacPan is the following.

afun("Ia", "R", gamma_a)

This model also allows products of parameters and complements of parameters, such as this example from MacPan.

afun("Is", "ICUs", (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2) * gamma_s)

More General Rate Matrix Model

Motivation for generalization

The above warm up model is too restrictive for some rate matrix elements, with the most important example being the force of infection. Here is a definition of the force of infection that is equivalent (I think) to what MacPan uses (at least in some cases).

afun("S", "E", sum(state[c("Ia", "Ip", "Im", "Is")] 
  * beta0 
  * c(Ca, Cp, (1 - iso_m) * Cm, (1 - iso_s) * Cs) 
  / N))

To accommodate such force of infection updates and others, we define a more general model that allows the following additional operations.

  1. state variables can be used, in addition to parameters
  2. parameters and state variables can be inverted, in addition to complements
  3. products of parameters, state variables, and their inverses and complements can be added together

User Interface

Users can define the structure of a rate matrix with a list of expressions, each determining the parameter and state dependence of a non-zero rate matrix element. For example,

  # recovery
  rate(from = "Ia", to = "R",    
       formula = ~ (gamma_a)),
  # hospitalizations
  rate(from = "Is", to = "ICUs", 
       formula = ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2) * (gamma_s)),
  # force of infection
  rate(from = "S",  to = "E",
       formula = ~ 
         (Ia) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Ca) + 
         (Ip) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cp) + 
         (Im) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cm) * (1-iso_m) + 
         (Is) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cs) * (1-iso_m)),

The formulas allow the following operations:


The utilities.R file in the folder for this document contains some prototype functions for this approach. Using them we illustrate how rate matrix structure can be flexibly described by the user.


## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

## Attaching package: 'MASS'

## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     select

rs = mk_ratemat_struct(
  rate("E", "Ia", ~ (alpha) * (sigma)),
  rate("E", "Ip", ~ (1 - alpha) * (sigma)),
  rate("Ia", "R", ~ (gamma_a)),
  rate("Ip", "Im", ~ (mu) * (gamma_p)),
  rate("Ip", "Is", ~ (1 - mu) * (gamma_p)),
  rate("Im", "R", ~ (gamma_m)),
  rate("Is", "H", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (phi1) * (gamma_s)),
  rate("Is", "ICUs", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2) * (gamma_s)),
  rate("Is", "ICUd", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (1 - phi1) * (phi2) * (gamma_s)),
  rate("Is", "D", ~ (nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s)),
  rate("ICUs", "H2", ~ (psi1)), ## ICU to post-ICU acute care
  rate("ICUd", "D", ~ (psi2)), ## ICU to death
  rate("H2", "R", ~ (psi3)), ## post-ICU to discharge
  ## H now means 'acute care' only; all H survive & are discharged
  #list(from = "H", to = "D", formula = ~ 0),
  rate("H", "R", ~ (rho)), ## all acute-care survive
  rate("Is", "X", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (phi1) * (gamma_s)), ## assuming that hosp admissions mean *all* (acute-care + ICU)
  # force of infection
  rate("S",  "E", ~
         (Ia) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Ca) +
         (Ip) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cp) +
         (Im) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cm) * (1-iso_m) +
         (Is) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cs) * (1-iso_m))

# sanity check:
  c(do_step2(state, M, params, rs)),
  c(do_step(state, params, M, do_hazard = FALSE, do_exponential = FALSE))

## [1] TRUE

We can parse this structure to produce information about how to update the elements of the rate matrix. First, all of the factors over all rate matrix entries in this model can be displayed.


##             var compl invrs sim_updt opt_updt var_indx factor_indx
## 1         alpha FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       20           1
## 2         sigma FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       21           2
## 3         alpha  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       20           3
## 4       gamma_a FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       22           4
## 5            mu FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       28           5
## 6       gamma_p FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       25           6
## 7            mu  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       28           7
## 8       gamma_m FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       23           8
## 9  nonhosp_mort  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       31           9
## 10         phi1 FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       34          10
## 11      gamma_s FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       24          11
## 12         phi1  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       34          12
## 13         phi2  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       35          13
## 14         phi2 FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       35          14
## 15 nonhosp_mort FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       31          15
## 16         psi1 FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       36          16
## 17         psi2 FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       37          17
## 18         psi3 FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       38          18
## 19          rho FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       26          19
## 20           Ia FALSE FALSE     TRUE     TRUE        3          20
## 21        beta0 FALSE FALSE    FALSE     TRUE       15          21
## 22            N FALSE  TRUE    FALSE    FALSE       29          22
## 23           Ca FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       16          23
## 24           Ip FALSE FALSE     TRUE     TRUE        4          24
## 25           Cp FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       17          25
## 26           Im FALSE FALSE     TRUE     TRUE        5          26
## 27           Cm FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       18          27
## 28        iso_m  TRUE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       32          28
## 29           Is FALSE FALSE     TRUE     TRUE        6          29
## 30           Cs FALSE FALSE    FALSE    FALSE       19          30

Here is an example where this input,

rs$Ip_to_Is[c('from', 'to', 'formula')]

## $from
## [1] "Ip"
## $to
## [1] "Is"
## $formula
## ~(1 - mu) * (gamma_p)

parses as this,


##       var compl invrs prod_indx sim_updt opt_updt var_indx factor_indx
## 1      mu  TRUE FALSE         1    FALSE    FALSE       28           7
## 2 gamma_p FALSE FALSE         1    FALSE    FALSE       25           6

More generally, all elements of a ratemat-struct object are rate-struct objects and contain the following elements:


## [1] "from"            "to"              "formula"         "factors"        
## [5] "ratemat_indices"

The from and to elements give the name of the associated states, formula gives the expression determining the rate, factors gives a data frame where each row is a factor (as defined above) required to compute the rate, and ratemat_indices gives the row and column index of the rate in the rate matrix.

Mathematical Model Description

We make a series of transformations from the state vector and parameter vector to the rate matrix, M. We concatenate the state vector and parameter vector into a single variable vector called v. We define two intermediate vectors as well: the factor vector, u, and the product vector, w. At a high level we take the elements of the variable vector into the non-zero elements of the rate matrix as follows. v → u → w → M

The factor vector, u, is a function of the variable vector, v. The dependence is simple in that each scalar element of the factor vector can be one of the following.

In the future we can generalize this by adding more operations, but for now identity, complement, and inverse should get us pretty far – although it will make age structure awkward given that such problems are more naturally handled with matrix operations like Kronecker products and sweeps.

The product vector, w, is a function of u. The dependence is simple in that each element of the product vector is the product of one or more elements of the factor vector, u.

The non-zero elements of the rate matrix, M, can be any one of the following.

Explicitly expressing the force of infection in terms of this model we have.

v = [Ia,Ip,Im,Is,β0,Ca,Cp,Cm,Cs,isom,isos,N]

u = [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,1−v10,1−v11,1/v12]

w = [u1u5u6u12,u2u5u7u12,u3u5u10u8u12,u4u5u11u9u12]

And the non-zero element of M determining the rate of flow from S to E is the sum of the elements in the product vector, w. Typically this summation will be taken over a subset of the elements of the products vector, but we simplified this example to include only elements that are involved in the force of infection computation.


Common Factors

It should be possible to express the force of infection in this way:

(beta0) * (1/N) * (
  (Ia) * (Ca) +
  (Ip) * (Cp) +
  (Im) * (Cm) * (1-iso_m) +
  (Is) * (Cs) * (1-iso_m))

Rather than this way:

(Ia) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Ca) +
(Ip) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cp) +
(Im) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cm) * (1-iso_m) +
(Is) * (beta0) * (1/N) * (Cs) * (1-iso_m)

Avoid Copying on the R-Side

Although the overall motivation for this work is to facilitate C++/TMB refactoring, it would be good to have the R-side version as efficient as possible.


Could be convenient to just allow users to hard code constant rate matrix entries in the rate matrix structure. This is an example from MacPan.

afun("H", "D", 0)

I’m surprised this is necessary though because I have been assuming that unspecified rate matrix elements imply zero.

Regex Matching

Not thinking about this at all, but probably should. For example, could pfun return multiple rate matrix positions? If so that would screw up the current index machinery.

Parameters to optimize vs other parameters

Because of how TMB is used to produce objective functions for optimization, the parameters to optimize/calibrate must be separated from the other parameters. Currently I have ignored this complexity, but I think we don’t need to think about it until we actually implement this on the C++ side. This separation of parameters will still need to be done thoughtfully though, because it might have implications for accessing memory efficiently during simulation steps.

Index Permutations

Permutation of the parameter, state, and factor vectors for computational efficiency. We don’t want to have to sum together products that depend on elements of the state vector that are far apart from each other in memory. This is similar to permutations of sparse matrices in the Matrix package and Eigen.

Made some progress here – we can visualize the dependence of state transition rates on variables (either parameters or state variables) by plotting a heat map with transitions on one axis and variables on the other. The colour of the heatmap depends on the number of times a variable appears in the expression for the transition rate.

m = as.matrix(rs)

## Warning in mask$eval_all_mutate(quo): NAs introduced by coercion

## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'var'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

ca = corresp(m)
heatmap(m[order(ca$rscore), order(ca$cscore)], 
        Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, scale = "none")

I’ve ordered the axes using correspondence analysis, which is a statistical technique for finding block structure in matrices. Block structure might be relevant because such structure means that we can access parameters in chunks, which could be useful for optimizing on the C++ side.

Time Varying Parameters

The model above does not consider time varying parameters, but this will need to be done obviously. My current sense is that for break-point-style parameter changes should be handled when we separate parameters to be optimized from the other parameters (see above). Log-linear-style parameter changes, should probably be handled when we introduce model specification in terms of matrices and vectors (see below).

Now that I’ve read the MacPan manuscript I feel better about the log-linear model of the transmission rate, β. A generalization to something beyond the transmission rate is the following.

log (θi(t)) = log (θi(0)) + Xc

Each row of X corresponds to … TODO

Model Specification in Terms of Matrices and Vectors

The model above treats all parameters and state variables as scalars. But in many cases it is more natural to consider vector- and matrix-valued parameters and states. For example, the contact matrix (pmat) that is used by MacPan in models of age-structure.

As far as I can tell models such as age structure could be defined in terms of the model above (because matrix operations are composed of products and sums of products), but it would just require large numbers of tedious entries. There are two ways around this tedium. First, we could add matrix operations to the list of allowable operations in the rate matrix update model. Second, we could create convenience model-specification utilities that would automatically expand to the notation used in the above model. I’m not sure which one I like better, but the first one could take advantage of sparse matrix optimizations from Eigen etc. On the other hand, maybe we can get similar performance with smart index permutations on the R-side?

One issue with the first option is that there is only one kind of scalar multiplication, but several kinds of matrix multiplication – so we can’t just overload the * operator (although we probably should as is done in col_multiply) and will need to introduce explicit matrix operators (e.g. %*%, %x%). An issue with Kronecker-type operations (as are used in age-structured models) is that they often involve matrix transposing.

There are some relevant notes on this topic here:

Steve’s Notes on Meeting with Ben (2021-08-09)

bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.