
#' Translate S2 L2A products
#' Translate an S2 L2A scene into other raster format.
#' @param S2_safe Chr. S2 SAFE folder (S2A_USER_PRD_MSIL2A_PDMC_....SAFE)
#' @param band Chr[]. Band to extract, see \code{\link{S2_bands}}.
#' @param resolution Num[]. Resolutions in m, allowed: 10, 20, 60.
#' @param granules Chr[]. Granules to translate, prefixes with 'T' (e.g. 'T32ULD'), 'all' for all granules in the product (see \link{https://sentinel.esa.int/documents/247904/1955685/S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml})
#' @param filename Chr. Output filename; will be automatically suffixed with granuleID, band name and resolution
#' @param sep Chr. Seperator for suffixed filenames
#' @param ... Additional arguments as for \code{\link{gdal_translate}}, not allowed: a_srs, a_ullr.
#' @return Named list of Chr[], containing the filenames. List names are granule identifiers.
#' @author Benjamin Brede
#' @export
#' @import raster
#' @import gdalUtils
#' @import tools
#' @examples 
#' # select appropriate GDAL installtion that can read JPG2000
#' gdal_setInstallation('/usr/bin/', rescan = TRUE)
#' S2 <- 'S2A_USER_PRD_MSIL2A_PDMC_20151001T124224_R008_V20151001T104705_20151001T104705.SAFE'
#' # use co argument to pass creation options for GTiff files (as in gdal_translate)
#' # use a_nodata argument to set NoData value
#' S2_L2A_translate(S2, band = c('B04', 'B8A'), resolution = 20, granules = 'T31UFU', 'test.tif', co = c('COMPRESS=LZW'), a_nodata = 0)  

S2_L2A_translate <- function(S2_safe, band, resolution = c(10, 20, 60), granules = 'all', filename, sep = '_', ...) {
  s2_meta <- S2_L2A_meta(S2_safe)
  available_granules <- names(s2_meta)
  # granules to process
  if (granules[1] == 'all') {
    proc_granules <- available_granules
  } else {
    proc_granules <- intersect(available_granules, granules)
  # process per granule
  out <- lapply(proc_granules, function(g) {
    granule_meta <- s2_meta[[g]]
    # granule folder
    granule_path <- file.path(S2_safe, 'GRANULE', granule_meta$Granule_Name)
    if (!dir.exists(granule_path))
      stop('Granule folder does not exist: ', granule_path)
    out_list <- lapply(band, function(b) {
      lapply(resolution, function(r) {
        img_file <- file.path(granule_path,
                              subset(granule_meta$Image_names, Band == b & Resolution == r)$File)
        if (!file.exists(img_file))
          stop('Image file not found: ', img_file)
        mod_filename <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(filename), sep, g, sep, b, sep, r, 'm.', file_ext(filename))
        # granule_meta$Geoinfo is data.frame
        geoinfo <- subset(granule_meta$Geoinfo, Resolution == r)
        # target extent in GDAL conform vector c(ulx,uly,lrx,lry)
        te <- c(geoinfo$ULX,
                geoinfo$ULX + r * geoinfo$NCOLS,
                geoinfo$ULY - r * geoinfo$NROWS)
          # assign CRS and extent
          gdal_translate(src_dataset = img_file, 
                         dst_dataset = mod_filename, 
                         a_srs = paste0('+init=', granule_meta$EPSG),
                         a_ullr = te,
        error = function(e) stop('GDAL could not translate file: ', img_file, '\nGDAL says: ', e))
  # assign granule names to list elements
  names(out) <- proc_granules
bbrede/S2utils documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:31 p.m.